Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Akashi (明石) is an illustrator and animator who has been active since 2019. They are well known for creating Niru Kajitsu's music videos. One of their most famous works is "Traffic Jam", which has garnered over 12 million views on YouTube.

This artist does not allow their works to be reprinted or reposted, and AI-generated versions of their works are prohibited.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Haine to Kleine" (ハイネとクライネ)
(Haine & Kleine)
flower Dec 31, 2019 video
"Heaven Dope" (ヘブンドープ) flower and Niru Kajitsu Aug 19, 2022 illustration, video
"Ironina" (アイロニーナ) flower Jun 18, 2021 video
"Kurai Nagara" (喰らいながら) Hatsune Miku Apr 7, 2021 video
"Strange Hues" (ストレンジヒューズ) flower Nov 21, 2021 video
"Traffic Jam" (トラフィック・ジャム) flower Aug 12, 2019 video
"YOMI" flower Nov 25, 2022 special thanks