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Ayo bermain IA Yuki
Song title
English: Let's Play
Original Upload Date
March 9, 2015
IA and Kaai Yuki
Bakabento, Artvelous (music, lyrics)
YouTube Broadcast


Indonesian Official English
Halo siapakah kamu Hello, who are you
Ng... aku murid pindahan Um ... I'm a transfer student
Ayo main dengan kami Come play with us
(janganlah kau malu malu) (don't you be shy)
Ayo mendekat kemari Come here
Tapi kusenang sendiri But i'd like to be alone
Sendiri tak buat kita hepi Being alone doesn’t make us happy

Hei kamu anak pindahan Hey you transfer student
kenapa sendirian why are you alone
ayo lekas kau kesini Come here quickly
(basa basi basa basi) (chit chat chit chat)
Disini kita punya macam macam permainan we have a lot of games here
pasti seru seru definitely exciting and fun
(kau takkan merasa bosan) (you will not get bored)

Tak suka ku bermain I don't like to play
Tak suka ku disini I don't like it here
Tak suka ku denganmu I don't like you
(Kamu jahat Kamu jahat) (You're mean you’re mean)
Kulihat kau bermain I see you playing
kulihat kau bercanda I see you joking
Kenapa kau begitu? Why are you like that?
(Sini sini sini sini) (Here here here here)

Berlari lari melompat Running and jumping
kejar aku kejar aku chase me chase me
jangan lari jangan lari don't run don't run
tertawa canda bersama laughing and joking together

Hihihihihi Hi hi hi hi hi,
kamu tertawa you're laughing,
bukan begitu no it's not like that,
Kamu malu malu you're being shy,
Tidak tidak no no,
Kamu itu memang lucu you are, really funny,

Mari bermain (Main bersama) let's play (play together)
bersama sama (Riang Gembira) together (joyfully)
Main cilukba (Nyanyahahaha) play peek-a-boo (nya nya, ha ha ha)
Sendiri tak buat kita hepi being alone does not make us happy

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