Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

AO (Aonoe) is an illustrator who has been active since 2010. Apart from making illustrations, they occasionally write lyrics and make videos.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"*flowery fairy*" Hatsune Miku Oct 18, 2011 illustration
"+ID" Megurine Luka Nov 11, 2011 illustration, video
"1000 no Kioku" (1000の記憶) GUMI Jul 13, 2011 illustration
"6th." Megurine Luka Dec 21, 2010 illustration

(Arcylic Mix)
"720°" Hatsune Miku May 2, 2011 illustration
"a balance" Megurine Luka May 7, 2010 illustration
"A Light" Hatsune Miku Feb 22, 2011 lyrics, illustration
"Ai Kizuna" (アイキズナ) Megurine Luka Apr 24, 2012 illustration
"Ai no Oto" (アイノオト) Kagamine Rin Aug 20, 2010 illustration
"Airen=Temptation" (愛戀=Temptation) GUMI and Hatsune Miku Jun 19, 2012 video, illustration
"Aspirin" Megurine Luka Aug 11, 2011 illustration, video
"Asymmetry" Hatsune Miku Jan 24, 2013 illustration
"Brella" Megurine Luka Jul 13, 2010 illustration
"Crescent Mark" Megurine Luka Sep 13, 2010 illustration
"Dear BJ" Kagamine Rin
Kagamine Len (chorus)
Jul 1, 2010 illustration
"Dive Drop" GUMI Sep 12, 2012 illustration, movie
"En-counteRED" Megurine Luka Jan 15, 2012 video, illustration
"Ever My..." Hatsune Miku Append May 23, 2010 Illustration
"God spell" Megurine Luka Jun 10, 2015 illustration, video
"GravitoN" Megurine Luka Oct 30, 2012 lyrics, illustration
"GravityRain" Hatsune Miku Aug 27, 2015 illustration, video
"Haruka" (遥歌) Hatsune Miku Mar 12, 2014 illustration, video
"Houkou≒Emotion" (咆哮≒Emotion) Hatsune Miku Jun 6, 2014 illustration
"hypnoSpirA" Megurine Luka Aug 08, 2012 lyrics, video
"IDEMATIC" Megurine Luka Jun 17, 2011 illustration, video
"If" Megurine Luka Mar 10, 2011 illustration
"Isolation" Megurine Luka Apr 22, 2022 illustration
"Joker Smiles." Hatsune Miku Feb 13, 2012 illustration, video
"Kagerou≒Variation" (影炎≒Variation) IA Jan 28, 2013 illustration, video
"Kihatsusei Kotodama" (揮発性言霊) Hatsune Miku Sep 14, 2011 illustration
"Kokoronokori" (心残り) GUMI Mar 20, 2013 illustration
"Kotoba≧Imitation" (言葉≧Imitation) GUMI Sep 28, 2012 illustration
"Kuroneko" (黒猫) GUMI Mar 14, 2013 illustration, video
"Leave" GUMI Jun 26, 2013 illustration, video
"Licorice to Narcolepsy" (リコリスとナルコレプシイ) Hatsune Miku Feb 25, 2013 illustration
"Loto" Hatsune Miku Sep 13, 2013 video, illustration
"Misemono Life" (見世物ライフ) Megurine Luka Jul 17, 2012 illustration, video
"Monochrome Pastel" (モノクロパステル) Hatsune Miku Aug 30, 2011 illustration, video
"Mugen Hakai" (夢幻破壊) Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Oct 31, 2011 illustration, video
"My worth is death" Hatsune Miku Append Feb 10, 2011 illustration
"Negai" (ねがい) Hatsune Miku Append Oct 4, 2014 illustration, video
"Nemesis" Megurine Luka Jun 10, 2022 illustration
"NEXT STAGE" Megurine Luka Oct 12, 2011 lyrics, video
"Nijiiro Town" (虹色タウン) Megurine Luka Sep 19, 2010 illustration
"Now Hold Me" Megurine Luka Sep 16, 2010 illustration
"Omoide Memory" (想い出メモリー) GUMI May 17, 2011 video
"Pelagic fish" Megurine Luka Jan 10, 2012 lyrics, illustration, video
"Re:bright" Megurine Luka Mar 31, 2011 illustration
"Restart" (リスタート) Lily V3 Jun 29, 2012 illustration
"Re・main" Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku Jul 2, 2010 illustration
"Russian "Rule"ttE" Hatsune Miku Oct 15, 2012 illustration
"Sacred Secret" Megurine Luka May 17, 2011 illustration, video
"SAYONARA" Hatsune Miku Apr 28, 2014 illustration, video
"Shinkyou⇒Exclamation!" (神教⇒Exclamation!) Hatsune Miku Aug 7, 2014 illustration, video
"Silence" (サイレンス) Hatsune Miku Nov 10, 2010 illustration
"Soleil" Hatsune Miku Oct 4, 2013 illustration, video
"StarCrew" GUMI Extend Feb 7, 2012 video
"The Flight of Destiny" GUMI Jun 8, 2011 illustration
"Un-Lock" Megurine Luka Jun 3, 2023 illustration
"Vanity/MuryokuP" Megurine Luka Mar 2, 2024 illustration
"///unknown///" Megurine Luka Jun 24, 2010 illustration
"White Moment" Lily Jul 18, 2011 illustration, video
"Witch" Megurine Luka Aug 5, 2023 illustration