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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
8HIT Jesus-P
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 19, 2011
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Jesus-P (music, lyrics)
Monako (illustration, video)
700,000+ (NN), 590,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Singer Rin Len Both
Japanese Romaji English
そろそろ覚悟してください。 soro soro kakugo shite kudasai. Please begin to prepare yourself!
ねえ。 Nee. OK?

自信を確信にするプロセスが jishin o kakushin ni suru purosesu ga The process of turning self-confidence into true conviction,
きっと力になって kitto chikara ni natte Will definitely make me stronger!
次の技を身につけるステージへ tsugi no waza o mi ni tsukeru suteeji e Time to level up and master
押し上げて oshiagete The next technique!

「精神論や気合いは当然」 "seishinron ya kiai wa touzen" Mind over Matter and Fighting Spirit are naturally expected,
「キレにスピード、重さも肝心。」 "kire ni supiido, omosa mo kanjin." Blinding speed is also essential!
必修事項が多すぎないか? hisshuu jikou ga oosuginai ka? Aren’t there too many requirements?
先輩、ちょっと疲れました。 senpai, chotto tsukaremashita. Senpai, I’ve become a little tired…

強くなればセカイは変わる? tsuyoku nareba sekai wa kawaru? If I become strong, will I change the world?
この手で掴めるかな? kono te de tsukameru ka na? Is this the way I will finally grasp it?
いくぜ! iku ze! Let’s go!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!
朝から晩まで修行したんで asa kara ban made shugyou shita nde Training from morning to night!
俊敏さならまかせてちょうだい shunbin sa nara makasete choudai If it’s agility we’re talking about, leave it to me!
一切手加減しないで issai tekagen shinaide Don’t you dare go easy on me!

そう心頭滅却 火もまた涼し sou shintou mekkyaku hi mo mata suzushi If you clear your mind, even fire is cold!
耐えがたきを耐え忍んだんで taegataki o taeshinonda nde You can bear the unbearable!
超人的なタフさも売りよ choujinteki na tafu sa mo uri yo Superhuman toughness is the selling point!
ちょっとやそっとじゃ倒れない chotto ya sotto ja taorenai Don’t begin to falter!
ほら hora Hey now!

疑心を器量で埋めるプラクティスが gishin o kiryou de umeru purakutisu ga Practice wiping that weak look off your face,
きっと力になって kitto chikara ni natte And you will definitely become stronger!
心の目で善悪が見えてくる kokoro no me de zenaku ga miete kuru Good and evil will be revealed to your mind’s eye!

組み手のイメトレとかも慣れてきた kumite no imetore to ka mo narete kita Getting used to sparring at a 1 meter distance,
ちょっと余裕じゃんね chotto yoyuu jan ne It’s a little close, isn’t it?
もっと手ごわい相手を出してみて motto tegowai aite o dashite mite I want to try out stronger and stronger opponents!
いざ勝負! iza shoubu! Come! Let’s fight!

(上段、下段と蹴りで崩して‥) (joudan, gedan to keri de kuzushite..) (Kicks will come at you from above and below..)
(左抜き手でお命頂戴‥) (hidari nukite de o inochi choudai..) (This left-handed blow will take your life..)
必殺キックが効かないなんて! hissatsu kikku ga kikanai nante! This sure-to-kill kick is ineffective! What?!
コイツ‥ちょっと強すぎじゃね? koitsu.. chotto tsuyosugi ja ne? This one is pretty strong, isn’t she?

連戦連勝とはいかないね。 rensen renshou to wa ikanai ne. I won’t let you go on a winning streak!
とても無理なこと totemo muri na koto That is completely unacceptable!
あなたを超える為に anata o koeru tame ni For the sake of surpassing you,
明日から毎日、修行だぜ! ashita kara mainichi, shugyou da ze! Starting tomorrow I will be training everyday!

いくぜ! iku ze! Let’s go!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!
朝から晩まで修行したんで asa kara ban made shugyou shita nde Training from morning to night!
俊敏さならまかせてちょうだい shunbin sa nara makasete choudai If it’s agility we’re talking about, leave it to me!
一切手加減なしだぜ! issai tekagen nashi da ze! Don’t you dare go easy on me!

すでに心頭滅却 火もまた涼し sude ni shintou mekkyaku hi mo mata suzushi If you clear your mind, even fire is cold!
耐えがたきを耐え忍んだんで taegataki o taeshinonda nde You can bear the unbearable!
超人的なタフさも売りよ chou jinteki na tafu sa mo uri yo Superhuman toughness is the selling point!
ちょっとやそっとじゃ倒れない chotto ya sotto ja taorenai Don’t begin to falter! Hey now!

まだまだ mada mada We’re not done!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!
打ちのめされても明日に着地 uchinomesarete mo ashita ni chakuchi I will take you down tomorrow as well!
能ある鷹も爪むき出して nou aru taka mo tsume mukidashite This skilled hawk will bear her talons!
一切手加減しません issai tekagen shimasen I won’t go easy on you!

ほら hora Hey now!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!
年がら年中修行したんで nengara nenjuu shugyou shita nde I’ve been training all year-round!
期待通りに仕上がりました。 kitai doori ni shiagarimashita. I’ve achieved my desired results,
そろそろ覚悟してください。 soro soro kakugo shite kudasai. Please begin to prepare yourself!

ねえ。 nee. OK?

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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