Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

852wa (852話, hakoniwa), also known by the aliases of 六P, rokulocu, and meola, is a producer and illustrator. As meola, they are notable for working on several illustrations with Yuyoyuppe in the years 2008-2013. As 852wa, they have written several songs featuring several CeVIO vocal synths. According to their X (Twitter) bio, they are now focused on uploading AI-produced works.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"-ELIS-" Megurine Luka Jan 16, 2010 illustration
"7/8" Megurine Luka Nov 19, 2009 illust
"A Song For Your Melodion" Hatsune Miku Oct 22, 2009 illustration
"AGAINST" GUMI Nov 17, 2009 movie
"Ai no Esa" (愛の餌) Kaai Yuki and Hanakuma Chifuyu Nov 9, 2023 music, lyrics
"Aisuru Keshiki ni" (愛する景色に) Hatsune Miku Feb 8, 2008 illustration
"Akai Ame" (赤い雨) GUMI Aug 2, 2009 illustration
"Albino" (アルビノ) Hatsune Miku Jan 24, 2010 video
"Allegra" (アレグラ) Kagamine Rin Nov 11, 2011 video
"ALONE" Megurine Luka Dec 15, 2009 illustration, video
"Amaoto Petrichor" (雨音ペトリコール) Hatsune Miku Apr 27, 2015 illustration
"Ambiguous Journey" Hatsune Miku Append Nov 2, 2010 PV
"Anemone" (アネモネ) Hatsune Miku Dec 27, 2011 illustration
"Ano Natsu no Ne ga" (あの夏の音が) Hatsune Miku Feb 27, 2022 illustration, video
"Anything But Love" GUMI V3 Adult Feb 2, 2012 illustration
"Aoi Hana" (青い花) Hatsune Miku Oct 20, 2009 illustration
"Aoiro Rhapsody" (青色ラプソディー) Kagamine Len May 2, 2009 illustration
"Biidama" (ビー玉) Hatsune Miku Jan 8, 2008 illustration
"Black Gold" (ブラックゴールド) Megurine Luka Dec 20, 2010 illustration, video
"Blackout" Hatsune Miku Dec 21, 2009 video
"Blue" Hatsune Miku Jan 5, 2010 illustration
"Boku to Sekai o Tsunagu Iro" (僕と世界をつなぐ色) Hatsune Miku Jul 4, 2009 illustration
"Broken Arms" GUMI May 6, 2010 illustration
N/A "Callin'" Hatsune Miku May 23, 2009 illust
"Can you feel the purple truth" Megurine Luka Sep 17, 2011 illustration
"Canvas" Megurine Luka Nov 3, 2018 illustration
"Cry" Megurine Luka Sep 29, 2010 movie
"CRYONICS" Kagamine Rin Append Power Feb 10, 2011 illustration
"Cuore" (クオーレ) KAFU Oct 8, 2021 illustration
"D.P.C.W" GUMI Aug 26, 2009 illust
"Dahlia" GUMI Nov 24, 2011 illustration
Removed "Dear Audrey" IA May 9, 2013 illustration
"Dear Girl" Hatsune Miku May 2, 2012 illustration
"Decide" Hatsune Miku Mar 31, 2012 illustration
"Despair" Hatsune Miku Jan 25, 2009 illustration
"Distorted" Hatsune Miku Jun 11, 2015 illustration
Album Only "Doors" (ドアーズ) Hatsune Miku Aug 14, 2010 album illustration
"dope disco" Hatsune Miku May 9, 2009 illustration
N/A "Doro" (泥) Megurine Luka Aug 14, 2010 album illustration
"Drain" Hatsune Miku Sep 4, 2009 illust
"Eien no Omoi" (永遠ノ想イ) GUMI Mar 2, 2010 illustration
"Ein" (エイン) Tooda Zisi and Jinza Nov 19, 2019 music, lyrics
"Empty for us." Hatsune Miku Feb 1, 2010 illustration
"EMPTY" Megurine Luka Aug 7, 2009 illust
"Es~dirty aspiration~" Hatsune Miku Oct 29, 2009 illustration
"FAIRYLAND" Hatsune Miku Jan 20, 2008 illustration
N/A "fallin' love at first sight" Hatsune Miku Apr 22, 2009 illust
"Farewell" Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin Jul 31, 2009 illust
"Final Reason" Hatsune Miku Apr 7, 2009 illust
"Flashback" Hatsune Miku Oct 29, 2009 illust
"For a Dead Girl+" Megurine Luka Sep 19, 2009 illustration
"Gerbera" Megurine Luka Nov 16, 2018 illustration
"Hakoniwa Yori" (箱庭より) GUMI Jul 1, 2011 video

"Heartless Moment" Hatsune Miku Oct 28, 2009 illust
"Hello myself" Hatsune Miku May 7, 2010 illustration
"Hidamari no Shi" (陽だまりの詩)
(Song of the Sunny Spot)
Hatsune Miku May 30, 2009 illustration
"Hitotsu Oboe" (ヒトツオボエ) Hatsune Miku Aug 18, 2008 illustration
"Hope" Hatsune Miku Jan 22, 2009 illust
"Hoshi ga Ochita Yoru" (星が落ちた夜) SEKAI Apr 29, 2022 music, lyrics

"Hoshikuzu Utopia" (星屑ユートピア) Megurine Luka Jan 30, 2009 illustration
"I will find a star" GUMI Jul 12, 2011 movie
"Icarus" Megurine Luka Sep 2, 2009 illustration, video
"intermination" Hatsune Miku Oct 15, 2014 illustration
"Iris" IA Jul 31, 2013 illustration
"Jihad?" Megurine Luka Dec 9, 2009 illustration
"Justine Red" (ジュスティーヌ・レッド) Megurine Luka Feb 9, 2009 illustration
"Kachoufuugetsu" (花蝶風月) GUMI Jul 22, 2009 illustration
"Kaibutsu no Bakemono" (カイブツノバケモノ) KAFU Jul 28, 2021 music, lyrics, illustration, video
"Kami no Kotoba" (カミノコトバ) Hatsune Miku Append Aug 15, 2011 movie
"Kanousei to Mirai no Hazama ni Ukabu" (可能性と未来の狭間に浮かぶ) GUMI May 30, 2011 illustration
"Karakuri" (カラクリ) Hatsune Miku Oct 30, 2009 illustration

"Karakuri Shoujo" (カラクリ少女) Hatsune Miku Dec 7, 2008 illustration
"Karefuyou" (枯芙蓉) Hatsune Miku Nov 8, 2009 illustration
N/A "Kimi no Egao o" (君の笑顔を) Hatsune Miku
Mar 22, 2009 illustration
"Kioku no Hako" (記憶ノ箱) Hatsune Miku Nov 10, 2009 illustration
"Kiritotta Shoumei to" (切り取った証明と) Hatsune Miku Append Nov 7, 2012 movie
"Koigokoro" (恋心) KAFU Jul 7, 2021 music, lyrics, illustration
Removed "Kyokkou Nigogo" (極光弐五々) Hatsune Miku Feb 8, 2010 illustration
"L" (エル) IA Feb 14, 2012 illustration
"Last Winter" Hatsune Miku Dec 17, 2009 illust

"Leia" Megurine Luka Dec 31, 2010 illustration, video
"liar liar" Hatsune Miku Apr 19, 2009 illustration
"Life Traveler" Hatsune Miku Oct 14, 2009 illustration
"Light Snow" Hatsune Miku Dec 31, 2008 illust
"Lonely Girl" (ロンリーガール) Hatsune Miku Feb 5, 2010 illustration

"Looking for" Megurine Luka Jan 30, 2009 illustration
"Lost Story" Hatsune Miku Jun 13, 2009 illustration
"Marude Boku no Kokoro o Misukasu "Uta" de Shita" (まるで僕の心を見透かす「うた」でした) IA Aug 8, 2013 illustration
"Meimero" (めいめろ) Hatsune Miku May 2, 2010 illustration
"Meisou Dystopia" (迷走ディストピア)
(Stray in Dystopia)
KAFU Oct 13, 2021 illustration
"Misery" Megurine Luka Oct 5, 2018 illustration, video

"Mode" (モード) Hatsune Miku Mar 4, 2009 illustration
"Monme" (匁) Hatsune Miku Apr 12, 2009 illustration
"Moonwalk de Kaeritai" (ムーンウォークでかえりたい) Hatsune Miku Jan 25, 2010 video
"MOTHER" Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka Oct 18, 2009 video, illust.
N/A "Muddy Creeper" Nene Nene Feb 26, 2010 illustration
"Naraku to Uta" (奈落と唄) Hatsune Miku May 10, 2011 illustration, video, lyrics

"Neko to Schrödinger" (猫とシュレーディンガー)
(The Cat & Schrodinger)
Hatsune Miku Jul 1, 2010 illustration
N/A "NEL" Hatsune Miku Apr 29, 2009 illustration
"Never Die" Megurine Luka Jan 30, 2019 illustration
"Niji to Hikari to Aozora to" (虹と光と青空と) Hatsune Miku Aug 8, 2008 illustration
Album Only "Not Found…" Hatsune Miku Aug 14, 2010 album illustration
"Nyanmoku no Ryoukai" (ニャン黙の了解) Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Rin Aug 7, 2013 video
"one wish" GUMI Jun 25, 2009 illust
"Osorezan Revoir" (恐山ル・ヴォワール) Hatsune Miku Mar 13, 2010 illustration
Album Only "Otokui Ame" (音喰イ雨) Hatsune Miku Nov 15, 2009 illustration
"Palette" Megurine Luka Apr 22, 2009 illustration
"Re-rise" Hatsune Miku Jul 27, 2008 illust

"Reon" Megurine Luka Jun 4, 2012 video
"Rock'n'Roll Riot" Megurine Luka Aug 27, 2013 illustration
"Ryuusei" (流星) Hatsune Miku Jan 13, 2008 illustration
"「S」" Megurine Luka Jul 24, 2009 illustration
"Season" GUMI Sep 13, 2015 illustration
"sending" Hatsune Miku Dec 15, 2008 illustration
"Shape Of My Song" Kagamine Len Aug 3, 2008 illustration
"Shimashima Melody" (しましまメロディ) GUMI Oct 4, 2011 illustration
"Shinzou" (心臓)
(The Heart)
Hatsune Miku Sep 14, 2018 video
"Shion" (シオン) Hatsune Miku Sep 28, 2009 illustration
"Sketch to Beat" (スケッチとビート) KAFU Mar 5, 2022 illustration
"Slow Motion" (スローモーション) Megurine Luka Aug 20, 2009 illustration
(Ken) "Snow Storm" Hatsune Miku
Feb 27, 2010 illustration original
"Sono Shikisai o" (その色彩を) GUMI Sep 21, 2010 illustration
(2022) "SOU" Hatsune Miku
Hatsune Miku and Kagamine Len
SOU: Feb 27, 2009 illust
"Story of Hope" Megurine Luka Sep 25, 2012 illustration, video
"Suffocation" Megurine Luka May 7, 2010 illustration
Album Only "Taiyou" (太陽) Hatsune Miku Aug 14, 2010 album illustration
"Thunder Girl" Megurine Luka Dec 1, 2010 video
"Tokeau Koudou no Naka de" (溶け合う鼓動の中で) IA Aug 5, 2014 illustration
"Toumei na Migite o" (透明な右手を) GUMI Jan 3, 2011 illustration
"transient dream" GUMI Jun 26, 2009 illustration
"Tsuki no Rashinban" (月の羅針盤) GUMI Sep 24, 2009 illustration
"Unchain" Megurine Luka Jun 7, 2009 illust
"Under the Sun" GUMI Extend Power Dec 20, 2011 illustration
"Until Rebirth" Hatsune Miku Sep 24, 2009 illust
"Usotsuki no Tonari de" (嘘吐きの隣で) Hatsune Miku Oct 25, 2010 illustration
"Valkyria" (ヴァルキュリア) GUMI Jun 26, 2009 illustration
"Wanderer" Hatsune Miku Nov 2, 2009 illustration
"Yasashisa o Tojite" (やさしさを閉じて) Hatsune Miku Mar 14, 2009 illustration
"You and beautiful world" Megurine Luka May 22, 2009 illustration
"Yuishinron" (唯心論) Megurine Luka Mar 16, 2014 illustration
"Yume Nikki" (ゆめにっき) Hatsune Miku Append Jan 13, 2013 illustration
"Yume no Owari" (夢の終わり) SEKAI Apr 30, 2022 music, lyrics, illustration
"Yume to Kagerou" (ユメとカゲロウ) Hatsune Miku May 11, 2010 illustration
"Yurare Yurarete Koborete Kieru" (ゆられ ゆられて こぼれて きえる) Megurine Luka Feb 15, 2010 illustration

"Yuugure Nostalgic" (夕暮れノスタルジック) Hatsune Miku Dec 24, 2007 video
Removed "Zetsubou Game" (絶望ゲーム) Hatsune Miku
Dec 18, 2009 illustration
Removed "ZOU" Hatsune Miku Mar 4, 2009 illustration

"【I】" Hatsune Miku Apr 12, 2010 illustration
"#ffffff" Shirataki Ito Jul 12, 2010 illustration
"God Slaying Machine" Hatsune Miku Jan 9, 2009 illustration