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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Nakano4 - 21時
Song title
Romaji: Niijuuichi-ji
English: 21:00
Original Upload Date
October 18, 2013
Momone Momo
nakano4 (music, lyrics)
Rossi (video)
25,000+ (NN), 1,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast


Hazuki no Yume has requested past usages of her translations to be removed. We would normally respect the author's wishes to remove their work. However, given the circumstances under which the request was made, the fact that she previously gave us explicit permission to use her translations (see also Good faith), and the best interest of the fandom, we have decided against removing the translations and only replacing those where another translation of sufficient quality is available. If you have found such a translation and has been checked as accurate, please replace this one or leave a comment with a link to that translation so another editor can replace it.

Japanese Romaji English
回る態度を余す風 mawaru taido o amasu kaze The wind is avoiding the path of the constantly changing attitude.
交わす信号 気付いて kawasu shingou kizuite Look, the lights have changed.
暮れる心臓 乾く喧噪 kureru shinzou kawaku kensou My heart is growing gloomy. The noises are growing dry.
帰りを 待ち 眠る kaeri o machi nemuru I fall asleep as I wait for your return.

踊り出す 回路 odoridasu kairo My circuit has gone haywire.
砕け出す 体温 kudakedasu taion My temperature has turned erratic.

だけど 流れるだけの 日々を dakedo nagareru dake no hibi o But in the days that simply flow by,

君の手が kimi no te ga your hand,
冷めないまま samenai mama always so warm,
掴んでくれるの tsukande kureru no would grasp hold of mine.
その手で sono te de With your hand.

English translation by Hazuki no Yume

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