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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: 2 Daime Enma
English: 2nd-Generation Enma
Original Upload Date
December 14, 2024
Kasane Teto
Yomitan Akane (music, lyrics, illustration, video)
140,000+ (NN), 1,200,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
大変だ!先代閻魔が消えちゃった taihen da! sendai enma ga kiechatta Oh, no! The previous Enma is gone
お陀仏っていうか 遂に嫌んなって odabutsu tte iu ka tsui ni iyannatte He dropped dead- I mean, he just had enough
どっか行っちゃった dokka icchatta and went somewhere else
ごった返す亡者 gotta kaesu mouja The dead are in turmoil
現場は大混乱 genba wa daikonran It’s a pandemonium
可及的速やかに何とかしなくちゃ kakyuuteki sumiyaka ni nan toka shinakucha We have to do something as soon as possible!

何となく選ばれた nan tonaku erabareta Somehow I was chosen
天下のピンチヒッター tenka no pinnchi hittaa to be the pinch hitter for us all
獄卒ん中じゃ正義感持って gokusotsu nnaka ja seigikan motte In the midst of the devils who does labor work[1], I worked with
働いていたが hataraite ita ga a sense of justice within me, but
当然経験ない完全デスクワーク touzen keiken nai kanzen desukuwaaku This is a total desk work that I naturally have 0 experience in
引き継ぎ資料もないまま ただ hikitsugi shiryou mo nai mama tada Having received no handover documents from the previous guy, I just
ジャッジ×3 jajji jajji jajji Judge, judge, judge

一生の種類が多すぎて isshou no shurui ga oosugite There’s just too many kinds of life
モノサシじゃ罪とか測れない monosashi ja tsumi toka hakarenai No ruler can measure any sin
どうせ自分の秤次第なら douse jibunn no hakari shidai nara If it all depends on my own scales
量刑は世の為 改め ryoukei wa yo no tame aratame This sentence is for the sake of the world- scratch that,
我が為 誰の為? wa ga tame dare no tame? For my sake– For whose sake?
あ~めんどい! aa mendoi! Ah~ What a pain!

配慮が足んないから罰 hairyo ga tannai kara batsu Punishment for those who're not being considerate enough
他人を裏切ったから罰 hito o uragitta kara batsu Punishment for those who betrayed another
齟齬を生んだから罰 sogo o undakara batsu Punishment for those who created discord
誰もかれも 前科ウン犯 dare mo kare mo zenka unnpan Every single one of you are convicted criminals
足を引っ張ったから罰 ashi o hippatta kara batsu Punishment for those who sabotaged others
嘘をついたから罰 uso o tsuita kara batsu Punishment for those who told a lie
なんか気に食わないから nanka ki ni kuwanai kara Just because it displeases me, it’s
罰罰罰! batsu batsu batsu! Punishment-ment-ment!

だんだん混乱するジャスティス dandan konran suru jasutisu Little by little, justice wrecks havoc
理想とはどこにあるのか risou towa doko ni arunoka Where has the ideal gone to?
思考を誤魔化すように shikou o gomakasu you ni To misled my thoughts,
煮えたぎる銅を飲まされた nietagiru dou o nomasareta I was forced to drink boiling copper[2]
さんざっぱら sanzappara Thoroughly

いくら裁こうが 減らない大渋滞 ikura sabakouga heranai daijuutai No matter how much I judge, the traffic won’t settle down
たまに引っこ抜いた舌が躍って tamani hikkonuita shita ga odotte Once in a while, the tongues I’ve pulled out would dance about
取っ散らかった tocchirakatta and scatter around
数行に収まった 人生の歴史が suugyou ni osamatta jinsei no rekishi ga The history of life that’s been crammed into a few lines
ベルトコンベアーで今日も運ばれてる beruto konbeaa de kyou mo hakobare teru are moving along with the conveyor belt today too

清くありきれなくて 疲れきった魂は kiyoku arikire nakute tsukarekitta tamashii wa The fatigued soul that can’t be completely pure
鏡に映った真っ赤な顔に kagami ni utsutta makka na kao ni Looks exactly the same as the bright red face
そっくりだった sokkuri datta Reflected in the mirror
至上の私であろうとした結果 shijou no watashi de arou to shita kekka The result of me being the most supreme,
誰もが模倣犯で誰もが dare mo ga mohouhan de dare mo ga Everyone's a copycat, everyone
ジャッジ×3 jajji jajji jajji judge-judge-judges

掬いきれないものだらけ sukui kire nai mono darake All these things are impossible to scoop up
オタオタしてひたすら空回り otaota shite hitasura kara mawari All flustered, I single-mindedly going around in circles
落とした咎こそが otoshita toga koso ga If the very sins they've committed
生きた証拠なら ikita shouko nara are the proof of their existence, then
全力で受け止めるだけ! zenryoku de uketomeru dake! I'll just accept it with my utmost strength!

反感買ったから罰 hankan katta kara batsu Punishment to those who antagonize others
欲がはみ出てるから罰 yoku ga hami deteru kara batsu Punishment to those who overflowed with greed
弱音吐いたから罰 yowane haita kara batsu Punishment to those who whine
いっせーので 前科ウン犯 isseeno de zenka unpan On the count of one and two, you all are convicted criminals
うだうだやかましいから罰 udauda yakamashii kara batsu Punishment to those who nag on and on
見栄を切ったから罰 mie o kitta kara batsu Punishment to those who're a show-offs
次に期待したいから tsugi ni kitai shitai kara I want to see what’s next, so it’s
罰罰罰! batsu batsu batsu! Punishment-ment-ment!

際限ない罪人よ 愛してる! saigen nai zainin yo ai shiteru! Dear boundless of sinners, oh, how I love you so!
過ちは理想のカケラ ayamachi wa risou no kakera Your faults are fragments of the ideal
セットドリンクを飲み干し setto dorinku o nomihoshi Drinking up this drink combo,
今日も元気に 我こそが kyou mo genki ni ware koso ga The one who's in a good mood today too is me,
2代目閻魔 ni daime enma the 2nd-generation Enma!

…とか意気込んで調子こきすぎた toka iki gonde choushi kokisugita …I was too eager and pushed too far
落としに落として otoshi ni otoshite I dropped way too many
八大地獄もキャパオーバー hachi dai jigoku mo kyapa oobaa that even the eight great hells’ capacity is over
双方からの苦情が souhou kara no kujou ga The complaints from both parties
ヒートアップして hiito appu shite heated up,
後釜の判断で裁かれた atogama no handan de sabakareta and I was judged by my successor
タッタ tatta -ratta

English translation by Hiraethie, with edits by Violet and CloveSio

Translation Notes[]

  1. 獄卒 specifically means devils that existed to torture sinners in hell.
  2. Since the Enma is also committing a sin by punishing the dead, they're made to drink boiling copper as a punishment.

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