Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

1:09 (Ichiki) is an illustrator who has collaborated on some VOCALOID works. Their style is characterized by design-like illustration using fluorescent purple and pink.

They belong to R11R Inc.


Links Title Vocalists Date Roles
"Adult Night Mood" (アダルトナイトムード) Hatsune Miku Jul 24, 2020 illustration
"Anomaly" (アノマリィ) Hatsune Miku Oct 13, 2022 illustration
"Bibi" (ビビ) Hatsune Miku May 30, 2023 illustration
"BKBKC" #kzn Aug 7, 2022 illustration
"Dabi" (ダビィ) REML Apr 20, 2024 illustration
"Dance Raider" (ダンスレイダー) flower Apr 1, 2022 illustration
"Desire" Hatsune Miku Oct 15, 2021 illustration
"Fukigen na Kanojo" (フキゲンなカノジョ)
(Morose Girl)
Yamine Renri Oct 14, 2021 illustration
"Gokurakujoudo" (極楽浄土) Kuzuda Rou and null Aug 15, 2022 illustration
"Guu no Ne" (グウノネ) Hatsune Miku Apr 22, 2022 illustration
"Halo, Auvers." (ハロ、オーヴェル。) Hatsune Miku Jun 16, 2023 illustration
"Hantai Shasen Kara Ai o Komete" (反対車線から愛をこめて) Kagamine Len Apr 22, 2022 illustration
"HIGHWAY STAR" Hatsune Miku Jul 21, 2023 illustration
"HOME TOWN" Hatsune Miku Mar 19, 2023 illustration
"i my me" (あいまいみー) Hatsune Miku Dec 21, 2021 illustration
"Internet Love" (インターネット・ラヴ) Hatsune Miku May 25, 2024 illustration
"Jizen Trap" (ジゼントラップ) Hatsune Miku Jan 7, 2022 illustration
"Kabin no Shinzou" (花瓶の心臓)
(a Fragile Heart.)
Gekiyakuβ Mar 15, 2024 illustration
"Kimi wa Boku ni Damasarete Iru" (君は僕に騙されている) Adachi Rei Aug 4, 2023 illustration
"Kowarechatta" (こわれちゃった) Hatsune Miku Mar 3, 2023 illustration
"Kyakuhonka wa Uchuusen ni Noru" (脚本家は宇宙船に乗る)
(A Writer Jumped)
Yuzuki Yukari Aug 5, 2023 illustration
"Lapis" (ラピス) Hatsune Miku Aug 4, 2023 illustration
"Lost Love" (ロストラヴ) Hatsune Miku and flower Apr 22, 2022 illustration
"Love Sad" (ラヴサド) RIME Feb 23, 2024 illustration
"Mad Stepper" (マッドステッパー) flower Oct 8, 2022 illustration
"Meitei" (酩酊) Hatsune Miku Jun 6, 2023 illustration
"Memaigoto" (メマイゴト) Hatsune Miku Dec 28, 2021 illustration
"Meme Girl" (ミームガール) Hatsune Miku Dec 29, 2022 illustration
"Miku-rahen" (ミクらへん) Hatsune Miku Sep 20, 2023 illustration
"Mite Kure" (ミテクレ) REML Jan 12, 2024 illustration
"Monochrome City Lights" (モノクロシティライツ) Hatsune Miku Sep 20, 2019 illustration
"New Me New You" (ニューミーニューユー) Hatsune Miku Jul 8, 2023 illustration
"Nome ya Utae ya!" (呑メヤ唄エヤ!) Hatsune Miku Oct 27, 2023 illustration
"Old Passion" (オールドパッション) Hatsune Miku and KAFU Oct 8, 2022 illustration
"OveRloaD" Hatsune Miku Feb 22, 2024 illustration
"Right Love" (ライトラヴ) Hatsune Miku Oct 9, 2021 illustration
"Satellite" (サテライト) Hatsune Miku Mar 15, 2022 illustration
"Scissor Drop" (シザードロップ) flower Jun 5, 2021 illustration
"Sennou" (せんのう) Hatsune Miku Jul 1, 2023 illustration
"Sentakushi Night!!" (洗濯しNight!!) Hatsune Miku Jun 9, 2021 illustration
"Shy na Girl" (シャイナガール) Hatsune Miku Oct 31, 2023 contributor
"Sonic Dead Youth" (ソニックデッド・ユース) Hatsune Miku Feb 16, 2022 illustration
"TOKYO CITY" Hatsune Miku Apr 22, 2022 illustration