Song title | |||
"1212。" | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 17, 2023 | |||
Singer | |||
KAFU | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
25,000+ (NN), 44,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
“vanities” |
! | ! |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ど~もなんね~ | doomo nannee | Hey there~ guys~ |
ご臨・ちゅ♡ | gorin chu | RIP, mwah♡ |
それは敏感 | sore wa binkan | That is sensitive, |
飛び交うスピードショー | tobikau supiido shoo | Flying around, a speed show. |
されど一旦 | saredo ittan | However, for now— |
スプリッドタン!?やばいっしょ・・!? | supuriddo tan!? yabai ssho..!? | Split tongue?! Isn’t that crazy…?! |
分け前がゼロに | wakemae ga zero ni | I’ve got no share. |
えーーーーっと? | eeeeeetto? | Weeeeeeeeell? |
そこにあったはずなんだ!(´;ω;`) | soko ni atta hazu nanda! | I swear, it was right there! (´;ω;`) |
僕の信条 | boku no shinjou | My belief, |
不確かな涙 | futashika na namida | Uncertain tears. |
別にこれといって宛は無いが | betsuni kore to itte ate wa nai ga | We had no place to go in particular, |
底がついてしまったのだ | soko ga tsuite shimatta noda | But we finally hit rock bottom. |
僕らって何者なんだろうな | bokura tte nanimono nandarou na | What on earth are we, really? |
今だって迷って探しているが | ima datte mayotte sagashite iru ga | Even now, we’re lost and searching for it; |
いつだって人間だったことは確か | itsu datte ningen datta koto wa tashika | One thing I can say for sure: we were always human. |
きっと僕ら、ありふれていた | kitto bokura, arifurete ita | For sure, we have been quite ordinary. |
でもそんなん嫌じゃんか | demo sonnan iya jan ka | But you don’t want that, right? |
この酔いが覚める頃の | kono yoi ga sameru koro no | I was crying from |
大人びた視線と淡い羨望で泣いていた | otonabita shisen to awai senbou de naite ita | The mature gaze and the faint envy of when sobering up. |
僕じゃない | boku ja nai | There’s no way |
こんな物 | konna mono | This is me. |
されど、いつからだったろう | saredo, itsu kara datta rou | Be that as it may, how long has it been? |
それも僕だろうと呟く僕らは | sore mo boku darou to tsubuyaku bokura wa | “That’s me, I think,” we mutter; |
生きている限りに | ikite iru kagiri ni | As long as we live, |
ユニオンの中では自己探し | yunion no naka dewa jiko sagashi | We’ll be self-searching in this union. |
あれもこれも | are mo kore mo | This and that |
ありふれている | arifurete iru | Is so ordinary. |
でもそういう物なんだ! | demo sou iu mono nanda! | But that’s just how it is! |
大人びたあれやこれや | otonabita are ya kore ya | This and that, everything mature, |
その全てはきっと | sono subete wa kitto | Everything was made of |
見栄で出来ていた | mie de dekite ita | Vanities for sure. |
そんな物 | sonna mono | That’s what it is. |
大体が | daitai ga | For most things, |
そんな物だろう | sonna mono darou | That’s what it is, isn’t it? |
おおお | ooo | Ooooh! |
嗚咽丸出しの堂々々! | oetsu marudashi no doudoudou! | Standing straight up, bawling your eyes out! |
本能の赴くままに | honnou no omomuku mama ni | Act out of instinct |
イキる理由を堕ちて知るべし | ikiru riyuu o ochite shiru beshi | And learn why you act cocky by degenerating. |
マジ幸じゃんか~! | maji kou jan kaa! | Isn’t that totally happy?! |
おおお | ooo | Ooooh! |
のべつ幕無しのこの世 | nobetsumaku nashi no kono yo | In this nonstop world, |
本能の赴くままに | honnou no omomuku mama ni | Act out of instinct |
生きる意義は推して知るべし | ikiru igi wa oshite shiru beshi | And learn why you live by stanning it. |
そりゃ幸じゃんか | sorya kou jan ka | Why, now that’s happiness! |
この宵が覚める頃の | kono yoi ga sameru koro no | I’m sure that the pride of when |
誇らしさもきっと見栄で出来てんだ | hokorashisa mo kitto mie de dekiten da | Evening deepening into night is made of vanities as well. |
そんな物 | sonna mono | That’s what it is. |
大体が | daitai ga | For most things, |
そんな物 | sonna mono | That’s what it is, |
だろう? | darou? | Isn’t it? |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
This song was featured on the following album:
- 1212。
External Links
- Google Drive - Instrumental
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source