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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Adeliae 100-mankai
Song title
Romaji: 100-mankai no Sunuuzu
English: One Million Snoozes
Original Upload Date
August 5, 2023
Hatsune Miku
Adeliae (music, lyrics)
saburou (mix, mastering)
大島 つくも (illustration)
# 302 (title logo)
oino (video)
43,000+ (NN), 16,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
嗚呼 知っている 気付いている aa shitte iru kizuite iru Ah, I know it, I realise it
私の方を睨んでいる watashi no hou o nirande iru I'm being glared at
どうかして装飾して douka shite soushoku shite I'll make do, I'll dress myself up
忘れている様 振る舞っている wasurete iru you furumatte iru And I'll pretend to have forgotten all about it

真実も狂言も shinjitsu mo kyougen mo Neither reality nor fiction
この狭い部屋に届いていない kono semai heya ni todoite inai Can reach me inside this cramped room
それでいて 而して sore de ite shikashite And yet, be that as it may
紫の涙をシンクに落とした murasaki no namida o shinku ni otoshita Purple tears fell into the sink

ただ決まって tada kimatte It's obvious
醒めるのは sameru no wa You're not going to wake up until
螺旋階段の落下2秒前 rasen kaidan no rakka nibyou mae You're two seconds from falling down the spiral staircase

君は100万回のスヌーズの音を今止めた kimi wa hyakumankai no sunuuzu no oto o ima tometa And now, you stopped the sound of the one millionth snooze
開けた瞼の先 眩しき陽が朝を焦がしてなくても aketa mabuta no saki mabushiki you ga asa o kogashite nakute mo Even if there's no sun scorching the break of day when you open your eyes
昏いトラウマで満ちた水晶の帳を越えて 手を伸ばしたらもう kurai torauma de michita suishou no tobari o koete te o nobashitara mou Once you reach out beyond the dark curtain of crystalised trauma
起き上がるしかないんだ okiagaru shika nai nda There's no choice but to get up

白んでいく 眩んでいく shirande iku kurande iku Growing bright, growing dark
蓮の花一つ浮かんでいる hasu no hana hitotsu ukande iru A single lotus floats
その頭上で陣取って sono zujou de jindotte High in the sky, taking up position
五体満足にうずくまっている gotai manzoku ni uzukumatte iru Curled in on itself, entirely protected

芸術も想像も geijutsu mo souzou mo Both art and imagination
泥に沈む世界に潜んでいる doro ni shizumu sekai ni hisonde iru Are lurking somewhere in this world that's been sunk into the mud
重い腕 持ち上げ omoi ude mochiage Lifting my heavy arms
淀んだ水にその筆を下ろした yodonda mizu ni sono fude o oroshita I lowered my disused brush pen

ただ笑ってみせるのは tada waratte miseru no wa Just forcing a smile is
予定調和の印象操作 yotei chouwa no inshou sousa An expected conformity, a way to control your self-image

胸が決壊し出来た洪水の根を今止めて mune ga kekkai shi dekita kouzui no ne o ima tomete Your chest burst, and now the source of the flood is being stopped up
本を正せば 君が注いでいた望みなんだろう hon o tadaseba kimi ga sosoide ita nozomi nan darou If I were to correct this storybook, what kind of changes would you want to see?
後悔を積み上げてできた高い壁を越えて ジャンプしてみろ koukai o tsumiagete dekita takai kabe o koete janpu shite miro Try and jump over this wall stacked high with accumulated sins
解っていた孤独なんだ wakatte ita kodoku nanda And finally come to understand that you're alone
自分で選んできたんだ jibun de erande kita nda And that you've done it to yourself

網膜に針を落とすような痛みが moumaku ni hari o otosu you na itami ga A pain like a needle through the retina
安息を襲って 白昼に独り ansoku o osotte hakuchuu ni hitori Attacks my repose, alone in broad daylight
馬鹿げた夢だけで今も動いている心音 bakageta yume dake de ima mo ugoite iru shin'on But carried by nothing but a foolish dream, my heart continues to beat, even now
平静を装い 脳裏に置き去り heisei o yosoui nouri ni okizari The visage of peace is still left behind in my head
あたかも別人になった気で居たり atakamo betsujin ni natta ki de itari I feel as if I've become a different person
でも本当の自分は 檻の外なんだ demo hontou no jibun wa ori no soto nanda But really, my true self has simply escaped the cage

君が1000000回目のアラームをまた見逃したら kimi ga hyakumankai me no araamu o mata minogashitara You once again missed the one millionth alarm
1000001回目に生きてるかも分からないだろう hyakuman ikkai me ni ikiteru kamo wakaranai darou But you don't know for sure if you'll be here for alarm one million and one, right?
自信矜持に満ちた万全期した日のイメージを描いてるなら jishin kyouji ni michita banzen kishita hi no imeeji o egaiteru nara Even if you were to envision a picture-perfect day filled with self-confidence
もうそれは訪れない mou sore wa otozurenai By now, a day like that just won't come
君は100万回のスヌーズの音を今止めた kimi wa hyakumankai no sunuuzu no oto o ima tometa You stopped the sound of the one millionth snooze right that moment
目を醒ましたらもう me o samashitara mou Once you open your eyes
此処には戻れないんだ koko ni wa modorenai nda You won't be able to come back here
リアルが待っているんだ riaru ga matte iru nda The real world is waiting for you

English translation by JaysAndRavens47

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