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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
ERROR niki
Song title
Original Upload Date
September 13, 2010
niki (music, lyrics)
tikuwadx (illustration)
960,000+ (NN), 16,000+ (PP), 1,100,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast (deleted) / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
見える?この目の涙 mieru? kono me no namida Can you see it? The tears in these eyes
命の色に滲んでいる inochi no iro ni nijinde iru are blurring into the colours of my life.
何を残して与えた? nani o nokoshite ataeta? What have I left to give you?
問いかけて 潰れて toikakete tsuburete I ask the question, I cease to function...

青と赤と白混ざる ao to aka to shiro mazaru Blue, red and white mix.
この世の中で叫んでいる kono yononaka de sakende iru I am shouting in this world.
何を求めて歩いた? nani o motomete aruita? What am I seeking out?
追いかけて 疲れて oikakete tsukarete I'm tired of chasing...

どのくらい異常? dono kurai ijou? How abnormal am I?

壊れているの? kowarete iru no? Am I broken?
壊れているよ kowarete iru yo I'm broken all right.
それでも息を したい したい soredemo iki o shitai shitai Even so, I want, I want to breathe.
君に見えてるの? kimi ni mieteru no? Can you see me,
夢のように最後の yume no you ni saigo no like I'm in a dream? Even my final
言葉も詰まるよ ERROR kotoba mo tsumaru yo ERROR word is stuck! ERROR

遠い日のこと tooi hi no koto It happened a long time ago.
淡い光が空に溢れている awai hikari ga sora ni afurete iru A faint light is flooding the sky.
何を選んで並べた? nani o erande narabeta? What did I choose and line up?
涙色重ねて namida iro kasanete Colours of tears are overlaid.

浮かぶその身体 ukabu sono karada That floating body
意識の中溶けて滲んでしまう ishiki no naka tokete nijinde shimau dissolves and blurs inside my consciousness.
何を見てきて比べた? nani o mite kite kurabeta? What did I come to see and compare?
悲しくて 忘れて kanashikute wasurete I'm sad and I forget...

どのくらい異常? dono kurai ijou? How abnormal am I?

歪んでいるの? yugande iru no? Am I distorted?
歪んでいるよ yugande iru yo I'm distorted all right.
それでも息を したい したい soredemo iki o shitai shitai Even so, I want, I want to breathe.
夢を見ているの yume o mite iru no I'm having a dream.
想う君に最後の omou kimi ni saigo no To you who are in my thoughts, even my final
言葉も詰まるよ Error kotoba mo tsumaru yo Error word to you is stuck! Error

与えることも失うことも ataeru koto mo ushinau koto mo Can I neither give,
忘れることも出来ないの? wasureru koto mo dekinai no? lose, or forget?
暴れだすこの「*****」 abaredasu kono eraa This error that's going berserk,
殺して笑う僕がまた「*****」 koroshite warau boku ga mata eraa I kill it and laugh, and again, an error.

壊しているの? kowashite iru no? Did I break it?
壊して知るの? kowashite shiru no? Do you know it's broken?
それでも涙 イタイ 痛い soredemo namida itai itai Even so, my tears hurt, they hurt.
君に届いたの? kimi ni todoita no? Have they reached you?
歌う声に最後の utau koe ni saigo no Even though my final words
言葉並べても kotoba narabete mo are lined up in my singing voice,
重なる色滲んで kasanaru iro nijinde the overlapping colours blur...

壊れているの? kowarete iru no? Am I broken?
壊れているよ kowarete iru yo I'm broken all right.
それでも息を したい したい soredemo iki o shitai shitai Even so, I want, I want to breathe.
君に見えてたの kimi ni mieteta no You've seen me,
夢のように最後の yume no you ni saigo no like I was in a dream. Even my final
言葉も詰まるよ ERROR kotoba mo tsumaru yo ERROR word is stuck! ERROR

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

Notable Derivatives[]

Ritsu Error
Ritsu's version
Featuring: Namine Ritsu
Producer(s): cillia (tuning), AbstractCactus (UST), hara (illustration)
NN / YT / YT
A very popular cover. It has more views than the original and its own single.
Ritsu Error
Ritsu's 2018 version
Featuring: Namine Ritsu
Producer(s): cillia (tuning), hara (illustration)
Ritsu Error
Alfakyun.'s cover
Featuring: Alfakyun.
Producer(s): LowFat (mixing)
NN / YT / YT

Towa error
Tokoyami Towa's cover
Featuring: Tokoyami Towa
Producer(s): Jun (mix), Kakage (illustration), Roly (video), Touwa (video)
Machita chima error
Machita Chima's cover
Featuring: Machita Chima
Producer(s): よしけん (mix), Machita Chima (vocal and video), Kuroi Shiba (illustration)
Hachiyomi error
YOMI and HACHI's cover
Featuring: YOMI and HACHI

Yuutsukoe Karasu's version
Featuring: Yuutsukoe Karasu
Producer(s): rev (tuning), blacklion (UST)
Ritsu Error
JubyPhonic's piano version English cover
Featuring: JubyPhonic
Producer(s): David Toth (translated lyrics), Rui Ruii The Seal Pianist (piano)

External Links[]

