! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Sexual Content); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain explicit elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"+♂" Romaji: Purasu Danshi English: Plus Boy | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
March 20, 2014 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Len Hatsune Miku, GUMI, Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
2,700,000+ (NN), 22,000,000+ (YT), 1,700,000 (YT, Autogen) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (autogen) | |||
"Delivering you a shot from my "pink stick"...(u_u)" |
Alternate Versions
Reol's self-cover |
Upload date: March 21, 2014 |
Featuring: Reol |
Producer(s): Giga-P (music) Reol (lyrics) Miwashiba (illustration) Okiku (video) |
YT |
Singer | Len | Miku | GUMI | Luka | Rin | Girls |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
と と と 隣のクラス 最近 ちょっと 気になってる あの子 | to-to-to-tonari no kurasu saikin chotto ki ni natteru ano ko | T-t-t-the class next door has someone I’ve been a little interested in lately, this girl |
プリティトキメキラメキすまいる 「キャワイイ↑」 | puriti tokimekirameki sumairu "kyawaii ↑" | Pretty heartshine smile “kyuute↑” |
いやいやいやいや | iya iya iya iya | No, no, no, no! |
別に好きとかそんなんじゃないよ! | betsuni suki toka sonna njanai yo! | It’s not like I like you or anything! |
ただちょっとちょっとちょっと | tada chotto chotto chotto | I’d only just, just a bit, a bit, a bit, |
目で追いかけちゃってるだけだってばぁ! | me de oikakechatteru dake dattebaa! | My eyes just started following you on their own, I swear! |
とかいってもうほら | toka itte mou hora | So I say, but c’mon, see, |
君に結構メロメロなんだって | kimi ni kekkou meromero nan datte | I’m pretty head over heels for you |
勉強も全然頭に入って | benkyou mo zenzen atama ni haitte | And I can’t memorize what |
来なくてもうやっべー | ko nakute mou yabbee! | I’m studying at all, crap! |
君に因数分解(されたい!) | kimi ni insuu bunkai (saretai!) | I want you to factor (for me!) |
妄想で公式展開(解!解!) | mousou de koushiki tenkai (kai! kai!) | In my delusions, expanding formulas (Solve! Solve!) |
こうなったら 次元の果てまで | kou nattara jigen no hate made | It’s come to this, cross dimensions, go! |
超えてけれりごー | koe te kere ri goo | Let it go! |
君ん中 直接 残さず | kimin naka chokusetsu nokosa zu | Inside you, directly, leaving nothing behind, |
イってきmaaaath! | ittekimaaath! | I’m summiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! |
「(ハァ…)やめて!(ハァ…)やめて!(かわいい…)やめってってばぁ!(かわいいよぉ!…)やめてよ!…(ハァ)」 | "(haa...) yamete! (haa...) yamete! (kawaii...) yamettette baa! (kawaii yoo!...) yamete yo!... (haa)" | "(ha...) Stop! (ha...) Stop! (So cute...) I said stop! (You’re so cute...) Stop it…!... (ha)" |
やめろっつってんだろ | yamero ttsutte ndaro | "I told you to goddamn stop." |
「はい」 | "hai" | "Yes, ma’am…" |
pi pi pi | ||
ピースで飛ばします Re:say→一心自制心 | piisu de tobashi masu RE:SAY isshin jiseishin | I shoot it out with peace. Re:Say→Wholehearted Self-Restraint |
ノってくてっテクの波 したいたい盛り | no tte ku te tteku no nami shitaitai sakari | Riding a wave of technique, my desire to do it goes up and up |
なんかなんかなんかなんか ドキっとしちゃう | nanka nanka nanka nanka doki tto shichau | I’m kinda kinda kinda kinda getting excited |
君の君の君の君の ふぁっきん! | kimi no kimi no kimi no kimi no fakkin! | Your, your, your fucking! |
見せて見せてもっと 見せて見せてちゃんと | misete misete motto misete misete chanto | Show me, show me more. Show me, show me properly |
見せて魅せてみて ABCDイイやづ | misete misete mite ABCD ii yadzu | Show me, try to seduce me. ABCDE good guy |
だってガマン ちょっとガマン やっぱガマンできない | datte gaman chotto gaman yappa gaman deki nai | But hold on, hold on a bit, In the end, I can’t hold on! |
したいしたい思春期です おとこのこだもん… | shitai shitai shishunki desu otoko no ko da mon... | Puberty is the time of wanting that, 'cause I'm a boy… |
さ さ さ 三学年の 美人で 大人で 博識 やさしい 先輩 | sa-sa-sa-san gakunen no bijin de otona de hakushiki yasashii senpai | T-t-t-there’s this 3rd-year, a beautiful, adultlike, knowledgeable, kind senpai |
そんなに顔近づけられたら もうドキドキとまらなくって(アアン)/// | sonnani kao chikazukerare tara mou dokidoki tomaranakutte (aan) /// | If you let me get this close to your face… My heart won’t stop pounding (aahn) // |
Yシャツ襟の隙間チラ見して | Y shatsu eri no sukima chira mishi te | Sneaking a peek at your shirt collar’s gap |
スカート5cm折ったら 最高 | sukaato go senchi ottara saikou | And your 5cm-folded skirt is the best! |
見ちゃったが 最後 | michatta ga saigo | You noticed, but in the end… |
「どこみてんのよ!」 平手打ち | "doko mite nno yo!" hirateuchi | "Where do you think you’re looking?!" You spank me |
a.k.a ご褒美 | a.k.a go houbi | a.k.a. reward me |
今夜のおかずはサンマ?(ノンノン) | konya no okazu wa sanma? (nonnon) | Tonight’s side dish is mackerel? (Non, non) |
豚肉の生姜焼き?(ノンノン) | butaniku no shouga yaki? (nonnon) | Pork fried with ginger? (Non, non) |
Q.先輩に描く放物線 | Q. senpai ni egaku houbutsusen | Q. Sketch a parabola on senpai. |
A.上に凸 と 下に凸 | A. ue ni totsu to shita ni totsu | A. Convex up there, convex down there |
πr2 して出した | pai aaru jijou shite dashita | I did πr2 (pi r squared) and let it out |
公式と青春と煩悩 | koushiki to seishun to bonnou | Formulas, youth, and desires |
とめらんない 本能俺の××× | tomerannai honnou ore no xxx | I can’t stop my instinct, my XXX |
shit! shit! Say Good Bye | ||
「どっちを選ぶの?」 | "docchi o erabu no?" | "Who do you pick?" |
「えっ・・・」 | "e..." | "uh..." |
「決めなさいよ」 | "kimenasai yo" | "Please make your decision." |
「えー・・・えっと・・・えっと・・・じゃあ・・・どっちも///」 | "ee... etto... etto... jaa... docchi mo ///" | "U…uu…um…um…then…both///" |
「ハァ!!!???」 | "haa!!!???" | "What?!" |
「スイマセンデシタァァアア!!」 | "suimasendeshitaaa!!" | "I’m very sorryyyyyy!!" |
pi pi pi | ||
ピークで飛ばします Re:say→一心自制心 | piiku de tobashi masu RE:SAY isshin jiseishin | I shoot it out with peace. Re:Say→Wholehearted Self-Restraint |
ノッてくてっテクノ Breaking いちぬけアガり | notteku te ttekuno Breaking ichi nukeagari | Riding a wave of technique, Breaking. First one to be out |
だめだめだめだめ クラっとしちゃう | dame dame dame dame kuratto shichau | No, no, no, don’t. I’m dizzy |
俺の俺の俺の俺の ファッキン! | ore no ore no ore no ore no fakkin! | My, my, my fucking! |
超えて超えてもっと 超えて超えてちゃんと | koete koete motto koete koete chanto | Further, further, even further. Further, further, properly |
超えて声あげて ABCDイイやづ | koete koe age te ABCD ii yadzu | Further, raise your voice. ABCDE good guy |
だって聞いて ちょっと聞いて やっぱ危険BPM | datte kiite chotto kiite yappa kiken BPM | But listen, listen a bit, In the end, this BPM’s dangerous! |
したいしたい年頃です おとこのこの・・・ | shitai shitai toshigoro desu otokonoko no... | This is the age where we want that, A boy’s… |
ちょっとだけ ねぇ ちょっとだけ 見せて ちょっとだけ ほら | chotto dake nee chotto dake misete chotto dake hora | Just a bit, hey. Just a bit, show me. Just a bit, c’mon |
「ちょっと男子~!?」 | "chotto danshii!?" | "Wait, is that Boy~?!" |
ちょっとだけ ねぇ ちょっとだけ 見せて ちょっとだけ・・・ あと LINEやってる?笑 | chotto dake nee chotto dake misete chotto dake... ato LINE yatteru? wara | Just a bit, hey. Just a bit, show me. Just a bit… Also, you have a LINE? lol |
起立 礼 礼 起立 着席 | kiritsu rei rei kiritsu chakuseki | Stand Bow Bow Stand Be seated |
起立 礼 礼 着席 起立 | kiritsu rei rei chakuseki kiritsu | Stand Bow Bow Be seated Stand |
着席 礼 礼 着席 着席 | chakuseki rei rei chakuseki chakuseki | Be seated Bow Bow Be seated Be seated |
着席 起立 礼 礼 礼 礼 礼 起立 | chakuseki kiritsu rei rei rei rei rei kiritsu | Be seated Stand Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow Stand |
手をあわせてください | te o awase te kudasai | Let’s put our hands together in thanks |
みんな元気にいただきます | minna genki ni itadakimasu | Everyone, happily dig in. |
さよなら \三角/ | sayonara \sankaku/ | Goodbye \triangle/ |
またきて \四角/ | mata ki te \shikaku/ | See you again? \square/ |
先生みなさん \おぴんこす/ | sensei minasan? \o pinkosu/ | Sensei, everyone? \the great pinkost/ |
pi pi pi | ||
ピースで飛ばします Re:say→一心自制心 | piisu de tobashi masu RE:SAY isshin jiseishin | I shoot it out with peace. Re:Say→Wholehearted Self-Restraint |
ノッてくてっテクの波 したいたい盛り | notteku te tteku no nami shitaitai sakari | Riding a wave of technique, my desire to do it goes up and up |
なんかなんかなんかなんか ドキッとしちゃう | nanka nanka nanka nanka dokitto shichau | I’m kinda kinda kinda kinda getting excited |
君の君の君の君の ファッキン! | kimi no kimi no kimi no kimi no fakkin! | Your, your, your fucking! |
見せて見せてもっと 見せて見せてちゃんと | misete misete motto misete misete chanto | Show me, show me more. Show me, show me properly |
見せて魅せてみて ABCDイイやづ | misete misete mi te ABCD ii yadzu | Show me, try to seduce me. ABCDE good guy |
だってガマン ちょっとガマン やっぱガマンできない | datte gaman chotto gaman yappa gaman dekinai | But hold on, hold on a bit, In the end, I can’t hold on! |
したいしたい思春期です おとこのこだもん! | shitai shitai shishunki desu otokonoko da mon! | Puberty is the time of wanting that 'cause I'm a boy! |
M O Z U K U | ||
ひじき! | hijiki! | Seaweed! |
English translation by Coleena Wu
Notable Derivatives
Naiko & Liura's cover |
Featuring: Naiko & Liura |
Producer(s): TEC STUDIO (mix), sacanahen (illustration), SEI (video) |
YT |
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links