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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Lemon Sound & ChungKang Animation School - Rondeau des roses
Song title
"장미의 론도"
Romaja: Jangmiui Rondo
Official French: Rondeau des roses
Official Japanese: 薔薇のロンド
Romaji: Bara no Rondo
English: Rondeau of Roses
Alternative English: Rondo of Roses
Original Upload Date
December 15, 2024
Hatsune Miku
Lemon Sound:
Cookie Violin (music)
fatdog (lyrics)
Maire, DIEL (tuning, mixing)

Changkung Animators and Staff:
김유정 (director, chief animation director, character concept art, color scripting, key animator, compositing, digital checker)
심진진 (assistant director, acting director, animation director, concept artist, character designer, 3D background, 3D camera, key animator, second key animator, digital chceker, clean up, inbetweens, coloring)
하 경 (background director, concept artist, background artist, key animator, second key animator, background artist, digital checker, clean ups, inbetweens)
최다인 (production manager, coloring)
연나경 (key animator, second key animator, clean up, inbetweens)
윤지우 (key animator, second key animator, clean up, coloring)
이예원 (key animator, second key animator, coloring)
김지현 (key animator, second key animator, clean up, inbetweens, coloring)
박지희, LEE DANDI (clean up, inbetweens, coloring)
박미소, 이승연 (inbetweens, coloring)
신민경 (background artist)
박가연, 한서현 (compositing)
李叡圍, 李星衍, 朴媚照 (clean up)
李叡圍 (inbetweens)
鄭喜穗 (title design)

金漁㥠, 柳多炫, 柳知我, 李粹峨, LEE YEJI, LEE EUNJI, 鄭潤書, 咸采妍, 玄承周 (assistant clean up)
NAM GYURI, 朴垠舒, 柳多炫, 柳知我, LEE YEJI, LEE EUNJI, 林惠潾, 趙沼映, 玄承周 (assistant inbetweens)
金佳垠, 金慧潤, NAM GYURI, 徐主愛, 李粹峨, LEE YEJI, 全俊利, 鄭潤書, 玄承周 (assistant coloring)
咸采姸 (assistant background coloring)

김민지 교수님, 김상동 교수님, 이기영교수님, 김소연 (special thanks)
ChungKang Animation School (publisher)
YouTube Broadcast


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Japanese Romaji Official English
ねぇ、こっちに来てごらん nee, kocchi ni kite goran Come here, my dear
あの輝く日が見えるの ano kagayaku hi ga mieru no Do you see that bright, shining sun?
十年が十回経つと juunen ga juukai tatsu to When ten years have passed, ten times over,
あれは一瞬光を失うんのよ are wa isshun hikari o ushinaun no yo The light shall vanish in the breath of a blink.

純真無垢な少女よ junshin mukuna shoujo yo Pure innocent girl,
心に刻みつけるのよ kokoro ni kizamitsukeru no yo Etch this deeply into your heart
月の影に太陽がのみ込まれて一つになれば tsuki no kage ni taiyou ga nomikoma rete hitotsu ni nareba As the sky dims into shadow,
決して外に出ちゃだめよ kesshite soto ni decha dame yo You must never step outside
全ての戸鍵閉め subete no to kagi shime Bolt every door, strong and sure
悪いドア猫のように warui doa neko no you ni If you dare slip your head out,
人知れず首を出しては hitoshirezu kubi o dashite wa like a cunning cat unseen,

深い闇の中 fukai yami no naka a crimson rose,
鮮血の薔薇が senketsu no bara ga awakened from the shadows,
可憐な君の魂を奪い去るのよ karen na kimi no tamashii o ubai saru no yo shall take what it desires

目にしてよ me ni shite yo Look at me,
百年を越えて hyakunen o koete bound by a hundred years,
あの子の影の中彷徨うだけよ ano ko no kage no naka samayou dake yo trapped in the endless void of my stolen self

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