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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Nakiso BakaoMiru
Song title
Romaji: Baka o Miru
English: Look Like a Fool
Original Upload Date
November 12, 2022 (album release date)
December 9, 2022 (MV ver.)
Kaai Yuki and sekai
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Samejima Nurie (illustration)
Roomajin (video)
Sankaku Zuwari (mix, mastering)
110,000+ (YT), 6,500+ (YT, autogen)
YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


Japanese Romaji English
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたからか shinjite ita shinjite ita kara ka I believed in you, is it because I did so—?

信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた私が馬鹿を見るの? shinjite ita watashi ga baka o miru no? Do I look like a fool for believing in you?

恨みつらみは言葉ではね uramitsurami wa kotoba de wa ne My pent-up resentment is a hatred
表せられない憎悪 arawaserarenai zouo that can't be expressed in words
恨みつらみは言葉ではね uramitsurami wa kotoba de wa ne Because my pent-up resentment
伝わりきらないからさ tsutawari kiranai kara sa can't fully be conveyed in words...

ただただ ただ痛みを tadatada tada itami o Just, just…just taste
ただただ ただその身で tadatada tada sono mi de Just, just, just…the pain
ただただ ただ味わって tadatada tada ajiwatte Just, just, just… for yourself.
お願い onegai I beg you.

信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたからか shinjite ita shinjite ita kara ka I believed in you, is it because I did so—?

信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた 信じていたのに shinjite ita shinjite ita noni I believed in you, even though I believed in you
信じていた私が馬鹿を見るの? shinjite ita watashi ga baka o miru no? Do I look like a fool for believing in you?

English translation by Hiraethie, edited by Violet330


This song was featured on the following album:

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