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Song title
Romaji: Zero ni Kaeru Sekai
English: The World Returns to Zero
Original Upload Date
April 5, 2010
Hatsune Miku
Tohma (music, lyrics)
Imokawa (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast (deleted)


The following translation was made by bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
舌触りの良いこの鼓動に 取り憑かれ指揮を振る shitazawari no yoi kono kodou ni tori tsukare shiki o furu Obsessed with this heartbeat that feels good in my mouth, I take command
預言者たちの錆びた歌声と 奏で紡ぐ祈り yogenshatachi no sabita utagoe to sou de tsumugu inori The rusty voices of the sages and the prayer that they weave in song,

溶け出す空と 朽ちてゆく名も無き生命の囁き tokedasu sora to kuchite yuku na mo naki seimei no sasayaki The melting sky and the whisper of a rotting, nameless existence,
重なり合う月と太陽 全て、消え行く kasanariau tsuki to taiyou subete, kie yuku The sun and moon aligning--everything disappears

永遠の安らぎ 穏やかな夢を見る eien no yasuragi odayaka na yume o miru In an eternal rest, I dream a pleasant dream
霞みゆく君の影と kasumi yuku kimi no kage to Of your misty shadow,
うたかたの記憶 忘れゆくこの景色 utakata no kioku wasure yuku kono keshiki My fleeting memories, the scenery I'm forgetting about

「私の声が、聞こえますか。」 "watashi no koe ga, kikoemasu ka." "Can you hear my voice?"

形も時間も意味を失って katachi mo jikan mo imi o ushinatte Having lost my form and time and meaning,
ひとつになり、叫ぶ hitotsu ni nari, sakebu Everything comes together, and I cry out

溢れる言葉も ただこぼれる afureru kotoba mo tada koboreru The words that welled up are just spilling over
伝わる媒体もなくなって tsutawaru baitai mo naku natte Having lost even its medium for transmission,
二度と開かない扉越しに押し殺す声は nidoto akanai tobira goshi ni oshikorosu koe wa A muffled voice sounds from the other side of a door that will never open again

永遠の安らぎ 穏やかな夢を見る eien no yasuragi odayaka na yume o miru In an eternal rest, I dream a pleasant dream
霞みゆく君の影と kasumi yuku kimi no kage to Of your misty shadow,
うたかたの記憶 忘れゆくこの景色 utakata no kioku wasure yuku kono keshiki My fleeting memories, the scenery I'm forgetting about

「私の声は届いてる?」 "watashi no koe wa todoiteru?" "Is my voice coming through?"

English translation by bluepenguin

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