Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
The Master of Fengshui
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 陰陽先生
Pinyin: Yīnyáng Xiānshēng
English: The Master of Yin and Yang
Original Upload Date
February 8, 2015
YANHE and Luo Tianyi
ilem (music, lyrics)
bilibili Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin English
这位朋友 Zhè wèi péngyǒu "My friend,
请在此稍作停留 Qǐng zài cǐ shāo zuò tíngliú please stop by here a bit"
你今天身上有卦 Nǐ jīntiān shēnshang yǒu guà "There is an omen upon you"
别怕 Bié pà "Don't be scared,
给我看看你的手 Gěi wǒ kàn kàn nǐ de shǒu let me see your hand"

胡说八道 Húshuō bādào "Total nonsense,
葫芦里卖的什么药 Húlu lǐ mài de shénme yào peddling me snake oil"
不过是江湖圈套 Bùguò shì jiānghú quāntào "This is nothing but a hoax"
可笑 Kěxiào "It's funny,
让警察把你赶跑 Ràng jǐngchá bǎ nǐ gǎn pǎo soon the police will be on you"

恕我直言 Shù wǒ zhíyán "Forgive me, but I believe"
你夜晚无法安眠 Nǐ yèwǎn wúfǎ ānmián "At night you can't sleep"
你遇到一个梦魇 Nǐ yù dào yīgè mèngyǎn "You have one nightmare"
每天 Měitiān "Every night,
什么藏在你床边 Shénme cáng zài nǐ chuáng biān something is hiding beside your bed"

话音刚落 Huàyīn gāng luò With these words,
我已被冷汗浸透 Wǒ yǐ bèi lěnghàn jìntòu my back soaked in a cold sweat
他说得一点不错 Tā shuō dé yīdiǎn bùcuò He's completely right
拜托 Bàituō "I beg you,
请你一定救救我 Qǐng nǐ yīdìng jiù jiù wǒ please save me"

我銕口直断 Wǒ tiě kǒu zhí duàn I am never wrong
为你消灾解难 Wèi nǐ xiāo zāi jiěnán As for solving your problems,
阴阳自在我心间 Yīnyáng zìzài wǒ xīnjiān Yin and yang are in my heart
与天地周旋 Yǔ tiāndì zhōuxuán And (I) contend with the world

一生神机妙算 Yīshēng shénjīmiàosuàn A lifetime of fortune-telling
只有自己看不穿 Zhǐyǒu zìjǐ kàn bù chuān Only blind to my own fate
你荣华富贵在我 Nǐ rónghuá fùguì zài wǒ Your wealth and glory are up to me(my prophecy)
我生死有命在天 Wǒ shēngsǐ yǒu mìng zài tiān My life and destiny are up to heaven's will

见面皆缘 Jiànmiàn jiē yuán "Our meeting was fated,
有此物保你平安 Yǒu cǐ wù bǎo nǐ píng'ān here is something to protect you"
我观你这番凶险 Wǒ guān nǐ zhè fān xiōngxiǎn "Seeing your misfortune,
莫非 Mòfēi could it be
你曾结下什么怨 Nǐ céng jié xià shénme yuàn you've committed crimes in a past life?"

旧事重提 Jiùshì chóng tí "Well, in the past"
有些事因我而起 Yǒuxiē shì yīn wǒ ér qǐ "A few things might have happened because of me"
逃过一切逃不过 Táoguò yīqiè táo bùguò "I escaped it all, but I couldn't escape
天意 Tiānyì heaven willing at all"
现在是否来得及 Xiànzài shìfǒu láidéjí "Is it too late now?"

恩怨难平 Ēnyuàn nán píng "Karma is difficult to balance,
轮回谁又能说清 Lúnhuí shuí yòu néng shuō qīng and reincarnation is beyond our understanding"
给你一种药拿好 Gěi nǐ yī zhǒng yào ná hǎo "I'll give you some medicine"
很少 Hěn shǎo "A little bit,
但它能救你的命 Dàn tā néng jiù nǐ de mìng but it can save your life"

天色不早 Tiānsè bù zǎo "It's getting late,
您大恩无以为报 Nín dà ēn wú yǐwéi bào I cannot repay your kindness"
也只是时候未到 Yě zhǐshì shíhòu wèi dào "That time has yet to come"
再见 Zàijiàn "Goodbye,
我们还会再遇到 Wǒmen hái huì zài yù dào we will meet again"

我銕口直断 Wǒ tiě kǒu zhí duàn I am never wrong
为你消灾解难 Wèi nǐ xiāo zāi jiěnán As for solving your problems,
阴阳自在我心间 Yīnyáng zìzài wǒ xīnjiān Yin and yang are in my heart
与天地周旋 Yǔ tiāndì zhōuxuán And (I) contend with the world

一生神机妙算 Yīshēng shénjīmiàosuàn A lifetime of fortune-telling
只有自己看不穿 Zhǐyǒu zìjǐ kàn bù chuān Only blind to my own fate
你荣华富贵在我 Nǐ rónghuá fùguì zài wǒ Your wealth and glory are up to me(my prophecy)
我生死有命在天 Wǒ shēngsǐ yǒu mìng zài tiān My life and destiny are up to heaven's will

我銕口直断 Wǒ tiě kǒu zhí duàn I am never wrong
为你消灾解难 Wèi nǐ xiāo zāi jiěnán As for solving your problems,

阴阳自在我心间 Yīnyáng zìzài wǒ xīnjiān Yin and yang are in my heart
与天地周旋 Yǔ tiāndì zhōuxuán And (I) contend with the world

一生神机妙算 Yīshēng shénjīmiàosuàn A lifetime of fortune-telling
只有自己看不穿 Zhǐyǒu zìjǐ kàn bù chuān Only blind to my own fate

你荣华富贵在我 Nǐ rónghuá fùguì zài wǒ Your wealth and glory are up to me(my prophecy)
我生死有命在天 Wǒ shēngsǐ yǒu mìng zài tiān My life and destiny are up to heaven's will

English translation by luiysia, with edits by Yxlxy007


This song was featured on the following albums:

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