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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Magiwanootome kose
Song title
Romaji: Magiwa no Otome
English: A Maiden on the Verge
Original Upload Date
May 1, 2020
Hatsune Miku
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Noise (mastering)
Kusuriya (illustration)
46,000+ (NN), 46,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
嗚呼 またもや楽観視出来ず aa matamoya rakkanshi dekizu Alas, I couldn’t be optimistic again
塞ぎ込んだ 目的無く fusagikonda mokuteki naku so I got dejected with no aim.
知らない口角が上がることさえ shiranai koukaku ga agaru koto sae My lips curve upwards before I know it,
もはや気に障って仕舞う mohaya ki ni sawatte shimau and even this fact gets on my nerves.
たとえ傍観者として tatoe boukansha to shite Even if I gazed at
ちゃちな恋を眺めても chachi na koi o nagamete mo cheap love as a bystander,
似たような涙は溢れ出すだろう nita you na namida wa afuredasu darou similar tears would overflow.
「よって巫山戯ないでくれよ」 "yotte fuzakenaide kure yo" “Therefore, can you stop messing around?”

青白い手首に彩りを添えた aojiroi tekubi ni irodori o soeta I added colour onto my pallid wrists.
君の所為じゃないから kimi no sei ja nai kara This isn’t your fault,
気に病まないでください ki ni yamanaide kudasai so please don’t worry about me.
それでもまた soredemo mata Nonetheless,
青白い手首に彩りを添えた aojiroi tekubi ni irodori o soeta I added colour onto my pallid wrists.
君の所為じゃないけど kimi no sei ja nai kedo This isn’t your fault,
見棄てないで居てよ misutenaide ite yo but don’t forsake me.

嗚呼 寂びた遊園地のように aa sabita yuuenchi no you ni Alas, just like a desolate amusement park,
戻れないと魘されてる modorenai to unasareteru I’m told that I can’t go back, and I suffer from it.
しがない人生を認めたら shiganai jinsei o mitometara If I admitted my life is miserable,
ほらきっと目眩いて仕舞う hora kitto mekurumeite shimau you know, I would surely get staggered.
たとえ共犯者として互いに恋を咎めても tatoe kyouhansha to shite tagai ni koi o togamete mo Even though we censured love together as accomplices,
結論は何故だか君だけが無辜なんて ketsuron wa naze da ka kimi dake ga muko nante only you are somehow blameless in the end.
「弄んでいるの?」 "moteasonde iru no?" “Are you toying with me?”

青白い手首に彩りを添えた aojiroi tekubi ni irodori o soeta I added colour onto my pallid wrists.
曝さないで秘めても sarasanaide himete mo Even though I conceal it without exposing it,
滲み出ている物憂さ nijimidete iru monou sa the languor is oozing out.
それでもまた soredemo mata Nonetheless,
青白い手首に彩りを添えた aojiroi tekubi ni irodori o soeta I added colour onto my pallid wrists.
私が駄目なのか watashi ga dame na no ka Am I the bad one?
分からないでいるの wakaranaide iru no I don’t know if I am.

大層な悲劇で終りを迎える覚悟がない私は、 taisou na higeki de owari o mukaeru kakugo ga nai watashi wa, Unprepared to meet my end in a great tragedy,
唯ひたすらに「それ」を繰り返す。 tada hitasura ni "sore" o kurikaesu. I devote myself solely to repeating “it”.
何か目的はあるのかと聞かれても答えようがない。 nanika mokuteki wa aru no ka to kikarete mo kotaeyou ga nai. Even if you ask me if I have a purpose for that, I can’t answer.
主観的にも有益さに欠けるこの行為を、 shukanteki ni mo yuuekisa ni kakeru kono koui o, I myself have no idea how I should affirm
自身でもどう肯定したらいいのか分からない。 jibun demo dou koutei shitara ii no ka wakaranai. this behaviour devoid of utility even subjectively.
かと言って否定することも出来やしない。 ka to itte hitei sura koto mo dekiyashinai. Nor can I deny it.
じゃあ如何すればと思考することも、 jaa dou sureba to shikou suru koto mo, “Then what should I do?”—
考えるまでもなく最早意味のない行為である。 kangaeru made mo naku mohaya imi no nai koui de aru. thinking like that, needless to say, is nonsense.
無意味な行為に対する無意味な時間の浪費。 muimi na koui ni taisuru muimi na jikan no rouhi. A senseless waste of time for a senseless act.
結果として明らかなのはそんなことであった。 ketsumatsu to shite akaraka nano wa sonna koto de atta. That is what has turned out to be evident as a result.

青白い手首に彩りを添えた aojiroi tekubi ni irodori o soeta I added colour onto my pallid wrists.
君の所為じゃないから kimi no sei ja nai kara This isn’t your fault,
気に病まないでください ki ni yamanaide kudasai so please don’t worry about me.
それでもまた soredemo mata Nonetheless,
青白い手首に彩りを添えた aojiroi tekubi ni irodori o soeta I added colour onto my pallid wrists.
君の所為じゃないけど kimi no sei ja nai kedo This isn’t your fault,
忘れないで居てね wasurenaide ite ne but please don’t forget me
ずっと zutto for good.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.


This song was featured on album:

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