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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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Hachi-Hachi Flowery Battle of the Kagamine
Song title
Romaji: Kagamine Hachi-Hachi Hana no Kassen
English: Hachi-Hachi[1] Flowery Battle of the Kagamine
Official English: Kagamine Hachi-Hachi Flower Fight
Original Upload Date
December 26, 2009
Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin
MojaP (music)
niregiru (lyrics)
Melou (illustration, video)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
菖蒲、柳、みよしの めくるめく季節の風物詩 shoubu yanagi miyoshi no mekurumeku kisetsu no fuubutsushi The iris, the willow and the cherry blossom in beautiful Yoshino[2] are the things giving poetic charms to the dazzling seasons
江戸の蜜から蜜へ渡るおいらには紅が似合う edo no mitsu kara mitsu e wataru oira niwa beni ga niau For I go from one place to another to get honey of Edo, the rouge suits me well.

一目惚れたら最後たっぷりと色を付けてあげる hitome horetara saigo tappuri to iro wo tsukete ageru Once I fall in love at first sight, I'll make a sweetheart deal with it.
札付きの 賭場荒らし挑む輩には容赦なし fudatsuki no toba arashi idomu yakara niwa yousha nashi No mercy is for guys bringing it on me, the notorious artist who breaks in gambling houses

目と目で交わす愛嬌は (嗚呼 恋仲だったなら) me to me de kawasu aikyou wa (aa koinaka datta nara) The winsomeness we exchange as we see in each other's eyes is (Ah, if you were my lover)
余興猿芝居      (色づく花言葉) yokyou sarushibai (irozuku hana kotoba) A sideshow act and a sucky play. (The language of flowers would change colour)
さぁさ幕が開く    (いざ尋常に) saasa maku ga aku (iza jinjou ni) Now the curtain rises (Now let's play fair)
熱いこの血潮で! atsui kono chishio de! I feel the blood surging!

吹けよ花の嵐今宵濡れ手で粟の浪漫! fuke yo hana no arashi koyoi nurete de awa no roman! Ah, blow, the storm of flower. Tonight there’ll be a romance of raking in money!
神様 如何様の影を背に花札は真っ盛り kamisama ikasama no kage o se ni hanafuda wa massakari As the gods and cheats cast shadows on our backs, the game of flower cards is at its best

蛇の目くるりと回す月も濡れ霧に霞む桜 janome kururi to mawasu tsuki mo nure kiri ni kasumu sakura I twirl a brolly of bull's-eye pattern. The moon also gets wet and the cherry blossom is blurry in the mist.
願い事したためて結ぶ菊に 青短が揺れる negaigoto shitatamete musubu kiku ni aotan ga yureru As I tie a ribbon I wrote my wish on to the chrysanthemum, the hanged blue ribbon[3] sways.

隠す本音と裏腹に (嗚呼 想いは重なれど) kakusu honne to urahara ni (aa omoi wa kasanaredo) Against the hidden feelings (Ah, though we share the same feeling)
二人茶番劇    (修羅場に情けなし) futari chaban geki (shuraba ni nasake nashi) What we play is a farce (No mercy is in the burning battlefield)
さぁさ幕を切れ  (断ち切れるか) saasa maku o kire (tachi kireru ka) Now drop the curtain (Is it possible to break it off?)
滾るその血潮で! tagiru sono chishio de! With the surge of blood!

五光 猪鹿蝶指先も鮮やかな 十八番! gokou inoshikachou yubisaki mo azayaka na ohako! Five-brights[4] and Boar-deer-butterfly,[5] with brilliant finesse we make our beautiful favourite card combinations!
乾坤一擲の 火花散る刹那こそ酔いしれる kenkonitteki no hibana chiru setsuna koso yoi shireru What we're intoxicated with is the sparking moment of risking everything on one last turning up of a card

今局は大詰め 金子咲く花札の乱舞! ima kyoku wa oozume kinsu saku hanafuda no ranbu! Now the game is in the final stage. Gold coins bloom in a boisterous dance of flower cards.
神様 如何様の影を背に純情は花盛り kamisama ikasama no kage wo se ni junjou wa hanazakari As the gods and cheats cast shadows on our backs, the pure hearts are in full bloom

English translation by Blacksaingrain

Translation Notes[]

  1. Hachi-hachi(八八eight-eight): One of the games of flower cards
  2. Yoshino(よしの): A place in Nara, famous for cherry blossoms.
  3. Ao-tan(青短 blue[purple] ribbon): Since ancient ages, Japanese have often used strips of colourful papers to write poems on. In Tanabata Star Festival, people write their wishes on strips and hang them from bamboo branches.
  4. Gokou (五光 five-brights): You need to make yaku(役), certain combinations of cards, to win the game. Five-brights is one of yaku, a card combination of Crane and Sun , Cherry blossom with Camp Curtain, Full Moon with Red Sky, Nobleman under Willow with Umbrella and Frog, and Chinese Phoenix with Paulownia.
  5. Ino-shika-chou(猪鹿蝶 boar-deer-buttefly):One of yaku and it's a card combination of Boar with Bush Clover , Deer and Maple, and Butterflies with Peony.


This song was featured on the following albums:

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