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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Kagami no Mahou
English: Mirror's Magic
Original Upload Date
December 19, 2012 (album release date)
Kagamine Len
Camui Gackpo (chorus)
Hitoshizuku-P (music, lyrics)
Yama△ (music, lyrics)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
願い事、全て叶えましょう  negaigoto subete kanaemashou I shall grant you everything you wish for.
鏡の向こう、唱えてごらん? kagami no mukou tonaete goran? Will you recite them for me from the other side of the mirror?
今宵、【全てが反対の魔法】  koyoi, "subete ga hantai no mahou" Tonight, “magic shall reverse everything.”
僕は君だけの魔法使いさ boku wa kimi dake no mahoutsukai sa I’m your very own wizard.

閉ざされた塔の真っ暗な部屋に tozasareta tou no makkura na heya ni In a pitch-black room in a sealed tower
響くのは 僕の鼓動だけ hibiku no wa boku no kodou dake the only thing that resounds is the beating of my heart.
蔑み疎まれ、恐れ嫌われ  sagesumi utomare, osore kiraware Scorned and shunned, feared and hated,
不幸に愛された王子様 fukou ni aisareta ouji sama I am the prince loved by misfortune.

嵐が来たりて 招かざる客  arashi ga kitarite manekazaru kyaku A storm brings an uninvited guest,
鏡を手に微笑む青年 kagami o te ni hohoemu seinen a young man bearing a smile and a mirror in hand.
「君の不幸は誰のせいだい? "kimi no fukou wa dare no sei dai? “Whose fault is your misfortune?
魔法の鏡に尋ねてごらん」 mahou no kagami ni tazunete goran" Try asking the magic mirror.”

鏡に映る「幸せな少女」  kagami ni utsuru "shiawase na shoujo" The mirror portrays a “happy girl”.
戸惑う心は疑心に揺れて tomadou kokoro wa gishin ni yurete My heart is bewildered and wavers suspiciously.
「「でも、真実ならば?」」 「僕の幸せ」は "demo, shinjitsu naraba?" "boku no shiawase" wa “'But what if it’s true?'” Was all of “my happiness”
あの少女に全て奪われたの? ano shoujo ni subete ubawareta no? robbed by that girl?

憎しみに染まり堕ちる心  nikushimi ni somari ochiru kokoro The stain of hatred befalls my heart.
鏡の向こうは【全て反対】 kagami no mukou wa "subete hantai" On the other side of the mirror “everything is the opposite”.
運命の天秤を入れ替えた  sadame no tenbin o irekaeta I switched the scales of destiny.
全て忘れ去って 【祝福】されよう subete wasuresatte "shukufuku" sareyou I’ll forget everything behind me and I’ll be “blessed with fortune”.

木漏れ日の塔の明るい部屋に komorebi no tou no akarui heya ni In a bright room in the tower, lit by the tree-filtered sunlight,
響くのは 賑わう人の声 hibiku no wa nigiwau hito no koe Thriving people’s voices resound.
敬い慕われ、崇め愛され uyamai shitaware, agame aisare Respected and adored, revered and loved,
幸福に愛された王子様 koufuku ni aisareta ouji sama I am the prince loved by happy fortune.

晴れすぎた午後に 招かざる客 haresugita gogo ni manekazaru kyaku An all too bright afternoon brings an uninvited guest,
鏡を手に微笑む青年 kagami o te ni hohoemu seinen a young man bearing a smile and a mirror in hand.
「君の幸せは誰のおかげ? "kimi no shiawase wa dare no okage? “Who do you owe for your happiness?
魔法の鏡に尋ねてごらん」 mahou no kagami ni tazunete goran" Why don’t you ask the magic mirror.”

鏡に映る「不幸せな少女」  kagami ni utsuru "fushiawase na shoujo" The mirror portrays an “unhappy girl”.
何故、君の笑顔は心を抉る? naze, kimi no egao wa kokoro o eguru? Why does your smile gouge my heart?
「「でも、真実ならば?」」 "demo, shinjitsu naraba?" “'But what if it’s true?'”
「君の幸せ」は あの日、僕に全て奪われたの? "kimi no shiawase" wa ano hi, boku ni subete ubawareta no? Was all of “your happiness” taken away by me on that day?

悲しみに染まり揺れる心  kanashimi ni somari yureru kokoro The stain of sadness shakes my heart.
鏡の向こうは【全て反対】 kagami no mukou wa "subete hantai" On the other side of the mirror “everything is the opposite”.
運命の天秤は粉々に sadame no tenbin wa konagona ni The scales of destiny have been shattered
壊れてしまった この僕の手で kowarete shimatta kono boku no te de to pieces by my very own hands.

捨てたはずの過去・・・「罪の記憶」は suteta hazu no kako..."tsumi no kioku" wa The past I thought I abandoned … the memories of my sin,
何故今戻り、僕を苦しめる? naze ima modori, boku o kurushimeru? why does it now return to torment me?
憎くてしかたないはずだったのに nikukute shikatanai hazu datta no ni Even though I hated you and believed it couldn’t be helped,
何故今、こんなに心が痛い・・・ naze ima, konna ni kokoro ga itai... why does my heart hurt so much now…?

鏡に映る【反対】の僕ら kagami ni utsuru "hantai" no bokura Reflected in the mirror, we are the “opposite” of each other.
君が泣く度に僕は笑った? kimi ga naku tabi ni boku wa waratta? Did I laugh each time you cried?
「僕の幸せ」が君を呪うなら  "boku no shiawase" ga kimi o norou nara If “my happiness” curses you,
どうすれば君を救えるのだろう・・・ dou sureba kimi o sukueru no darou... what can I do to save you…?
ドウスレバ、君ヲ救エルノダロウ・・・ sou sureba kimi o sukueru no darou... What can I do to save you…?

「そうだ・・・僕が・・・願い事全て叶えましょう」 "sou da ... boku ga ... negaigoto subete kanaemashou" “I know… I’ll… I shall grant you everything you wish for.”
鏡の向こう、唱えてごらん? kagami no mukou, tonaete goran? Will you recite them for me from the other side of the mirror?
今宵、【全てが反対の魔法】  koyoi, "subete ga hantai no mahou" Tonight, “magic shall make everything the opposite.”
僕は君だけの魔法使いさ boku wa kimi dake no mahoutsukai sa I’m your very own wizard.

願い事、全て叶えられた? negaigoto, subete kanaerareta? Have all your wishes been granted?
鏡の魔法は、これで終わりさ kagami no mahou wa, kore de owari sa With this, then, the mirror’s magic is over.
消え逝く手のひらを触れ合わせ kieiku te no hira o fureawase Our disappearing palms make contact.
「お別れだね」って僕は笑った  "owakare da ne" tte boku wa waratta “This is farewell,” I say with a smile.
鏡の向こうは、泣いているかな? kagami no mukou wa, naite iru ka na? On the other side of the mirror, are you crying?
またいつか君と 会えたら、いいな mata itsuka kimi to aetara, ii na I hope we meet again some day.

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following album:

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