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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Kinyoubi no Ohayou -another story-
Song title
"金曜日のおはよう-another story-"
Romaji: Kin'youbi no Ohayou -another story-
English: Friday's Good Morning -another story-
Original Upload Date
September 26, 2014
Hatsune Miku
shito (music)
shito, Gom (lyrics)
Oji (Kaizokuou) (guitar)
cake (piano)
Yamako (video)
1,300,000+ (NN), 20,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
おはようのオーディションして髪型もバッチリOK ohayou no oodishon shite kamigata mo bacchiri OK Getting ready with my very best “Good Morning!” Got my hair just perfect
金曜日だ今日もいるかな? kin'youbi da kyou mo iru kana? Today’s Friday, right? Are you gonna be there?
ちょっと気になってるかもね chotto ki ni natteru ka mo ne It’s sorta got me worried a bit, ok?

8:00 hachiji zerofun It’s 8am
待ち合わせいつもの場所2番ホーム machiawase itsumo no basho niban hoomu and I’m at our usual meeting spot, right on platform #2
みんなもまだ眠そうですねそんな日常 minna mo mada nemusou desu ne sonna nichijou Everyone still looks pretty sleepy, same ol’ same ol’

8:07 hachiji nana fun At 8:07
2車両目向かいの人目が合うの nisharyoume mukai no hito me ga au no I’m boarding car #2 when my eyes meet yours
なんでだろうその答えはいつか聞ける? nande darou sono kotae wa itsuka kikeru? Why’s it like this, when am I gonna figure it all out?

きっかけシンプルでいいのに恥ずかしいな kikkake shipuru de ii no ni hazukashii na Getting things started doesn’t take much but it’s still too embarrassing
制服同じでも挨拶変かなって seifuku onaji demo aisatsu hen ka natte We have the same uniform, but is it weird to say hello?

おはようのオーディションして ohayou no oodishon shite I keep rehearsing that “Good Morning!” meant for you
前向きな自分になって金曜日は頑張らなくちゃ maemuki na jibun ni natte kin'youbi wa ganbaranakucha Trying to turn into more positive, assertive version of myself. I gotta give it my all on friday
だって2日会えないからね datte futsuka aenai kara ne Otherwise it’s gonna be another long, depressing weekend…

笑ってる君を見たらそれだけで元気が出ちゃって waratteru kimi o mitara sore dake de genki ga dechatte When I see that smiling face of yours, it just brightens my whole day
恋だって「頑張らなくちゃ」 koi datte "ganbaranakucha" Even when it comes to love and romance, you gotta go for it!
そっと声に出してみた sotto koe ni dashite mita I’m quietly trying to get my voice ready

8:00 hachiji zero fun It’s 8am
待ち合わせドキドキして2番ホーム machiawase dokidoki shite niban hoomu And I’m here freaking out on the station platform
意気地ないな空模様まで泣きそうです ikuji nai na sora moyou made nakisou desu I’m running empty on self-confidence, it’s so bad the sky looks like it’s gonna cry for me

8:07 hachiji nana fun It’s 8:07
準備まだ、ちょっと待ってタイミング・・・ junbi mada, chotto matte taimingu… And I’m nowhere near ready for this! Hold on… the timing, the timing!
挨拶って意識しすぎちゃダメかもです aisatsu tte ishiki shi sugicha dame ka mo desu There’s no reason to get worked up over a simple “hello”, right?

雨宿り立ち尽くす君に「傘をどうぞ」 amayadori tachitsukusu kimi ni "kasa o douzo" I found you hiding out from the rain and said: “You can use this umbrella if you’d like…”
顔赤くて下向いたけどやっと言えた kao akakute shita muita kedo yatto ieta I was too embarrassed to look at you but I was finally able to say something

「ありがとう」ぎこちなくて初めての君の言葉 "arigatou" gikochi nakute hajimete no kimi no kotoba You fired back with a panicked, awkward “thank you”. The very first thing you ever said to me
聞けたから頑張らなくちゃ kiketa kara ganbaranakucha Now it’s time to get ready for the next step
だって2日会えないからね datte futsuka aenai kara ne I’m not going to be seeing you for a whole weekend after all

きっかけは突然だね kikkake wa totsuzen da ne What finally kicked things off was pretty sudden,
これからはよろしくなんて korekara wa yoroshiku nante I hope we can get along from now on…
月曜日頑張らなくちゃ getsuyoubi ganbaranakucha I gotta get ready to do my best on Monday!
そっと声に出してみた sotto koe ni dashite mita I start warming up my voice once more…

夢なんていつもは見ないのに yume nante itsumo wa minai no ni I’m not a really big dreamer unfortunately
二人楽しそうにしてるから安心して futari tanoshisou ni shiteru kara anshin shite I figure that things are going OK so I should just relax…

おはようのオーディションして髪型もバッチリOK ohayou no oodishon shite kamigata mo bacchiri OK I’ve put my everything into prepping this one crucial “Good Morning!”. Got my hair looking perfect too
8:07に君が待ってる hachiji nana fun ni kimi ga matteru It’s 8:07 and you’re waiting for me
きっと今日は言えるよね kitto kyou wa ieru yo ne There’s no way it’s not happening today

日曜日も会いたいけれどちょっと待って nichiyoubi mo aitai keredo chotto matte I wish we could meet on Sunday too… b-but that’s getting ahead of ourselves!
大好きになっていいかな daisuki ni natte ii kana It’s fine to go ahead and fall in love, right?

だって君といたいからね datte kimi to itai kara ne ‘cause I just wanna be with you!

English translation by descentsubs

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