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Jester’s Puzzle
Song title
Romaji: Doukeshi no Pazuru
Official English: Jester’s Puzzle
Original Upload Date
October 15, 2013
Nejishiki (music, lyrics)
ERICCA (illustration)
61,000+ (NN), 85,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
おどけた笑顔ふりまくほどに odoketa egao furimaku hodo ni The more I scattered joking smiles around
独り感じるピエロのダンス hitori kanjiru piero no dansu The more, alone, I felt a pierrot’s dance
華やかな舞台で踊る hanayakana butai de odoru Dancing on a showy stage
にぎやかなパレードに涙がにじむ nigiyakana pareedo ni namida ga nijimu My tears blur with in the bustling parade

胸の痛みは誰もが隠し持ってるパズル mune no itami wa dare mo ga kakushimotteru pazuru The pains of the heart, are a puzzle everyone must conceal and burden
欠けた破片を探し求めて kaketa hahen o sagashimotomete Searching for their missing pieces
振り絞る微笑を咲かす furishiboru hohoemi o sakasu and blooming a forced smile

いつか僕がたどり着く場所に itsuka boku ga tadoritsuku basho ni If one day the place I finally arrive in
君が求めた明日があれば kimi ga motometa ashita ga areba Holds the tomorrow you were searching for
僕が君のカケラになりたい boku ga kimi no kakera ni naritai Then I want to become your missing piece
その日まで踊り続けよう sono hi made odoritsuzukeyou Till that day comes, let’s continue to dance

どんな場所でも ぬぐえないのは donna basho demo nuguenai no wa Wherever I go, what I can’t wipe away
笑顔の造花 飾る苛立ち egao no zouka kazaru iradachi are my smile’s artificial flowers a decorating irritation
いい子ぶった舞台で踊れ ii ko butta butai de odore On the stage I dance, acting nice
「くだらねえ」聴こえないように "kudara nee" kikoenai you ni “This is so stupid” I whisper alone
独りつぶやく hitori tsubuyaku so noone can hear me

胸の風穴誰もが埋めたいって願ってる mune no kazaana dare mo ga umetaitte negatteru Everyone desires to fill the airholes in their chests
空けた相手を憎む代わりに aketa aite o nikumu kawari ni Instead of hating their empty partners
埋めあえる微笑を探す ume aeru hohoemi o sagasu Searching for smiles that can fill them

いつか君が迷い着く場所に itsuka kimi ga mayoi tsuku basho ni If one day the place you wander to
僕が無くした絆があれば boku ga nakushita kizuna ga areba holds the the bonds I lost
それが僕らの重なる明日だろう sore ga bokura no kasanaru ashita darou That’ll surely be our overlapping tomorrow
その日まで踊り続けよう sono hi made odoritsuzukeyou Till that day comes, let’s continue to dance

いつか僕がたどり着く場所に itsuka boku ga tadoritsuku basho ni If one day the place I finally arrive in
君が求めた明日があれば kimi ga motometa ashita ga areba holds the tomorrow you were searching for
僕が君のカケラになりたい boku ga kimi no kakera ni naritai Then I want to become your missing piece
その日まで踊り続けよう sono hi made odoritsuzukeyou Till that day comes, let’s continue to dance

声を無くし踊る道化師も koe o nakushi odoru doukeshi mo If there are still tears you have shed
君が流した涙があれば kimi ga nagashita namida ga areba then the clown dancing, having lost their voice
いつかもう一度叫べる日が来る itsuka mou ichido sakeberu hi ga kuru will one day shout once again
その時は君に伝えよう sono toki wa kimi ni tsutaeyou when that day comes, I’ll tell you;

「僕が最後の君のカケラさ」 "boku ga saigo no kimi no kakera sa" “I am your final piece”

English translation by Forgetfulsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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