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Osoi yo Oujisama
Song title
Romaji: Osoi yo Oujisama!
English: You're Late, My Prince!
Original Upload Date
March 27, 2015
YASUHIRO (music, lyrics)
Komomo (illustration)
Futami Takashi (video)
29,000+ (NN), 40,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
この物語は kono monogatari wa This is the story
恋に夢見る乙女のお話... はぁ koi ni yumemiru otome no ohanashi… haa of a maiden dreaming of love… Aah…
リア充がなんぼのもんじゃい! riajuu ga nanbo no mon jai! What value does reality have anyway!
さっさとイケメンつれてこーい! sassato ikemen tsurete kooi! Hurry up and bring me a cute guy!

服にお化粧、ダイエット fuku ni o keshou, daietto Clothes and make up, dieting…
占いに流行りだってバッチリなのに uranai ni hayari datte bacchiri nanoni Even though I read my horoscopes and follow the fads perfectly…
やってくるのは仕事と自慢話 yatte kuru no wa shigoto to jimanbanashi all that shows up is work and bragging
なにかフラグを立たせて nanika furagu o tatasete Something trigger a flag already!

将来は王子様と shourai wa oujisama to In in future with a prince
二人お城で暮らすのよ、執事付きで futari oshiro de kurasu no yo, shitsujitsuki de I'll live in a castle, with butlers too of course
ガラスの靴を履くのはこの私よ garasu no kutsu o haku no wa kono watashi yo the one wearing a glass slipper will be me~
お迎えの時はドレスを着させてね omukae no toki wa doresu o kisasete ne Let me wear a dress when we meet, okay?

よく「現実見ろ」って言うけど yoku "genjitsu miro" tte iu kedo I hear “face reality” a lot but
絶対そんなんじゃ相手見つからないよ? zettai sonnan ja aite mitsukaranai yo? you won't find a partner like that at all you know?
ホントに知らないよ?言ったからね! honto ni shiranai yo? itta kara ne! Do you really not know? I told you so!
って私が言うのもなんだけど... tte watashi ga iu no mo nan dakedo... admittedly coming from me that's kinda...

私の恋はどこなの? watashi no koi wa doko nano? Oh just where is my love?
空からでも降ってくるの? sora kara demo futte kuru no? Will they come falling from the sky?
もうごめんじゃ許さない mou gomen ja yurusanai I won't forgive you with a “I'm sorry”
遅刻なんて冗談じゃないわよ chikoku nante joudan ja nai wa yo Being so late… this isn't a joke you know!
私の恋はだれなの? 聞かせて watashi no koi wa dare na no? kikasete Oh just who is my love? Tell me
お仕置きにイタズラしちゃうわ oshioki ni itazura shichau wa I'm gonna punish you with a prank
これでも私、か弱い乙女なの kore demo watashi, kayowai otome nano However things look, I'm a delicate maiden you know

え? 好きな男性のタイプ? そりゃまぁ e? suki na dansei no taipu? sorya maa Eh? What kind of guys do I like? Umm…
背が高いでしょ?イケメンでしょ? se ga takai desho? ikemen desho? Well he's gotta be tall right? good-looking right?
力持ちで... あっ! あとお金持ちで chikaramochi de… a! ato o kanemochi de and strong… Ah! also rich too
優しくて、寂しくなったらすぐ駆けつけてきたりして yasashikute, sabishiku nattara sugu kaketsukete kitari shite kind, and when I get lonely he comes running to me
むふふふふん あっ! でもハレンチな人は嫌いです mufufufufun a! demo harenchi na hito wa kirai desu eheheheheh… Ah! I hate people with a reputation though.

なんでかな なんでかな nande kana nande kana I wonder why, I wonder why
考えてみては頬を濡らして kangaete mite wa hoho o nurashite When I think too hard about it, my cheeks get wet with tears
寂しいな 寂しいななんて samishii na samishii na nante I'm lonely… so lonely… hah!
ずっとくよくよしてはいられない zutto kuyokuyo shite wa irarenai I can't keep moping around like this forever

悲しみの夜空を過ぎれば日は昇る kanashimi no yozora o sugireba hi wa noboru After a night of sadness, a new day will rise!

私の恋はどこなの? watashi no koi wa doko nano? Oh just where is my love?
空からでも降ってくるの? sora kara demo futte kuru no? Will they come falling from the sky?
もうごめんじゃ許さない mou gomen ja yurusanai I won't forgive you with a “I'm sorry”
遅刻なんて冗談じゃないわよ chikoku nante joudan ja nai wa yo Being so late isn't a joke you know!
私はここよ、待ってる watashi wa koko yo, matteru I'm right here, waiting
貴方を必ず掴んでみせるわ anata o kanarazu tsukande miseru wa I'll without fail catch hold of you, just watch me!
素敵な日々、幸せを今に待ってて suteki na hibi, shiawase o ima ni mattete That wonderful everyday, just wait a little longer for that happiness

English translation by Forgetfulsubs


This song was featured on the following album:

  • ONE/00

External Links[]

