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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Toumei Suisai
English: Transparent Watercolor
Official English: Water Colors
Original Upload Date
May 19, 2009
Hatsune Miku
Yasuo (music, lyrics)
KotsubanP (guitar)
Agatha (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
くすんだ色の道は続いてゆく kusunda iro no michi wa tsuzuiteyuku The road of dulled colours continues on 
戻れない今日を残して modorenai kyou wo nokoshite Leaving behind today, never to be returned to
ほんの僅かな灯りめざして honno wazuka na akari mezashite Aiming for the ever so slight tiny light {in the distance}
子供みたいにただ走り続ける日々 kodomo mitai ni tada hashiritzusukeru hibi Like a child, these days I simply continue to run

鮮やかな君の色 azayaka na kimi no iro Your ever brilliant colour,
もしも混ざり合えるのならば moshimo mazariaeru no naraba if perhaps I could mix with it
いつか途切れた思い 言葉 涙 itsuka togirera omoi kotoba namida Maybe one day I’d be able to draw again,
また描けるのかな mata egakeru no ka na my interrupted feelings, words, and tears
幼い頃に見失った 七つの色の世界 osanai koro ni miushinatta nanatsu no iro no sekai The seven colour world I lost sight of as a child
虹のカケラを探すように niji no kakera wo sagasu you ni As though searching for fragments of the rainbow

見上げた彼方は 君に繋がっているの? miageta kanata wa kimi ni tsunagatteiru no? Is the distant yonder I admired, connected to you?
滲んだ涙はトウメイスイサイ nijinda namida wa toumei suisai My blurring tears are transparent watercolour
紡いだ言葉が 君に届かず消えても tsumuida kotoba ga kimi ni todokazu kiete mo Even if these words I spun, disappear without ever reaching you
溢れ出したこの色彩は 世界を染め上げる afuredashita kono shikisai wa sekai wo someageru This now overflowing coloring, will dye the whole world.

欲しいものは 全て手に入れても hoshii mono wa subete te ni irete mo Even if I obtain everything I want
空しさが胸に残って munashisa ga mune ni nokotte This void, remains in my heart
分かっているの 同じ繰り返し wakatteiru no onaji kurikaeshi I know, I’m just repeating the same over and over again
満たされるまでただ奪い続ける日々 mitasareru made tada ubaitsuzukeru hibi These days, just continuing to steal away until satisfied.

冷たい雨に凍えた夜も tsumetai ame ni kogoeta yoru mo Those nights I froze in the cold rain,
胸の奥に抱えた傷も mune no oku ni kakaeta kizu mo and the wounds I carry deep in my heart
辛さも悲しさも何一つ tsurasa mo kanashisa mo nanihitotsu This pain, and this sadness, I wonder if I’m simply
分け合えないのかな wakeaenai no ka na unable to share any of them with another
月より遠く海より深く それでも届くのなら tsuki yori tooku umi yori fukaku sore de mo todoku no nara Further than the moon and deeper than the ocean, if even then I can reach
声の限りに叫ぶように koe no kagiri ni sakebu you ni Then as to scream to the limits of my voice…

響いたリズムは 君に伝わっているの? hibiita rizumu wa kimi ni tsutawatteiru no? Is the reverberating rhythm being transmitted to you?
こぼれたノイズはトウメイスイサイ koboreta noizu wa toumei suisai The spilling noise is transparent watercolour
途切れた言葉が 君に届かず消えても togireta kotoba ga kimi ni todokazu kiete mo Even if these words, interrupted, disappear without ever reaching you
溢れ出したこの色彩は世界を染め上げる afuredashita kono shikisai wa sekai wo someageru This now overflowing coloring, will dye the whole world.

見上げた彼方は 君に繋がっているの。 miageta kanata wa kimi ni tsunagatteiru no. The distant yonder I admired, is indeed connected to you.
滲んだ涙はトウメイスイサイ nijinda namida wa toumei suisai My blurring tears are transparent watercolour
紡いだ言葉が 君に届かず消えても tsumuida kotoba ga kimi ni todokazu kiete mo Even if those words I spun, disappear without ever reaching you
溢れ出したこの色彩は 世界を染め上げても止まず afuredashita kono shikisai wa sekai wo someagete mo yamazu This now overflowing coloring, will not stop, even if it dyes the whole world

続いた軌跡が どこに繋がっていても tsuzuita kiseki ga doko ni tsunagatteite mo Wherever these continuing tracks are connected to,
見上げた彼方は無限の色彩 miageta kanata wa mugen no shikisai The distant yonder I admired is {now painted} in infinite colours
紡いだ言葉が 君に届くその日まで tsumuida kotoba ga kimi ni todoku sono hi made Until the day comes where those words I spun reach you
傷ついても描(うた)い続ける 世界が終わるまで kizutsuite mo utaitsuzukeru sekai ga owaru made Even if I’m hurt, I’ll continue to paint (sing) until the end of the world.

English translation by Forgetfulsubs‎


This song was featured on the following album:

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