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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
てぃーたいむP - 追憶
Song title
Romaji: Tsuioku
English: Reminiscence
Original Upload Date
January 17, 2010
Suiga Sora
TeaTimeP (music, lyrics)
Wi (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast


Hazuki no Yume has requested past usages of her translations to be removed. We would normally respect the author's wishes to remove their work. However, given the circumstances under which the request was made, the fact that she previously gave us explicit permission to use her translations (see also Good faith), and the best interest of the fandom, we have decided against removing the translations and only replacing those where another translation of sufficient quality is available. If you have found such a translation and has been checked as accurate, please replace this one or leave a comment with a link to that translation so another editor can replace it.

Japanese Romaji English
例えば僕が今消えたら tatoeba boku ga ima kietara If I were to disappear right now,
その時君は泣いてくれるの? sono toki kimi wa naite kureru no? would you cry for me then?
決まりきっている未来なんて kimarikitteru mirai nante I just can’t bear to have my future
欲しくないだけなんだ 分かって・・・ hoshikunai dake nanda wakatte… already planned out for me. Please understand…
またいつか再び mata itsuka futatabi Will I be able to love
瞳に映る全てのものを愛せるの? hitomi ni utsuru subete no mono o aiseru no? everything I see, once again?

青い空、揺れる飛行機雲 aoi sora, yureru hikoukigumo A vapor trail is drifting in the blue sky.
君の頬伝う涙 kimi no hoho tsutau namida For now, just for now, I absolutely won’t cast everything away,
喜びも少しの悲しみも yorokobi mo sukoshi no kanashimi mo be it the tears streaming down your cheeks,
今だけは手放さないから ima dake wa tebanasanai kara or our happiness, or even the occassional sadness.

例えば君が今消えたら tatoeba kimi ga ima kietara If you were to disappear right now,
その時僕はどうするのかな sono toki boku wa dou suru no kana I wonder what I would do then.
予想がつかない未来なのに yosou ga tsukanai mirai nanoni Even though there’s no telling what will happen in the future,
希望を持てないんだ 分かって・・・ kibou o motenain da wakatte… I still can’t have any hope. Please understand…
またいつか再び mata itsuka futatabi Will I be able to trust
目の前にある全てのものを信じるの? me no mae ni aru subete no mono o shinjiru no? everything I encounter, once again?

青い空、揺れる飛行機雲 aoi sora, yureru hikoukigumo A vapor trail is drifting in the blue sky.
届くことのない想い todoku koto no nai omoi My feelings can no longer reach you now.
悲しくてそれでも笑ってる kanashikute sore demo waratteru It’s so sad, but I’m still smiling,
最期まで笑顔でいたいから saigo made egao de itai kara for I want to keep smiling until the very end.

青い空、揺れる飛行機雲 aoi sora, yureru hikoukigumo A vapor trail is drifting in the blue sky.
僕の頬伝う涙 boku no hoho tsutau namida As tears stream down my cheeks,
ありがとう永遠にさよなら arigatou eien ni sayonara I say to you: Thank you, and goodbye forever.
君に出会えて良かったよ kimi ni deaete yokatta yo I’m really glad to have met you.

English translation by Hazuki no Yume


This song was featured on the following album:

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