Song title | |||
"赫焉のフィロソフィア" Romaji: Kakuen no Firosofia English: Philosophia of Radiance[1] | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
June 6, 2017 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku, KAITO, and Kagamine Rin Akame, ウォルピスカーター, Seramikaru, Dashio, 天乙准花, 新道楽, Hiina (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
270,000+ (NN), 120,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
"Determination. The magical jewel that can change the future"- Producer comment. |
Singer | Color |
Rin | Orange |
KAITO | Blue |
Miku | Green |
Chorus | Black |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
腐ってるのは | kusatteru no wa | “Is the thing rotting those who plunder (the bird) |
tori ka tamago ka | or the resources themselves (the egg)? | |
掘り返された家祖の墓で | horikaesareta ka so no haka de | At the uprooted graves of our ancestors |
「糾弾せよ」と魂が声を枯らしている | "kyuudanse yo" to tamashii ga koe o karashite iru | “Impeach!” -- their souls are screaming themselves hoarse!” |
あの日人は |
ano hijin wa torare tochi wa susami | --That day people were taken in, the land grew wild |
群集 街頭 少女が二人 | gunshuu gaitou shoujo ga futari | Crowds, in the streets, a pair of girls say |
何かできるはずと | nanika dekiru hazu to | “there must be something we can do” |
一切れのパンの値段さえろくに | hitokire no pan no nedan sae roku ni | Even though, I didn’t even fully understand |
知らなかったのに | shiranakatta noni | the cost of a slice of bread |
新たな風にただ心を震わせて | aratana kaze ni tada kokoro o furuwasete | we merely had our hearts swayed, by new winds. |
ikiru mi o nageta | and gave in our bodies, as they grew hot. | |
Я буду голосовать | Ya budu golosovat' | I choose the future![2] |
kogaredo kaze somu honoo no nioi | The smell of flames dye the winds of the scorched earth | |
さらば 聞こえるか極北の土地 | saraba kikoeru ka kyokuhoku no tochi | Farewell, can you hear, the soil of the north |
shiroki mune ni akaki hata ni chikai o tomete | To the white heart[3], to the crimson flag we retain our pledge | |
Товарищ! Товарищ! | tovarishh! Tovarishh! | Comrades! Comrades! |
かつて無き国の自由なる子 | katsute naki kuni no jiyuu naru ko | Children of a country that once was not, now becoming free |
歌おうじゃないか誇らしく | utaou ja nai ka hokorashiku | Let us sing! filling our hearts with pride |
たとえこの身朽ち果てても | tatoe kono mi kuchihatete mo | So that even if, suppose, this body was to rot to nothing, |
歩み止めぬように | ayumi tomenu you ni | we’d never stop walking forward |
<<望みは 未来は 思いは 光は>> | ""nozomi wa mirai wa omoi wa hikari wa"" | <<Our hopes, our future, our desires, our light>> |
<<絶たれた>> | ""tatareta"" | <<they’ve been severed>> |
明日は来るわ | asu wa kuru wa | Tomorrow will come…! |
<<敵が 批判が 軍靴が>> | ""teki ga hihan ga gunka ga"" | <<Our enemies, judgement, the stampede of military boots>> |
<<足元に迫る>> | ""ashimoto ni semaru"" | <<draw closer and closer underfoot>> |
黙りなさい! | damarinasai! | Be silent! |
Не робеть | Ne robet' | Don't lose your nerve |
Я заявляю! | Ya zayavlyayu! | Let us declare! |
箱舟 |
hako fune sao sasu harakara yo | O’ brethren, raising the ark’s flag pole |
胸に燃えているか赫焉の星 | mune ni moete iru ka kakuen no hoshi | Is it burning into your hearts? The radiant star- |
そこに意思がある | soko ni ishi ga aru | Up there lies meaning, |
そこに心臓がある | soko ni shinzou ga aru | there lies a heart beat |
変えられぬ明日はない | kaerarenu asu wa nai | There is no tomorrow that we can’t change |
歌おう 歌は還る | utaou uta wa kaeru | Let us sing, our songs return home -- |
kogane no daichi | To a golden land, | |
makina odoru sokoku e | our homeland of thudding machines (machina) | |
Вероятно, это грустная песня. | Veroyatno, ehto grusnaya pesnya. | That is surely a sorrowful song |
Ты можете мягко осветить их | Ty mozhete myagko osvetit' ix. | If it's you, I'm sure you can shine gently |
Послушай. | Poslushaj. | So, listen? |
Соня! | Sonya! | Sonya![4] |
Блестящий башковитый женщин | Blestyashhij bashkovityj zhenshhin | A wise soul, who can shine |
Нет... | Net... | No... |
太陽ではないの私は | taiyou de wa nai no watashi wa | I am no sun. |
inochi o kubeneba kagayake wa shinai | I would not shine, without throwing souls (lives) on the fire | |
さようなら | sayounara | This is goodbye, |
黄昏の空に見慣れぬ星があれば | tasogare no sora ni minarenu hoshi ga areba | if in the twilight sky you see an unfamiliar star |
私はそこにいる | watashi wa soko ni iru | Then that is where I am. |
火よ 別とうと燃え尽きようと | hi yo waka tou to moetsukiyou to | O’ fire, even if you start to distinguish, or burn out |
この身を焦がせ | kono mi o kogase | Burn this body to ash |
English translation by Forgetfulsubs
Translation Notes
- ↑ Radiance - kakuen describes something; shining extremely brightly, brilliantly or red; something flaming and so on. Blazing and flaming were also possibilities I thought about. A spanish channel I follow just translated it as "bright red" which also works! Nyanyannya “expanded on the meanings” of many words here, it appears many use irregular kanji or readings but it doesn’t seem to have a huge effect on translating as almost all of the alternate kanji are synonyms (eg : 白 and 皚 both mean “white” but are used in different words/the latter which nyanyannya used is VERY rarely seen so it may have just been a word...aesthetic choice) for the few confusing ones I went for the reading, since made sense meaning wise.
- ↑ The translations for the russian lines are based (mostly) on the japanese subtitles. here's some notes about the differences in the russian.
- ↑ The word used means breast/chest/heart etc, so this could be either about their uniforms or just something ‘pure heart’ related
- ↑ sonya and sofia are the same person, apparently that’s just a… nickname type thing.
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- Google Docs - Translation source
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki