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Song title
Romaji: Okuriuta
English: Gift Song
Original Upload Date
March 12, 2018
Hatsune Miku
Senzoku Gakuen College of Music Musical Chorus (chorus)
shito (lyrics, music)
Gom (lyrics)
Nakanishi (guitar)
Oji (guitar, bass)
cake (piano)
Higuchi Kousuke (drums)
Tsutsumi Hiroaki (string arrangement)
Daisuke Kadowaki Strings (strings)
halyosy (chorus arrangement and direction)
YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
ずっと言えなかった事を zutto ienakatta koto o Things I could never say
今日は手紙にしてみました kyō wa tegami ni shite mimashita today I'm putting in a letter.
どんな時も揺るがぬ愛を donna toki mo yuruganu ai o At all times you gave me
真っ直ぐ僕にくれましたね massugu boku ni kuremashita ne a direct, unwavering love.

ずっと当たり前の道を zutto atarimae no michi o Without a word you kept giving me
何も言わず与えてくれて nani mo iwazu ataete kurete the obvious path,
反抗したい未熟な僕は hankō shitai mijuku na boku wa while I, rebellious and immature,
わがままばかりしてきました wagamama bakari shite kimashita was nothing but selfish.

あなたのように溢れる愛で anata no yō ni afureru ai de With an abundant love like yours
負けずに強く生きます makezu ni tsuyoku ikimasu I'll live strong and unbeaten.

僕にくれたこの体には boku ni kureta kono karada ni wa This body you gave me
あなたの心が詰まっています anata no kokoro ga tsumatte imasu is packed full with your heart.
幸せばかり望んでくれた shiawase bakari nozonde kureta Giving me hope of nothing but happiness
あなたの言葉が背中押します anata no kotoba ga senaka oshimasu your words propelled me from behind.

桜がきれいです sakura ga kirei desu The cherry blossoms are pretty
今日までありがとう kyō made arigatō Thanks for all you've done

先生 言えなかった事を sensei ienakatta koto o Teacher, what I couldn't say
今日は手紙にしてみました kyō wa tegami ni shite mimashita I'm now putting in a letter.
幼すぎる心の棘を osanasugiru kokoro no toge o You gently removed the thorns
優しく抜いてくれましたね yasashiku nuite kuremashita ne from my childish heart.

太陽のような暖かさで taiyō no yō na atatakasa de A stairway you lit for me
照らしてくれた階段 terashite kureta kaidan with warmth like the sun's.

僕にかけた最後の言葉 boku ni kaketa saigo no kotoba Your final words to me,
"誰かの心を灯せる人に" "dareka no kokoro o tomoseru hito ni" "to the one who lights up someone's heart"
学んだことは勇気へ変わり mananda koto wa yūki e kawari The things I learned will become my courage
困難な時代も歩けそうです konnan na jidai mo arukesō desu so that I can walk through times of difficulty.

さよならは笑顔で sayonara wa egao de Goodbye with a smile
今日までありがとう kyō made arigatō Thanks for all you've done

さよなら制服 sayonara seifuku Goodbye uniforms
さよなら教科書 sayonara kyōkasho Goodbye textbooks
さよなら教室 sayonara kyōshitsu Goodbye classrooms
忘れないよ wasurenai yo I won't forget them
ありがとう友達 arigatō tomodachi Thank you my friends
ありがとう青春 arigatō seishun Thank you adolescense
門出の日 kadode no hi It's the day I start a new life

未来の"僕が"忘れないように mirai no "boku ga" wasurenai yō ni So that the future "me" won't forget
この歌"僕に"歌います kono uta "boku ni" utaimasu I'm singing this song "to me".

僕が選ぶ分かれ道には boku ga erabu wakaremichi ni wa I believe the path I choose
失敗も後悔もあると思うけど shippai mo kōkai mo aru to omou kedo will have it's failures and regrets,
振り向かないで今を生きれば furimukanaide ima o ikireba but if I live the present without turning back
喜びに幸せに必ず出会う yorokobi ni shiawase ni kanarazu deau I'm sure to encounter joy and happiness.

恐れず歩け遠回りでも osorezu aruke tōmawarai de mo Walk without fears, even in life's detours.
その景色楽しんで笑っていよう sono keshiki tanoshinde waratte iyō I'll enjoy those times with a smile.

未来の僕へ届きますように mirai no boku e todokimasu yō ni So it gets to the future me,
春の風にのせて haru no kaze ni nosete will you carry it for me
運んでくれますか? hakonde kuremasu ka? in the spring breeze?

English translation by ElectricRaichu

Notable Derivatives

CHiCO's cover
Featuring: ChiCO
Co-released with the Vocaloid version

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