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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
The Poem
Song title
Simplified Chinese: 诗
Pinyin: Shī
English: The Poem
Original Upload Date
January 23, 2015
Xin Hua
doriko (composition)
dav (lyrics)
Linia (arrange)
Yui, Yomi (voice programming)
VOFAN (illustration)
50,000+ (NN), 210,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin English
思念編織成了詩 sīniàn biānzhī chéngle shī Yearnings shaped into poetry
也許你的名字 yěxǔ nǐ de míngzì And perhaps your name
就是最唯美的詮釋 jiùshì zuì wéiměi de quánshì Is the most beautifully complete Interpretation
不需要被證實 bù xūyào bèi zhèngshí There is no need for proof
不需要被解釋 bù xūyào bèi jiěshì There is no need for explanations
你在我心中佔據獨特位置 nǐ zài wǒ xīnzhōng zhànjù dútè wèizhì You occupy an unique place in my heart

跟隨著你的影子 gēnsuízhe nǐ de yǐngzi Following your retreating shadow
勾著你的手指 gōuzhe nǐ de shǒuzhǐ Holding on to your fingers
我這樣是不是太幼稚 wǒ zhèyàng shìbùshì tài yòuzhì Am I too childish for doing this?
但是無法停止 dànshì wúfǎ tíngzhǐ But I cannot stop this
我的心彷彿被吞噬 wǒ de xīn fǎngfú bèi tūnshì It's as if my heart was swallowed
是在何時 shì zài héshí When was it,
被誰控制 bèi shéi kòngzhì Who was it controlling me?
複雜的情緒無法掩飾 fùzá de qíngxù wúfǎ yǎnshì I cannot hide these complicated feelings

故事才剛剛開始 gùshì cái gānggāng kāishǐ The story is just beginning
等著我們去嘗試 děngzhe wǒmen qù chángshì Waiting for us to go and try
嘗試栽培我們的青澀果實 chángshì zāipéi wǒmen de qīng sè guǒshí Try to cultivate our immature love
詩裡最後的句子 shī lǐ zuìhòu de jùzi The last line of this poem
透露了我的心思 tòulùle wǒ de xīnsī Reveals all my heart's feelings
今生今世 jīnshēng jīnshì In this life, in this world
想跟你一輩子 xiǎng gēn nǐ yībèizi I wish to be with you for all eternity

思念編織成了詩 sīniàn biānzhī chéngle shī Yearnings shaped into poetry
也許這個故事 yěxǔ zhège gùshì And perhaps this story
注定不能被誰藏私 zhùdìng bùnéng bèi shéi cáng sī Cannot be hidden forever by anyone
換了韻的用字 huànle yùn de yòng zì Choosing words with rythem
對了仄的遣詞 duìle zè de qiǎncí Diction with the correct tone
錯綜的情緒依然患得患失 cuòzōng de qíngxù yīrán huàndéhuànshī Still worrying with mismatched emotions

以為能坦率誠實 yǐwéi néng tǎnshuài chéngshí I thought I could be sincere and forthcoming
卻又欲言又止 què yòu yù yán yòu zhǐ Yet I leave the words unspoken
我這樣是不是太固執 wǒ zhèyàng shìbùshì tài gùzhí Am I too stubborn?
但是無法停止 dànshì wúfǎ tíngzhǐ But I cannot stop this
請不要笑我太自私 qǐng bùyào xiào wǒ tài zìsī Please do not laugh at my selfishness
在此立誓 zài cǐ lìshì I make this vow
今生今世 jīnshēng jīnshì In this life, in this world
一行永誌不渝的誠摯 yīxíng yǒng zhì bù yú de chéngzhì My undying honesty
想跟你一輩子 xiǎng gēn nǐ yībèizi I wish to be with you for all eternity

故事才剛剛開始 gùshì cái gānggāng kāishǐ The story is just now beginning
是否等我們嘗試 shìfǒu děng wǒmen chángshì Waiting for us to go and try it
雖然這一切都還只是未知 suīrán zhè yīqiè dōu hái zhǐshì wèizhī Even if it's all unknown
詩最後的一個字 shì zuìhòu de yīgè zì The last word of this poem
被誰故意的擱置 bèi shéi gùyì de gēzhì Who purposely delayed it?
等誰暗示 děng shéi ànshì Waiting for someone's suggestion

這首詩才剛剛開始 zhèshǒu shī cái gānggāng kāishǐ This poem is just now beginning
在未來的某一日 zài wèilái de mǒu yī rì One day in the future
我們的一生是否擁有彼此 wǒmen de yīshēng shìfǒu yǒngyǒu bǐcǐ Might we have each other in our lives
詩裡最後的句子 shī lǐ zuìhòu de jùzi The last line of this poem
是我無悔的堅持 shì wǒ wú huǐ de jiānchí Is my persistence without regrets
今生今世 jīnshēng jīnshì In this life, in this world
想跟你一輩子 xiǎng gēn nǐ yībèizi I wish to be with you for all eternity

English translation by alterist64


This song was featured on the following albums:

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