! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (bullying); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"被害妄想携帯女子(笑)" Romaji: Higai Mousou Keitai Joshi (Wara) English: Persecution Complex Cellphone Girl (lol) | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
April 1, 2014 | |||
Singer | |||
GUMI | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
1,900,000+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
V(・_・)<禾ムU〃ゃTょレヽイ可τ〃T=T=〃σ被貝舖TょσレニT=〃∋ゃ⊃〃 |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
『許さないよ』 | "yurusanai yo" | "Unforgivable." |
「あの人はホラを吹きました」 | "ano hito wa hora o fukimashita" | "You know, him, he was just talking big." |
突如 啓示 煩悩丸見えに | totsujo keiji bonnou marumie ni | Suddenly, everyone's raw desires are crystal clear - my revelation |
嘘つきだけを 見透かして告げる | usotsuki dake o misukashite tsugeru | It sees through only the liars, and then tells who they are |
摩訶不思議携帯 | makafushigi keitai | A truly enigmatic cellphone |
標的はあの音楽人 | hyouteki wa ano ongakujin | My target is that composer |
甘言垂れ 女性 |
kangen tare nyoshou igumi komi | Sweet-talking girls, making them into playthings |
恋心さえ踏みつぶして | koigokoro sae fumitsubushite | Hearts in love crushed underfoot |
遊んだ あの時の私もーーー | asonda ano toki no watashi mo | As play. Back then, even I had... |
好きだった 憧れてた | suki datta, akogareteta | I had loved and longed |
『なのになんで?』 | "nano ni nande?" | "So, then, why?" |
迷妄女子今日も 歩んでく | meimou joshi kyou mo ayundeku | A delusional girl spends another day walking by, |
正義とか体裁 気にして | seigi toka teisai ki ni shite | worrying about justice for appearances |
被害者と自身 | higaisha to jishin | Victim and oneself, |
棚に上げたエゴイズムとクソスタンス | tana ni ageta egoizumu to kuso sutansu | blind to her own faults, egoism and a bullshit stance |
Re;「私は悪くない。アイツが加害者。」 | "watashi wa warukunai. aitsu ga kagaisha." | Re; "I'm not the bad one. He's the attacker." |
その人はやっぱり嘘つきで | sono hito wa yappari usotsuki de | I knew it, he's a liar |
「男性とか全然信じない」 | "dansei toka zenzen shinjinai" | "You can't trust males at all." |
誰に言うでも無い独り言を | dare ni iu demo nai hitorigoto o | I don't tell anyone, just speak to myself |
翳しちゃうbakabaka | kazashichau bakabaka | and hold this knowledge up baka baka |
また鳴る携帯 今度はあの人に | mata naru keitai kondo wa ano hito ni | The phone rings again - This time, it's for that long-face, |
馬面なのにスター面さん | umazura nano ni sutaazura-san | acting like they're a star or something |
たらし込んで私も呼んでさ | tarashikonde watashi mo yonde sa | Deceivingly seduce, come on, call me too |
乙女心食い物にしてた | otomegokoro kuimono ni shiteta | As you made innocent girls in love into prey |
迷妄女子今日も 歩んでく | meimou joshi kyou mo ayundeku | A delusional girl spends another day walking by, |
怪しげな携帯 握って | ayashige na keitai nigitte | suspicious cellphone in hand |
道義だと自身 | dougi da to jishin | Morality dictated by self, |
棚に上げたエゴイズムとクソスタンス | tana ni ageta egoizumu to kuso sutansu | blind to her own faults, egoism and a bullshit stance |
真実と妄信 ハマり込み | shinjitsu to moushin hamarikomi | Truth and blind acceptance. In utter addiction |
粗探し鬼 捜しで | arasagashi oni sagashi de | Finding faults in others in her search for who's "it" |
隠れんぼ開催 | kakurenbo kaisai | A game of hide and seek made public |
Re;Re;「本当の嘘つきはどこの誰だろうね?」 | "hontou no usotsuki wa doko no dare darou ne?" | Re;Re; "Now who, where could the true liar could be, hm?" |
もういいかい? まだだよ あー | mou ii kai? mada da yo aa | Are you satisfied now? No, not just yet. ah |
見つけた | mitsuketa | I've found you out |
「貴方だけは絶対に。ーーーに。」 | "anata dake wa zettai ni. ... ni." | "You alone are definitely...definitely..." |
『許さないよ』 | "yurusanai yo" | "Unforgivable." |
迷妄女子今日も 歩んでく | meimou joshi kyou mo ayundeku | A delusional girl spends another day walking by, |
正義とか体裁 気にして | seigi toka teisai ki ni shite | worrying about justice for appearances |
被害者と自身 | higaisha to jishin | Victim and oneself |
棚に上げたエゴイズムとクソスタンス | tana ni ageta egoizumu to kuso sutansu | blind to her own faults, egoism and a bullshit stance |
嘘探し携帯 鳴り響く | uso sagashi keitai narihibiku | The lie-searching cellphone goes off - |
「次は誰?」テンション あげぽよ | "tsugi wa dare?" tenshon age poyo | "Who will be next?" Let's bring up the tension |
通達に混乱 | tsuutatsu ni konran | In notification mayhem |
Re;Re;Re;Re;「私じゃない何でただの被害者なのに」 | "watashi ja nai nande tada no higaisha nano ni" | Re;Re;Re;Re; "Why? It's not me - I'm just a victim." |
Re;Re;Re;「貴方が嘘つきだ。死んじゃえ。byebye」 | "anata ga usotsuki da. shinjae. byebye" | Re;Re;RE "You are a liar. Just go die. see ya" |
English translation by Coleena Wu
External Links
- Miku Hatsune Wiki
- Japanese lyrics source
- Vocaloid Wikia - Image and lyrics source
- Nico Nico Pedia
- VocaDB
- Coleena Wu - Translation source