Song title | |||
"虹霓"[1] Romaji: Kougei | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 12, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Len flower (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
18,000+ (NN), 84,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Japanese | Romaji | English |
小さな部屋と流行り病に | chiisana heya to hayari yamai ni | I feel like I'm being suffocated |
息苦しくなってきたみたいだ | ikigurushiku natte kita mitai da | by a small room and a pandemic. |
迷って 眠って 四季も忘れそうで | mayotte nemutte shiki mo wasuresou de | I hesitate and I sleep, until I'm on the verge of forgetting the four seasons. |
焦って飴玉噛み砕く | asette amedama kamikudaku | I anxiously chew the candy in my mouth. |
貴方が去りし彼方は妖し | anata ga sarishi kanata wa ayashi | The direction you left in is mysterious. |
蜉蝣の翅越しに見ました | kagerou no hanegoshi ni mimashita | I saw it as though through the wings of a mayfly. |
軽やか夏の所作 その様さながら彩雲 | karoyaka natsu no shosa sono sama sanagara saiun | That easy summer's dance reminded me of iridescent clouds. |
触ってる |
sawatteru kokoro ni sawatteru | I'm touching. Touching your heart. |
頬鮮やかに染めて | hoho azayaka ni somete | Dyeing your cheeks vividly. |
だけど日和ってる 熱望も絶望も | dakedo hiyoritteru netsubou mo zetsubou mo | But I'm uncertain. It’s a love |
一緒くたの恋慕だ | isshokuta no renbo da | that blends deep desire and despair. |
今すぐ僕の詞 全部あげる「いかないで」以外を | ima sugu boku no kotoba zenbu ageru "ikanaide" igai o | Other than "don't go," I'll give you all my words right now. |
貴方を探す場所がいつ | anata o sagasu basho ga itsuka | I knew that one day |
〝過去〟にしかなくなることくらい判ってたよ | "kako" ni shika nakunaru koto kurai wakatteta yo | I would only be able to find you in the "past." |
鳴る紙吹雪 | naru kamifubuki | Ringing confetti. |
全ての夏が瞳の中に | subete no natsu ga hitomi no naka ni | All of summer is in your eyes. |
散華の名残 | sange no nagori | Remnants after the flowers have fallen. |
虹の雌雄を見分ける人よ | niji no shiyuu o miwakeru hito yo | You're someone who can recognize the sexes of the rainbow. |
その流麗さに落っこちたぼくは | sono ryuurei sa ni okkochita boku wa | I, fascinated by that elegance, |
気取って 決まってこんな雨上がりに | kidotte kimatte konna ameagari ni | act pretentious and am always looking |
虹の番探している | niji no tsugai sagashite iru | for such a rainbow with such a pair after the rain. |
誰が声かと振り返る 気のせいかと笑み落とす | dare ga koe ka to furikaeru ki no sei ka to emi otosu | I look back, wondering whose voice that was. I smile because it was just my imagination. |
囚われてちゃ世話ないな 去りし日の恋情 | torawaretecha sewa nai na sarishi hi no renjou | I'm trapped in a love of the past. |
艶やか一輪咲き 見惚れていました | adeyaka ichirin saki mihorete imashita | I was fascinated by that single bewitching flower. |
変わってく |
kawatteku kokoro wa kawatteku | It changes. My heart changes. |
誰かピンで留めてくれ | dareka pin de tomete kure | Someone, stop it, pin it in place. |
糸を辿っても誰にも会えないんだ | ito o tadotte mo dare ni mo aenai nda | I can't meet anyone even if I follow the thread. |
逢えないんだ | aenai nda | I can't meet you. |
強く握りしめると折れてしまう | tsuyoku nigirishimeru to orete shimau | If you squeeze it tightly, it will break, |
離せば飛んでしまう | hanaseba tonde shimau | and if you release it, it will leave somewhere. |
掠れていくだろうか | kasurete iku darou ka | Will it fade away? |
いつか朗らかな貴方の手の形 それすらも | itsuka hogaraka na anata no te no katachi sore sura mo | You're so cheerful; will even the shape of your hand fade away? |
鳴る紙吹雪 | naru kamifubuki | Ringing confetti. |
全ての夏が瞳の中に | subete no natsu ga hitomi no naka ni | All of summer is in your eyes. |
散華の名残 | sange no nagori | Remnants after the flowers have fallen. |
ザマない 千鳥足で | zamanai chidoriashi de | I walk around aimlessly with unsightly, staggering legs |
のらりくらり されどほろり | norari kurari saredo horori | Even so, I cry |
(ヤートーサカエ) | (yaatoo sakae) | (Ya-To-Sakae) |
腹の底の泥を吐いた恥知らずなぼくは | hara no soko no doro o haita hajishirazu na boku wa | I came clean about the sins buried deep in my gut. I'm a shameless guy. |
虹を見つけたあとさき 狼狽て泣いた | niji o mitsuketa atosaki roubaite naita | I found a rainbow and, dismayed, I cried. |
貴方を雨に変えて身体中で浴びる | anata o ame ni kaete karadajuu de abiru | I want to turn you into the rain and bathe in it. |
ぼくの涙と混ぜて飲み干してしまいたい | boku no namida to mazete nomihoshite shimaitai | I want to mix you with my tears and drink it up. |
今すぐ僕の詞 全部あげる「いかないで」以外を | ima sugu boku no kotoba zenbu ageru "ikanaide" igai o | Other than "don't go," I'll give you all my words right now. |
貴方を探す場所がいつか | anata o sagasu basho ga itsuka | I knew that one day |
〝過去〟にしかなくなることくらい判ってたよ | "kako" ni shikanaku naru koto kurai wakatteta yo | I would only be able to find you in the "past." |
全部あげる | zenbu ageru | I'll give it all to you. |
憂いて 折に触れて笑って | ureite ori ni furete waratte | I feel sad, though sometimes I laugh, |
前に一歩進んで泣いて | mae ni ippo susunde naite | Taking a step forward, I cry, |
憂いて 折に触れて笑って | ureite ori ni furete waratte | I feel sad, though sometimes I laugh, |
ザマない 千鳥足で | zamanai chidoriashi de | I walk around aimlessly with unsightly, staggering legs |
のらりくらり されどほろり なれど独り | norari kurari saredo horori naredo hitori | However, I'm alone. |
English translation by Anonymous, based on Teniwoha's official translation
Translation Notes
- ↑ "Kougei" is an older chinese expression of the rainbow. 「虹」 A clearly visible main rainbow, and「霓」a sub-rainbow that appears thin on the outside, and in ancient China, these are paired expressions as male and female snakes or dragons.
External Links
- Dropbox - Off vocal