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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Evening Cicada Moratorium
Song title
Romaji: Higurashi Moratorium
English: Evening Cicada Moratorium
Original Upload Date
March 15, 2013
TOTAL OBJECTION (music, lyrics)
rerulili (tuning, mix)
ako (illustration)
ke-sanβ (video)
290,000+ (NN), 45,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
生まれでた世界は まるで虫かごだね umaredeta sekai wa marude mushi kago da ne The world I was born into is just like an insect cage, isn't it?
誰かと過ごすこと義務付けられてる dareka to sugosu koto gimuzukerareteru Being obligated to spend time with others

嗚呼 カナカナカナと啼くその声は aa kana kana kana to naku sono koe wa Ah, the voice ringing like a cicada
森羅万象にて常勝無敗 shinrabanshou nite joushou muhai is invincible and undefeated in this universe
言われ続けた 賛辞は 痛い痛い iwaretsuzuketa sanji wa itai itai The eulogies continued to be said, they hurt and they hurt,
精神(こころ)とおりゃんせ kokoro tooryanse as they pass into my mind

不適合と判断(ジャッジ)され futekigou to jajji sare Non-conforming, and I'm judged,
手も羽も出ない te mo hane mo denai and my hands and wings won't come forth
(痛い居たい期待しない) (itai itai kitai shinai) (It hurts, I want to exist, but I won't expect to)

重なる音 夏の終わり kasanaru oto natsu no owari Overlapping sounds, the end of summer,
一般人(むしたち)が奏でる 残響音(リヴァーヴ) mushitachi ga kanaderu rivaavu the ordinary insects cry out an echo,
いびつな僕はシンクロ出来ない 変化する震動音(トレモロ) ibitsu na boku wa shinkuro dekinai toremoro and my distorted self can't synchronize with the changing vibrations
届けますか?凍えますか? todokemasu ka? kogoemasu ka? Can you reach it? Are you frozen?
それとも未完成のまま飛びますか? soretomo mikansei no mama tobimasu ka? Or will you fly while still incomplete?
感情のままに呼んでみたって kanjou no mama ni yonde mita tte I tried to call out my feelings as they are
鳴けない飛べないヒグラシだって nakenai tobenai higurashi datte but after all, unable to sing and fly, I'm just a cicada
まだまだ 土の中(モラトリアム) madamada moratoriamu I'm still in moratorium

0と1(全て)だった世界で 刻む もののあはれ subete datta sekai de kizamu mono no aware In this world where everything was 0's and 1's, there's an engraved pathos
感情くらいなら 指で打ち出せるよ kanjou kurai nara yubi de uchidaseru yo If my feelings are like that, then I can hammer them out with my fingers

だけど1掛け2掛け迷惑を掛けて dakedo ichi kake ni kake meiwaku o kakete But once and twice again, I cause trouble,
因果応報にて暗中模索 ingaouhou nite anchuumosaku searching blindly in retribution
無理にあわせて みたけど muri ni awasete mita kedo I tried to face the impossibility,
嫌い嫌い 花いちもんめ kirai kirai hana ichi monme but I hated it, I hated it, just a game of hana ichi monme

不平等に支配(ジャック)され fubyoudou ni jakku sare I'm unfairly controlled,
二の足も出ない ni no ashi mo denai but I don't think to hesitate
(痛い居たい期待したい) (itai itai kitai shitai) (It hurts, I want to exist, I want to expect to)

夕焼け色 見ずに終わる yuuyake iro mizu ni owaru Without seeing the colours of the sunset, I end
僕等(むしたち)が感じる 幸福感(ユーフォリア) mushitachi ga kanjiru yuuforia We insects feel a euphoria,
人恋しくて次元違いの愛 求める hitokoishikute jigen chigai no ai motomeru and we yearn for others, desiring love from a different dimension
見えてますか?(ほど)けますか? mietemasu ka? hodokemasu ka? Can you see it? Can you solve it?
それとも汚いものと捨てますか? soretomo kitanai mono to sutemasu ka? Or will you throw away all the dirty things?
七日で朽ちてく栄光なんて nanoka de kuchiteku eikou nante Glory that rots in 7 days,
満ちても欠けてもつらいつらいよ michite mo kakete mo tsurai tsurai yo And even if it's full or even lacking, it's painful, it's painful
まだまだ ここが現実(リアル) madamada koko ga riaru It's still reality here

(ひぐらし)や 鳴けど果たせぬ 願いかな higurashi ya nakedo hatasenu negai kana The cicadas cry, but I wonder if their wish is unfulfilled
求める場所は多かれど motomeru basho wa ookaredo There are many places I wish for,
我には此処がいとをかし ware ni wa koko ga ito o kashi but for me, here is the most interesting

君には白 僕には黒 kimi ni wa shiro boku ni wa kuro You are white, and I am black
人類(むしたち)が おりなす 反発(リフレクション) mushitachi ga orinasu rifurekushon The insect humanity interweaves a reflection
絡まりあって かけがえのないモノを造る karamariatte kakegae no nai mono o tsukuru that begins, and produces irreplaceable things
わかりますか?届きますか? wakarimasu ka? todokimasu ka? Do you get it? Does this reach you?
それとも理解しないままなじりますか? soretomo rikai shinai mama najirimasu ka? Or will you scold me, without ever understanding?
東西南北見渡したって touzai nanboku miwatashita tte I looked out over east, west, south and north,
おんなじ形はどこにもないって onnaji katachi wa doko ni mo nai tte but the same forms are nowhere to be found
まだまだ 歌うよ madamada utau yo but I'll still sing
はらはら 躍るよ harahara odoru yo and dance thrillingly, in
ヒグラシ モラトリアム higurashi moratoriamu higurashi moratorium

English translation by OccasionalSubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

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