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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Hanamekanai kose
Song title
Romaji: Hanamekanai
English: Not Flower
Official English: Don't Blossom
Original Upload Date
March 23, 2020
Hatsune Miku
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Noise (mastering)
giostra (illustration)
250,000+ (NN), 940,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Versions

Rainbow album
flower ver.
Upload date: September 28, 2020 (album release date)
Featuring: flower
Producer(s): Nakiso (music, lyrics, tuning)
A flower version was featured on the album Rainbow


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
「幸せです」だとか "shiawase desu" da toka “I’m so happy.”
よくも私の陰で言えたものですね yokumo watashi no kage de ieta mono desu ne How dare you say such words behind my back?
道理通りに従えば doori doori ni shitagaeba Following the reason just as it says
どうりで惨めな訳が伺える doori de mijime na wake ga ukagaeru shows me the reason why I feel miserable indeed.
「可哀想に」憐れまないでよ "kawaisou ni" awaremanaide yo “Poor thing.” Don’t take pity on me.
私には不幸が似つかわしいだとか watashi ni wa fukou ga nitsukawashii da toka “Misery is befitting to me!”
そう言って呑み込んだ sou itte nomikonda After saying so, I swallowed
思い咽ぶくらいの後悔の言の葉 omoi musebu kurai no koukai no kotonoha such remorseful words that I got stifled.

あの時 あの時 ああしていたら屹度 ano toki ano toki aa shite itara kitto At that time, at that time, if only I had done that.

終りにしようか owari ni shiyou ka Shall we put an end to this?
どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に douka douka saigo dake wa watashi no mama ni Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please.
永遠に君に焼き付いてみせようか eien ni kimi ni yakitsuite miseyou ka Shall I get imprinted on you forever?
終りにしようか owari ni shiyou ka Shall we put an end to this?
どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に douka douka saigo dake wa watashi no mama ni Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please.
一生好きでした isshou suki deshita I loved you all my life.

幸せだったんだ shiawase dattan da I was so happy.
嘗て私の意志で委ねていました katsute watashi no ishi de yudanete imashita I used to entrust it of my own accord.
もう独りで歩けない mou hitori de arukenai “I can no longer walk by myself.”
呑気に何とも莫迦な絵空事 nonki ni nantomo baka na esoragoto How thoughtlessly absurd that fabrication is.
甘い脳裏を遊ぶ残花が amai nouri o asobu zanka ga A remaining flower playing in my sugary mind
「私には幸などしゃらくさい」だとか "watashi ni wa sachi nado sharakusai" da toka mumbles “It’s overbold of me to be happy.”
そう苛んだ刹那 sou sainanda setsuna Upon sneering at itself,
浮き足立つくらいの ukiashidatsu kurai no it fell into hell
如何しようも無い地獄 doushiyou mo nai jigoku so hopeless that it became reckless.

此の侭 大人に成って kono mama otona ni natte I’m going to grow up as I am
あらかた終りになって仕舞う arakata owari ni natte shimau and almost everything is going to end;
そんな未来なら sonna mirai nara if that were the future I were to have,
いっそ枕木の上で 今此処で isso makuragi no ue de ima koko de I might as well sleep on a crosstie, at this moment
此の侭 大人に成って kono mama otona ni natte Were I to grow up as I am
脆くも忘れられるならば moroku mo wasurerareru naraba and to be forgotten fragilely,
忘れはさせないよ wasure wa sasenai yo I won’t let you forget me
ずっと zutto for good.

終りにしようか owari ni shiyou ka Shall we put an end to this?
どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に douka douka saigo dake wa watashi no mama ni Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please.
永遠に君に焼き付いてみせようか eien ni kimi ni yakitsuite miseyou ka Shall I get imprinted on you forever?
終りにしようか owari ni shiyou ka Shall we put an end to this?
どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に douka douka saigo dake wa watashi no mama ni Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please.
「まだ生を厭う?」 "mada sei o itou?" “Do you still hate life?”

嗚呼 救いが無い aa sukui ga nai Ah, there’s no salvation.
まるで添え物のように尽くす人生だな maru de soemono no you ni tsukusu jinsei da na My life’s just to devote myself like a garnish.
嘆こうか 潤んだ目すら無い私を nagekou ka urundame suranai watashi o Grieve for me, who is devoid even of watery eyes.
終りにしよう owari ni shiyou Let me put an end.

終りにしようか owari ni shiyou ka Shall we put an end to this?
どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に douka douka saigo dake wa watashi no mama ni Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please.
永遠に君に焼き付いてみせようか eien ni kimi ni yakitsuite miseyou ka Shall I get imprinted on you forever?
終りにしようか owari ni shiyou ka Shall we put an end to this?
どうかどうか 最期だけは私の儘に douka douka saigo dake wa watashi no mama ni Please, please let me meet at least my fate as I please.
一生好きでした isshou suki deshita I loved you all my life.
「じゃあね」 "jaa ne" “See you.”

English translation by Tackmyn Y.


This song was featured in the following albums:

External Links

