! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Bullying, Implied sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
! |
Song title | |||
"腐れ外道とチョコレゐト" Romaji: Kusaregedou to Chokoreito English: Rotten Heresy and Chocolate Official English: Kusare-gedou and Chocolate | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
January 10, 2011 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
PinocchioP (music, lyrics, illustration)
| |||
Views | |||
4,000,000+ (NN), 7,400,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"Nice to meet you, my name is PinocchioP. I don't really understand it, but it's a fast song. Thank you for your support." |
Alternate Versions
Remaster |
Upload date: July 4, 2012 |
Featuring: Hatsune Miku |
Producer(s): PinocchioP |
YT (auto-generated) / YT (auto-generated) |
Featured on "Obscure Questions", and re-released on "PINOCCHIOP BEST ALBUM 2009-2020 Kotobuki".
HUMAN ver. |
Upload date: November 23, 2016 |
Featuring: Hatsune Miku |
Producer(s): PinocchioP |
YT (auto-generated) |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ここだけの話 | koko dake no hanashi | What I'm about to say here stays here; |
となりのクラスの先生と 同じクラスのAさんが | tonari no kurasu no sensei to onaji kurasu no ee-san ga | but the teacher and "A" from the class next door, |
マー いけないこと インモラルだこと | maa ikenai koto inmoraru da koto | well, they're doing something they shouldn't, something immoral. |
噂のたまごが割れちゃって | uwasa no tamago ga warechatte | I guess the gossip has freed itself from its egg. |
地下 奥深く 鎖に繋いだ おかしな秘密が | chika okufukaku kusari ni tsunaida okashina himitsu ga | The strange secret that was chained deep down underground |
渋谷の駅前で 丸裸のダンシング | shibuya no ekimae de maruhadaka no danshingu | is dancing stark-naked in front of Shibuya station. |
「仲間にいれてね」「話に混ぜてね」 | "nakama ni irete ne" "hanashi ni mazete ne" | "Let me join the group!" "Let me join the talk!" |
先祖代々の伝言ゲーム | senzo daidai no dengon geemu | As the telephone game is played generation after generation, |
流れ流されて健全に | nagare nagasarete kenzen ni | the message gets passed around until it goes something like this: |
Я らりぱっぱら ぱっぱっぱら! | yaa raripappara pappappara! | "Ya lalipappala, pappappala!" |
みんな 唾液まみれのゴシップニュース | minna daeki mamire no goshippu nyuusu | Everyone's stuffing their cheeks in the most unsightly manner |
にちゃにちゃ頬張ってんだ | nichanicha hoobatten da | the gossips and news already smeared with others' saliva. |
嗚咽がだんだんクセになり | oetsu ga dandan kuse ni nari | They'd slowly become addicted to sobbing |
腐れ外道に ほだされたり | kusaregedou ni hodasaretari | and get swayed by some rotten heresy. |
あることないことばっかの 甘い甘いチョコを舐める 嗚呼 | aru koto nai koto bakka no amai amai choko o nameru aa | I'll lick some sweet, sweet chocolate whether it's real or not, alas. |
真偽はどうあれ 添加物だらけ 美味い餌をあげる | shingi wa dou are tenkabutsu darake umai esa o ageru | Whatever the truth may be, we're fed delicious food full of additives. |
綺麗ごとは嘘くさくて 下世話な蜜が真実でさ | kireigoto wa usokusakute gesewa na mitsu ga shinjitsu de sa | Platitudes ring too hollow; this juicy nectar is more real to me. |
あなたもかい? そりゃ私もそうだよ | anata mo kai? sorya watashi mo sou da yo | You think so, too? Of course I also think so. |
安直だね | anchoku da ne | How simple-minded. |
内緒のお話 | naisho no ohanashi | What I'm about to say is a secret; |
今をときめくあのスターも 立派なあの大先生も | ima o tokimeku ano sutaa mo rippa na ano daisensei mo | but that extremely popular idol, that handsome scholar, |
惚けたふりの私たちも | toboketa furi no watashitachi mo | and those of us pretending to be crazed over them are all going: |
Я だんだんでぃだん だんだんでぃだん! | yaa dandandidan dandandidan! | "Ya dandandidan, dandandidan!" |
脳内は煮え立って | nounai wa nietatte | Seething inside my head, |
私利私欲や 嫉妬が渦巻いてんだ | shiri shiyoku ya shitto ga uzumaiten da | my self-interest and envy swirl about. |
カード切る場所を探したり | kaado kiru basho o sagashitari | I'd be searching for a place to play my trump card, |
爆弾抱え微笑んだり | bakudan kakae hohoendari | or smile while cradling a bomb. |
銀紙の中身暴けば わかりやすく人は群れる 嗚呼 | gingami no nakami abakeba wakariyasuku hito wa mureru aa | People will understandably crowd when you expose a wrapper's contents, alas. |
その裏こっそり 誰かが黒い雨を降らすのでしょう | sono ura kossori dareka ga kuroi ame o furasu no deshou | Behind the scenes, someone will secretly pour black rain. |
数多のニーズに応えて 利害の一致を売るだけさ | amata no niizu ni kotaete rigai no icchi o uru dake sa | I'm just meeting the majority's demands and selling them what they want. |
あなたもかい? そりゃ私もそうだよ | anata mo kai? sorya watashi mo sou da yo | You do that, too? Of course I also do that. |
例えばあの○○○○の○○○○○が | tatoeba ano ○○○○ no ○○○○○ ga | For example, if that XXXX's XXXXX turns out |
実は○○○○っていうこと | jitsu wa ○○○○ tte iu koto | to actually be XXXX, then |
それはもう○○○○で ○○○が | sore wa mou ○○○○ de ○○○ ga | that's already XXXX, and XXX is |
○○○○○!! | ○○○○○!! | XXXXX!! |
虫食い跡の残骸に あなたならば何を埋める? | mushikui ato no zangai ni anata naraba nani o umeru? | What would you fill into the grooves eaten out by worms? |
やましさに生えたしっぽを 特別掴ませてあげる | yamashisa ni haeta shippo o tokubetsu tsukamasete ageru | I'll make an exception and let you grab my tail grown out of guilt. |
見えちゃうソレは見ないけど 見えないアレは見たいのです | miechau sore wa minai kedo mienai are wa mitai no desu | I won't look at "that" when I can, but I want to see "that" when I can't. |
なぞなぞです その答えは何でしょう | nazonazo desu sono kotae wa nan deshou | Now, riddle me this! What is "that"? |
「わかんない!」 | "wakannai!" | "I have no idea!" |
あることないことばっかの 甘い甘いチョコを舐める 嗚呼 | aru koto nai koto bakka no amai amai choko o nameru aa | I'll lick some sweet, sweet chocolate whether it's real or not, alas. |
真偽はどうあれ 添加物だらけ 美味い餌をあげる | shingi wa dou are tenkabutsu darake umai esa o ageru | Whatever the truth may be, we're fed delicious food full of additives. |
銀紙の中身暴けば わかりやすく人は群れる 嗚呼 | gingami no nakami abakeba wakariyasuku hito wa mureru aa | People will understandably crowd when you expose a wrapper's contents, alas. |
その裏こっそり 誰かが黒い雨を降らすのでしょう | sono ura kossori dareka ga kuroi ame o furasu no deshou | Behind the scenes, someone will secretly pour black rain. |
綺麗ごとは嘘くさくて 下世話な蜜が真実でさ | kireigoto wa usokusakute gesewa na mitsu ga shinjitsu de sa | Platitudes ring too hollow; this juicy nectar is more real to me. |
あなたもかい? そりゃ私もそうだよ | anata mo kai? sorya watashi mo sou da yo | You think so, too? Of course I also think so. |
なんか嫌だね | nanka iya da ne | Oh, I don't like this. |
English translation by animeyay
Notable Derivatives
Shirakami Fubuki's cover |
Featuring: Shirakami Fubuki |
YT |
This song was featured on the following albums:
- 漫画 (Manga) (album)
- Vocalonation
- VOCALO DANCE feat.初音ミク (VOCALO DANCE feat. Hatsune Miku) (album)
- 初音ミク 5thバースデーベスト ~impacts~ (Hatsune Miku 5th Birthday Best ~impacts~) (album)
- 祭りだヘイカモン
- Comic and Cosmic
A remaster of this song was featured on the following albums:
- Obscure Questions
- PINOCCHIOP BEST ALBUM 2009-2020 寿 (PINOCCHIOP BEST ALBUM 2009-2020 Kotobuki) (album)
A remix of this song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB - Original ver.
- VocaDB - Obscure Questions ver.
- VocaDB - HUMAN ver.
- Project SEKAI Wiki
- Anime Lyrics - Translation source