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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Nounai Okatadzuke Daikou Service
Song title
Romaji: Nounai Okatazuke Daikou Saabisu
Official English: Brainkeeper Service
Original Upload Date
December 17, 2024
Otomachi Una
cosMo (music, lyrics, PV)
1,900+ (NN), 150,000+ (YT), 3,300+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
はい、脳内ヲカタヅケ代行サービス hai, nounai okatadzuke daikou saabisu Yes, this is the brain-keeping service
高bpm楽曲と圧倒カワイイ担当 Responsible for high BPM music and overwhelming cuteness

ああ、はいはーい、了解です aa, hai haai, ryoukai desu Ahh, yes yes, Roger that!
すぐ向かいますねー sugu mukaimasu nee I’ll be over right away!

「こんにちはー!」 "konnichiwaa!" “Hello there!”

心のお部屋散らかっていませんか? kokoro no oheya chirakatte imasen ka? Your mental state is in disarray isn’t it?
そろそろお掃除じゃないですか? sorosoro osouji janai desu ka? It’s about time it got cleaned up, no?
手伝える事はありませんか? te tsudaeru koto wa arimasen ka? You need help with that don’tcha?

ありませんか?ありませんか? arimasen ka? arimasen ka? Don’tcha? Don’tcha?

最近脳みそ荒廃してませんか? saikin noumiso kouhai shitemasen ka? Haven’t your brains been wrecked?
メイドの出番じゃないですか? meido no deban janai desu ka? Won’tcha give this maid here a chance?

(何かの咆哮1) (nanka no houzou 1) (Something roars)

何でも!! nandemo!! I hear you!

(何かの咆哮2) (nanka no houzou 2) (something roars again)

ちゃちゃっと!! chachatto!! R-right away!!

こなしてみせましょう kona shite misemashou I can get everything done for you!

学業就労将来展望 gakugyou shuurou shouraitenbou There’s work, school, your future prospects
あゝちょっと埃被ってますわ aa chotto hokori kabuttemasu wa Ah— it’s a bit dusty in here
はたいておきますねっねっ hataite okimasu ne nne I’ll get started helping you with the dusting, don’tcha think

パッパッのパッパッ pappannopappa swoosh-swoosh

人間関係交際交友 ningen kankei kousai kouyuu Your relationships with your friends and acquaintances
賞味期限切れていらしたので shoumikigen kirete irashita no de They’ve already expired anyways,
まとめて思考の外へと捨てておきますね matomete shikou no soto e to sutete okimasu ne so I’ll just throw them out of your mind in one fell swoop

大丈夫大丈夫 ほら 私とっても有能ですので daijoubu daijoubu hora watashi tottemo yuunou It’s OK, you’re alright, look, I’m very efficient
大丈夫大丈夫 ほら してほしい事はありますか? daijoubu daijoubu hora shite hoshii koto wa arimasen ka? It’s alright, you’re OK, listen, there’s something you want me to do, isn't there?

私にあって自動掃除機に欠けてる物っ!!!!! watashi ni atte jidou soujiki ni kaketeru mono!!!!! I have something that the Roomba doesn’t!!!!!
それは愛情!友情!狂気!嫉妬!慈悲!そして!涙と血の味! sore wa aijou! yuujou! kyouki! shitto! jibi! shoshite! namida to chi no aji! That’s your affections! Your friendships! Your madness! Your envy! Your mercy! They taste of blood and tears!

おかたづけならまかせてください okatadzukenara makasete kudasai If you need cleaning done then please leave it to me!

かたづけましょう!!かたづけましょう!! katadzukemashou!! katadzukemashou!! Let’s clean up!! Let’s clean up!!
邪魔な思考は一切合切!! jama na shikou wa issaigassai!! It’s all troublesome thoughts in here!!

新しい部屋の壁紙は何色にしましょうか!? atarashii heya no kabegami wa nani iro ni shimashou ka!? What color should we make the new wallpaper in here!?

かたづけましょう!!かたづけましょう!! katadzukemashou!! katadzukemashou!! Let’s clean up!! Let’s clean up!!
そして二人で眠りましょう!! soshite futari de nemurimashou!! Let’s go take a nap after all of this!!

ゴミは全部捨てちゃって gomi wa zenbu sutechatte It’s all just trash in here, so I threw it out
昨日までの悪夢全部忘れて kinou made no akumu zenbu wasurete Just forget every nightmare you’ve had before yesterday

綺麗な花を挿しましょう kirei na hana o sashimashou Let’s plant a beautiful flower here

業界シェアNo. 1 どこにお住まいでも一時以内にスタッフが向かいます No. 1 of the market in your area, our staff will even arrive in less than an hour
不要な思考がどんなに多くても料金は一律なので安心! No matter how many unnecessary thoughts you have, don’t worry, the fee is flat!
最短15分で作業が終わるので忙しい貴方にピッタリ! Our shortest work is only 15 minutes, so it’s perfectly suited to someone busy like you!

心晴れやかになれました? kokoro hareyaka ni naremashita? Have I brightened up your mind?
私がいればもう大丈夫! watashi ga ireba mou daijoubu! As long as I’m around, it’s all okay!

心の隅から隅まできっちり kokoro no sumi kara sumi made kicchiri Every single nook and cranny
かたづけさせて頂きます katadzukesasete itadakimasu of your mind will be cleaned up

おっと感心しませんね otto kanshin shimasen ne Oh well, that’s not very good!
それは余計な思考があるせいです! sore wa yokei na shikou ga aru sei desu! It’s because of all those excessive thoughts you have!

おっと感心しませんね otto kanshin shimasen ne Oh well, that’s not very good!
それは余計な知恵があるせいです! sore wa yokei na chie ga aru sei desu! It’s because of all that excessive wisdom you have!

おっと感心しませんね otto kanshin shimasen ne Oh well, that’s not very good!
それは余計な倫理があるせいです! sore wa yokei na rinri ga aru sei desu! It’s because of all those excessive morals you have!

おっと感心しませんね otto kanshin shimasen ne Oh well, that’s not very good!
それは余計な未練があるせいです! sore wa yokei na miren ga aru sei desu! It’s because of all those excessive regrets you have!

あるせいです aru sei desu It’s all their fault!

最近清く正しく狂ってませんか?狂ってませんか? saikin kiyoku tadashiku kurutte masen ka? kurutte masen ka? You’ve been going rightly and honestly mad as of late haven’t you? You’re going mad aren’tcha?
もっと邪に狂いましょう?余計な理性は断ちましょう motto yokoshima ni kuruimashou? yokei na risei tachimashou Shall we go even more wickedly insane? Let's get rid of your excessive common sense

見つけたモノは決して喋りません mitsuketa mono wa kesshite jaberimasen I’ll never speak of what I’ve found
ええ私、口は堅いのです ee, watashi kuchi wa katai no desu Weell… my lips are sealed.

二人だけの秘密にしましょう? futari dake no himitsu ni shimashou? Shall we keep this secret between just the two of us?

かたづけましょう!!かたづけましょう!! katadzukemashou!! katadzukemashou!! Let’s clean up!! Let’s clean up!!
邪魔な思考は一切合切!! jama na shikou wa issaigassai!! It’s all troublesome thoughts in here!!

新しい部屋の壁紙は何色にしましょうか!? atarashii heya no kabegami wa nani iro ni shimashou ka!? What color should we make the new wallpaper in here!?

かたづけましょう!!かたづけましょう!! katadzukemashou!! katadzukemashou!! Let’s clean up!! Let’s clean up!!
そして二人で眠りましょう!! soshite futari de nemurimashou!! Let’s go take a nap after all of this!!

ゴミは全部捨てちゃって gomi wa zenbu sutechatte It’s all just trash in here, so I threw it out
昨日までの悪夢全部忘れて kinou made no akumu zenbu wasurete Just forget every nightmare you’ve had before yesterday

綺麗な花を挿しましょう kirei na hana o sashimashou Let’s plant a beautiful flower here

ありがとうございました またのご用命を―― arigatou gozaimashita mata no goyoumei o―― Thank you very much, I look—

お待ちしております omachishite orimasu forward to working with you again!

English translation by Kesera, proofread by Tackmyn Y.

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