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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Kikoemasu ka
English: Do You Hear Me?
Original Upload Date
April 13, 2018
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
Oji (guitar)
Cake (piano)
Daisuke Kadowaki Strings (strings)
Rokoru (illustration)
ziro (video)
YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
泣きそうだ nakisou da I'm about to cry
今日もまた失敗しちゃった kyou mo mata shippai shichatta I failed again today
こんな時あなたなら… konna toki anata nara… At such a time, you would've …
ねぇ 考えるよ nee kangaeru yo Hey, I think about it!

愛する人よ aisuru hito yo The one I love,
どこにいますか?聞こえますか? doko ni imasu ka? kikoemasu ka? where are you? Do you hear me?
会えない人よ aenai hito yo The one I cannot see,
記憶の笑顔に触れたい kioku no egao ni furetai I want to touch the smiling face I remember

大人になれば otona ni nareba When I grow up,
寂しさも忘れていけるの? sabishisa mo wasurete ikeru no? will I ever be able to forget my loneliness?
なんて言ったら nante ittara If I were to say such a thing,
怒っちゃうかな okotchau kana would you get mad at me?

愛する人よ aisuru hito yo The one I love,
どこにいますか?聞こえますか? doko ni imasu ka? kikoemasu ka? where are you? Do you hear me?
会えない人よ aenai hito yo The one I cannot see,
記憶の笑顔に触れたい kioku no egao ni furetai I want to touch the smiling face I remember

愛する人よ aisuru hito yo The one I love,
僕にも大事な人ができたよ boku ni mo daiji na hito ga dekita yo I too have found someone dear to me.
聞こえてる? kikoeteru? Are you listening?
不器用だけど bukiyou da kedo Although it's someone clumsy,
優しい人です yasashii hito desu they're lovely.

愛する人よ aisuru hito yo The one I love,
見ててください mitete kudasai be watching me.

English translation by ElectricRaichu

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