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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page are found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

Juewang de Fucong Zhe
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 絕望的服從者
Pinyin: Juéwàng de Fúcóng Zhě
Original Upload Date
January 31, 2017
Yuezheng Ling, Luo Tianyi, and YANHE
Yongyuan Huanying (music, lyrics)
bilibili Broadcast


Singer Tianyi YANHE Ling
Chinese Pinyin
乌黑的眼睛 wūhēi de yǎnjīng
空洞望着你 kōngdòng wàngzhe nǐ
骨骼声响起 gǔgé shēng xiǎngqǐ
将要去哪里 jiāngyào qù nǎlǐ
勉强的嘴角 miǎnqiáng de zuǐjiǎo
僵硬的微笑 jiāngyìng de wéixiào
夜晚已经来临 yèwǎn yǐjīng láilín
她在迎接你 tā zài yíngjiē nǐ

终年不变的舞装 zhōngnián bù biàn de wǔ zhuāng
脸上惨淡的妆 liǎn shàng cǎndàn de zhuāng
不想被人们看见 bùxiǎng bèi rénmen kànjiàn
她狼狈的模样 tā lángbèi de múyàng
而时间不曾停留 ér shíjiān bùcéng tíngliú
不快不慢地走过 bùkuài bù màn de zǒuguò
空中也触碰不到 kōngzhōng yě chù pèng bù dào
支撑她的依托 zhīchēng tā de yītuō

她身体在颤抖 tā shēntǐ zài chàndǒu
情不自禁舞动 qíngbùzìjīn wǔdòng
那手指在操控 nà shǒuzhǐ zài cāokòng
让她步步走向陨落 ràng tā bùbù zǒuxiàng yǔnluò
细丝关节处缠绕 xì sī guānjié chù chánrào
牵制住她的怒吼 qiānzhì zhù tā de nùhǒu
永远无法挣脱 yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ zhēngtuō
即使生命走到最后 jíshǐ shēngmìng zǒu dào zuìhòu

渐起的旋律 jiàn qǐ de xuánlǜ
熟悉的声音 shúxī de shēngyīn
她被包裹在 tā bèi bāoguǒ zài
一束冷光里 yī shù lěngguāng lǐ
抬起了双手 tái qǐle shuāngshǒu
被迫显温柔 bèi pò xiǎn wēnróu
那开不了的口 nà kāi bùliǎo de kǒu
难诉的忧愁 nán sù de yōuchóu

貌似高傲的头颅 màosì gāo'ào de tóulú
宁愿此刻脱落 nìngyuàn cǐkè tuōluò
纤细偌长的五指 xiānxì ruò zhǎng de wǔzhǐ
辗碾成为粉末 niǎn niǎn chéngwéi fěnmò
而空间不曾变换 ér kōngjiān bùcéng biànhuàn
无能无力到彼岸 wúnéng wúlì dào bǐ'àn
唯有不停地旋转 wéi yǒu bù tíng de xuánzhuǎn
把不安给掩埋 bǎ bù'ān gěi yǎnmái

她大脑被束缚 tā dànǎo bèi shùfù
思想封印禁锢 sīxiǎng fēngyìn jìngù
那手掌在翻动 nà shǒuzhǎng zài fāndòng
让她念想完全落空 ràng tā niàn xiǎng wánquán luòkōng
阴瑟冷冷的风中 yīn sè lěng lěng de fēng zhōng
绝望吞没了夜空 juéwàng tūnmòle yèkōng
即使处于梦中 jíshǐ chǔyú mèng zhōng
那点星光依然朦胧 nà diǎn xīngguāng yīrán ménglóng

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