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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Zekkou Nakiso
Song title
Romaji: Zekkou
English: Putting an End to This
Original Upload Date
November 5, 2023
Kaai Yuki and Nurse Robot_Type T
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Ryuusee (illustration, video)
81,000+ (NN), 760,000+ (YT), 72,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)

Alternate Version

Mushokutomeisai 2023
Hatsune Miku version
Upload date: November 2, 2023
Featuring: Hatsune Miku and Nurse Robot_Type T
Producer(s): Nakiso (music, lyrics)
The original version, made for the Vocaloid Song Anonymous Uploading Ⅱ festival.


Singer Kaai Yuki[note 1] Nurse Robot_Type T
Japanese Romaji English
あー 絶交したいな aa zekkou shitai na I’d like to put an end to this.
そのまぶた 縫ってしまいたいな sono mabuta nutte shimaitai na I’d like to sew your eyelids shut.
絶対したいな 冗談じゃないよ zettai shitai na joudan janai yo Nothing could make me happier. I’m dead serious.
あー 絶交したいな aa zekkou shitai na Ahh, I’d like to put an end to this.
そのまま殴ってしまいたいな sono mama nagutte shimaitai na I’d like to beat you right now
絶対したいな zettai shitai na Nothing could make me happier.
とびきりの絶交したいな tobikiri no zekkou shitai na I’d like to make this an unbeatable end

絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
絶交しよう どうしてまた失笑 zekkou shiyou doushite mata shisshou Let’s put an end to this, why would you laugh again at a time like this?
絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
絶交しよう 絶好の好機 zekkou shiyou zekkou no chansu Let’s put an end to this, this is the perfect time.
絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
絶交しよう どうしてまた失笑 zekkou shiyou doushite mata shisshou Let’s put an end to this, why would you laugh again at a time like this?
絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
約束だからね yakusoku dakara ne This is what you signed up for, no?

眠って 覚めちゃ駄目 nemutte samecha dame Fall asleep, and don’t bother to wake up.
永遠にねんね towa ni nenne Go nighty-night for all of eternity.
どうせ 幸せなんて無いよ douse shiawase nante nai yo There was never any happiness to begin with.
逆らっちゃ駄目 逆らっちゃ駄目 sakaraccha dame sakaraccha dame Don’t bother resisting, don’t bother resisting
目を閉じて me o tojite Close your eyes

笑えよ warae yo and gimme a smile.

絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
絶交しよう どうしてまた失笑 zekkou shiyou doushite mata shisshou Let’s put an end to this, why would you laugh again at a time like this?
絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
絶交しよう 絶好の好機 zekkou shiyou zekkou no chansu Let’s put an end to this, this is the perfect time.
絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?
絶交しよう どうしてまた失笑 zekkou shiyou doushite mata shisshou Let’s put an end to this, why would you laugh again at a time like this?
絶交しよう 絶対しようね zekkou shiyou zettai shiyou ne Let’s put an end to this, let’s put an end to this, kay?

ひどく無様 無学な附子は hidoku buzama mugaku na busu wa You dreadfully unsightly illiterate beast

眠って 覚めちゃ駄目 nemutte samecha dame Fall asleep, and don’t bother to wake up.
永遠にねんね towa ni nenne Go nighty-night for all of eternity.
どうせ 幸せなんて無いよ douse shiawase nante nai yo There was never any happiness to begin with.
躊躇っちゃ駄目 躊躇っちゃ駄目 tameraccha dame tameraccha dame Don’t get indecisive on me, don’t get indecisive on me
目を閉じて me o tojite Close your eyes

簡単なことだよ kantan na koto da yo After all, it’s really
だって datte quite simple.
「指輪の覚悟を持って、口説いて?」 "yubiwa no kakugo o motte, kudoite?" “If you’re going to seduce me, then be ready with a ring, kay?”
そんな覚悟も無いなら sonna kakugo mo nai nara If you weren’t even up for that
最初から死にたいなら saisho kara shinitai nara and you’ve always wanted to die.
生まれないで umarenaide Then you never should’ve been born.

English translation by Kesera, proofread by Tackmyn Y.


  1. These parts are sung by Hatsune Miku in the original version

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