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Yui Kizuna
Song title
Romaji: Yui Kizuna
English: Like a Stitched Up Wound[1]
Original Upload Date
March 11, 2019
Otomachi Una
Hifumi (music, lyrics)
Kkokeiko (illustration)
790,000+ (NN), 1,500,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
結ばれたその関係に musubareta sono kankei ni I saw a small crack
微かな(ひび)が見えた kasuka na hibi ga mieta in the relationship we had made.
霞がかるその心情で kasumi ga karu sono shinjou de The reliable days had disappeared due
確かな日々が消えた tashika na hibi ga kieta to your hazy feelings.

信じれば信じる程に shinjireba shinjiru hodo ni The more I believe you,
想いは積りゆくのに omoi wa tsumori yuku noni the more feelings of mine pile up.
振り払う様な仕草で furiharau you na shigusa de However, you say “you’re so needy,”
重いと貴方が言う omoi to anata ga iu making a gesture as if you shake me off.

嘘の様な 本当の様な uso no you na hontou no you na You’re leaving me with those words
言葉で離れていくのね kotoba de hanarete iku no ne that sound both false and true.
その瞳が この心音が sono hitomi ga kono shinon ga Your eyes and my cardiac sound
映し出した 本心を utsushidashita honshin o have projected your true feelings.

ただ一心に貴方の声を tada isshin ni anata no koe o I’ve always been holding onto
握り締めていたのにね nigirishimete ita no ni ne your voice so single-mindedly!
その一瞬で貴方のことが sono isshun de anata no koto ga But, from that moment on,
鋭く冷たく見えたから surudoku tsumetaku mieta kara you look so poignant and cold.

張り詰めた糸の先には haritsumeta ito no saki ni wa I see you standing still and showing
貴方の背が佇んで anata no se ga tatazunde your back at the end of the taut thread.
赤く濁る 二人の(えにし) akaku nigoru futari no enishi The ties between us get clouded in red,
千切れそうに軋んでいる chigiresou ni kishinde iru creaking at the verge of coming off.

他の誰に 貴方が惹かれ hoka no dare ni anata ga hikare Every time you’re drawn to
近づこうと動く度に chikazukou to ugoku tabi ni and try getting closer to somebody else,
糸を伝って痛み始める ito o tsutatte itami hajimeru a sting runs through the thread and reaches
貴方と結んだ ところが anata to musunda tokoro ga “the place I tied up with you.”

ただ緩衝材(かんしょうざい)を求めていた tada kanshouzai o motomete ita I was just looking for cushioning to cover
振り落とされる着地点に furiotosareru chakuchiten ni the place I’m shaken off to.
絆の様に見えた其れが 裏切り付ける kizuna no you ni mieta kare ga uragiritsukeru That thing once looked like bonds, but it betrays me,
心、傷だ kokoro, kizu da stabs my heart—it’s a wound.[3]

まだ消えないで残っている mada kienaide nokotte iru It hasn’t gone away yet;
ただ逡巡(しゅんじゅん)と痛みの中で tada shunjun to itami no naka de it still lingers on me, so hesitantly in the pain.

ただ一心に貴方の声を握り締めていたのにね tada isshin ni anata no koe o nigirishimete ita no ni ne I’ve always been holding onto your voice so single-mindedly!
その一瞬で貴方のことが鋭く冷たく見えたから sono isshun de anata no koto ga surudoku tsumetaku mieta kara But, from that moment on, you look so poignant and cold.

切れて離れていくのだろう kirete hanarete iku no darou You’ll break off with and leave me,
二度と触れられない程に nido to furerarenai hodo ni to the point where I can never touch you.
その一生で感じて欲しい sono isshou de kanjite hoshii I want you to devote your whole life to feeling
滲む私 傷と痛みを nijimu watashi kizu to itami o the me soaking into you, the wound and pain.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes

  1. The title doesn’t make a lot of sense—at least, it’s not an actual word. Thus the title translation is pretty literal. Note that 傷な (kizu na; like a wound) is most likely to be a pun on 絆 (kizuna; bonds).
  2. Originally this is “表向きと裏切り”, which literally translates into something like “An ostensible face and a betrayal” and also contains the wordplay of 表 (front) and 裏 (back).
  3. 裏切り付ける (uragiritsukeru) should be a wordplay; 裏切る (uragiru; betray someone) and 切り付ける (kiritsukeru; cut at someone).


This song was featured in the following albums:

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