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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Setsugetsuka
English: Song of Connecting Moon
Original Upload Date
December 22, 2011
Yuzuki Yukari
Bumpy Urushi (music)
sista (lyrics)
sforza_t (video)
630,000+ (NN), 150,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Version

CEVIO AI self-cover
Upload date: June 8, 2021
Featuring: Yuzuki Yukari Rei
Producer(s): Bumpy Urushi (music)
sista (lyrics)
kagomeP (mastering)
Bibi (illustration, video)
NN / YT / SC


Japanese Romaji English
星を齧(かじ)り眠る夜に hoshi o kajiri nemuru yoru ni When it bites some stars and sleeps one night
まだ満ちることのない、あの月 mada michiru koto no nai, ano tsuki the moon hasn't been full yet
夜の隙間に感じるのは yoru no sukima ni kanjiru no wa What I feel inside the gap of night are
ただ君の甘い温もりと tada kimi no amai nukumori to only your sweet warmth and
ただ二つの、鼓動―― tada futatsu no, kodou-- two heartbeats--

星が瞬いた hoshi ga mabataita Stars twinkled
滑り落ちそうな逆さ月 suberi ochisou na sakasa tsuki A mirrored moon is about to slip down

夜の帳(とばり)へと yoru no tobari he to At the moment
流れ込んで行く瞬間に nagarekonde yuku shunkan ni it flows into the cope of night

怖くなるの 何も見えず kowaku naru no nani mo miezu I get afraid because I can't see anything 
一人きりで すべて消えてしまうみたいで hitorikiri de subete kieteshimau mitai de and I feel like I'm going to fade away alone
だから私 瞳閉じて 耳を澄まし探し出すの dakara watashi hitomi tojite mimi o sumashi sagashidasu no So, after I shut my eyes and strain my ears, I start looking for
この暗闇を照らす君の光を kono kurayami o terasu kimi no hikari o Your light that illuminates this darkness

ねぇ 明日に怯え 迷う夜は nee asu ni obie mayou yoru wa Listen, on the night I'm fearful of tomorrow and wander off,
ただ君の声が聞きたい tada kimi no koe ga kikitai I just want to hear your voice
ねぇ 雲に隠れ 滲む月を nee kumo ni kakure nijimu tsuki o Listen, wrap the moon that is hidden by the clouds and blurred,
そう 君の愛で包んで sou kimi no ai de tsutsunde you know, in your love

誰も聞こえない dare mo kikoenai No one can hear
震える月が紡ぐ歌を furueru tsuki ga tsumugu uta o the song that the trembling moon spins

ふいに思い出す fui ni omoidasu The heart-wringing silence 
胸を締めつける静寂は mune o shimetsukeru seijaku wa makes me suddenly recall the song and

何もかもが ここにいない nanimokamo ga koko ni inai makes me have a bad dream
そんなタチの悪い夢を 見せてしまうわ sonna tachi no warui yume o misete shimau wa in which there is no one and nothing here
だから私 一人願う こんなタチの悪い夢を dakara watashi hitori negau konna tachi no warui yume o So, about such a bad dream in which I wish all alone,
ねぇ 壊して欲しいの 君のその手で nee kowashite hoshii no kimi no sono te de listen, I'd like you to ruin it with your hands

この浅い鼓動 響く夜は kono asai kodou hibiku yoru wa On the night this light heartbeat keeps echoing
ただ君の熱に触れたい tada kimi no netsu ni furetai I just want to touch your heart
ねぇ 闇に呑まれ もがく月を nee yami ni nomare mogaku tsuki o Listen, wrap the moon that gets eaten by the darkness and is writhing,
そう 君の愛で包んで sou kimi no ai de tsutsunde you know, in your love

ねぇ 明日に怯え 迷う夜は nee asu ni obie mayou yoru wa Listen, on the night I'm fearful of tomorrow and wander off
ただ君の声が聞きたい tada kimi no koe ga kikitai I just want to hear your voice
ねぇ 雲に隠れ 滲む月を nee kumo ni kakure nijimu tsuki o Listen, wrap the moon that is hidden by clouds and blurred
そう 君の愛で包んで sou kimi no ai de tsutsunde you know, in your love

君の愛で包んで kimi no ai de tsutsunde Wrap it in your love

English translation by puroresuman1


This song was featured on the following albums:

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