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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains explicit elements (sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Song title
Romaji: Ana
English: Hole
Original Upload Date
December 24, 2011
Megurine Luka
otetsu (music, lyrics)
27,000+ (NN), 3,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
一人きり真夜中 穴だらけ hitorikiri mayonaka ana darake At dead of night, I’m all alone, full of holes
埋まる事はない 虫が湧いてきた umaru koto wa nai mushi ga waite kita That aren’t going to be filled. They’re infested with bugs.

虫籠を抱えた(しかばね) mushikago o kakaeta shikabane A corpse holding an insect cage in its arms.
ああなるのが結末 嫌だね aa naru no ga ketsumatsu iya da ne That’s what I’ll be reduced to. How nasty.

この穴が閉じるまで kono ana ga tojiru made Until these holes close up,
穴の中で過ごそうか ana no naka de sugosou ka Should I spend my time in a hole?
いつか穴から出て笑えるかな itsuka ana kara dete waraeru kana Can I get out of the hole and laugh someday?

埋まる事はないのに 愛の無い交尾続けた umaru koto wa nai noni ai no nai koubi tsuzuketa I continued to have loveless sex though it wouldn’t help fill up these holes.
他人(ひと)の穴を埋めて 穴は深くなる hito no ana o umete ana wa fukaku naru As I plug up other people’s holes, my own hole gets deeper.

君と居たこの時間は kimi to ita kono jikan wa The time I spent together with you
すっかり穴があいてしまって sukkari ana ga aite shimatte Now has a gaping hole in the middle of it.
何を詰め込んでも 満ちる事はない nani o tsumekonde mo michiru koto wa nai No matter what I stuff into it, it will never be full.

去年のクリスマス 来年も一緒だと言った kyonen no kurisumasu rainen mo issho da to itta Last Christmas, you said we’d spend time together next year.
一人きりクリスマス 穴に潜った hitorikiri kurisumasu ana ni mogutta This Christmas, I’ll all alone. I burrowed into a hole.

君と居たこの時間は kimi to ita kono jikan wa The time I spent together with you
すっかり穴があいてしまって sukkari ana ga aite shimatte Now has a gaping hole in the middle of it.
何を詰め込んでも 満ちる事はない nani o tsumekonde mo michiru koto wa nai No matter what I stuff into it, it will never be full.

愛が欲しい ai ga hoshii I
泣いています naite imasu Want love. I’m crying
涙腺が壊れるほど ruisen ga kowareru hodo To the point I bawl my eyes out. I can’t
名前を呼ぶ namae o yobu Li-ve without you. I’m so si-
目に焼き付いている me ni yakitsuite iru Ck of this. I call your name, but I can’t receive
大切な君は taisetsu na kimi wa Your response, which—

居ない inai Ass-ails me.[1]

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes[]

  1. I don’t know if I really have to elaborate on this prank in the original Japanese lyrics, but well, if you take the first letter of each line (like “a” in ai ga hoshii, “na” in naite imasu…), you’ll get anaru nametai, which is unfortunately what you can see in my translation. By the way, as I kind of wanted to imitate the shenanigans, the above translation isn’t really faithful to the original lyrics. If you’re dying to know what the original lines really say, here you go:
    • I want love.
    • I’m crying
    • To the point I bawl my eyes out.
    • I call your name.
    • You’re burned into my eyes/memory,
    • My precious one, but you’re
    • Gone.

External Links[]

