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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Sexual Themes, Implied Cannibalism); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain explicit elements.
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Himitsu no Kingyo
Song title
Romaji: Himitsu no Kingyo
Official English: Secret Goldfish
Original Upload Date
April 27, 2016
Hatsune Miku and GUMI
Masa (music, lyrics, illustration, video)
25,000+ (NN), 1,100,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.

Note: This song has been known as "The Secret Of The Goldfish" in Western fandom but "Secret Goldfish" is a more accurate translation.

Note: One of the spreading misconceptions about this song is "in Japan a goldfish is put into a cardboard box and buried when it dies", but there is no such custom in Japan.

Singer Color
Miku Cyan
GUMI Green
Both Black
Japanese Romaji English
見せて隠して misete kakushite Show it, hide it
秘密の金魚 himitsu no kingyo The secret goldfish
知らないよと shiranai yo to “I don’t know,” says
孤独のつがい kodoku no tsugai The lonely lover

私が隠した秘密を watashi ga kakushita himitsu o I don’t mind showing you
見せても構わないよ misete mo kamawanai yo The secret I’ve hidden
だって私たちは datte watashitachi wa “Because we’re
「友達ナンダカラサ」 "tomodachi nan dakara sa" Friends, aren’t we?”

目玉,耳,口 medama, mimi, kuchi Eyeballs, ears, mouths
髪ノ毛マデ kami no ke made Even the hairs on the head
全テガ subete ga I love them all
愛シスギテ itoshi sugite Too much
二人ダケノ futari dake no It’s a secret
秘密 himitsu Just between the two of us
「友達ナンダカラサ」 "tomodachi nan dakara sa" “Because we’re friends, aren’t we?”

触れて隠して furete kakushite Touch it, hide it
秘密の金魚 himitsu no kingyo The secret goldfish
あなただけが anata dake ga You alone are
孤独のつがい kodoku no tsugai The lonely lover

見セテ隠シテ misete kakushite Show it, hide it
秘密ノ金魚 himitsu no kingyo The secret goldfish
知ラナイヨト shiranai yo to “I don’t know,” says
孤独ノツガイ kodoku no tsugai The lonely lover

私の秘密は watashi no himitsu wa My secret is
この箱に kono hako ni In this box
誰も知らない dare mo shiranai Your box
君の箱 kimi no hako Which no one knows about

肋骨(あばら),鼻,指 abara, hana, yubi Ribs, noses, fingers
足首マデ ashikubi made Even ankles
全テヲ subete o I want to
集メタクテ atsumetakute Collect them all
ワタシダケノ watashi dake no It’s my
秘密 himitsu Secret
「友達ナンダカラサ」 "tomodachi nan dakara sa" “Because we’re friends, aren’t we?”

見せて焦らして misete jirashite Show it, tease it
秘密の金魚 himitsu no kingyo The secret goldfish
わたしだけに watashi dake ni A secret told
教えた秘密 oshieta himitsu Only to me

見セテ隠シテ misete kakushite Show it, hide it
秘密ノ金魚 himitsu no kingyo The secret goldfish
嬉シイヨト ureshii yo to “I’m so happy,” I say
貴女(あなた)ヲ包ム anata o tsutsumu As I wrap you up

貴女(あなた)ノ一部ト anata no ichibu to With one piece of you
コノ子一部ト kono ko no ichibu to And one piece of this girl
アノ子一部デ ano ko no ichibu de And one piece of that girl
トモダチ tomodachi I’ll make a friend

君の笑顔と kimi no egao to Your smile and
秘密の金魚 himitsu no kingyo The secret goldfish
身体が熱くなって karada ga atsuku natte My body becomes hot
溶ける tokeru And melts

君ト最後ノ kimi to saigo no With you, the last
秘密ノ金魚 himitsu no kingyo Secret goldfish
二人ダケノ futari dake no The box that belongs to just us two
箱ガ閉じゆく hako ga toji yuku Is closing

English translation by bluepenguin


This song was featured on the following album:

External Links

