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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Song title
Romaji: Aki no Mikakunin Seibutsu
English: Autumn Unidentified Creatures
Original Upload Date
October 18, 2020
long ver.: September 23, 2021
Otomachi Una
Cowshi (music, lyrics)
Ippitsu Kamome (guitar)
Sake Azi (illustration)
872 (video)
Λkiranu (video (long ver))
190,000+ (NN), 52,000+ (YT)
long ver.: 430,000+ (NN), 560,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
long ver.: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Version

Cowshi's self-cover
Upload date: October 14, 2021
Featuring: Cowshi


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.

Japanese Romaji English
秋 それはFall aki sore wa Fall Autumn. That is fall.
サツマイモを掘る satsumaimo o horu We dig up sweet potatoes.
病も山芋 yamai mo yamaimo We’re crazy about yams.
ヤンキーも焼き芋 yankii mo yakiimo Even delinquents are fond of baked sweet potatoes!
ああ 君と僕 aa kimi to boku Ah… you and me.

この先生き残る kono saki ikinokoru In order to survive,
ために良いキノコ売る tame ni ii kinoko uru we sell good mushrooms.
舞茸 参ったっけ maitake maitta kke Has maitake arrived yet?
松茸 待つだけ matsutake matsu dake We’re just waiting for matsutake.
息も凍る iki mo kooru Our breath freezes.

葡萄ひと粒どう? budou hitotsubu dou? Would you like a grape?

秋の味覚 獲 (未)確認生物 生物? aki no mikaku kaku mikakunin seibutsu namamono? We’ve harvested some autumn food! One of those (un)identified[1] creatures (or raw food?)[2][3]
それは即ち サーモン サーモン sore wa sunawachi saamon saamon is namely salmon! Salmon!
「さぁ問題」なんていらないし "saa mondai" nante iranai shi “Here’s a question,” oh, I don’t need that.
内心 な意思 ないし Nothing naishin na ishi nai shi Nothing I don’t have any real intention. There’s nothing!
梨 梨 梨 梨 nashi nashi nashi nashi Pears, pears, pears, pears…
あっ木の実 描く 核 (未)確認生物 果物? a kinomi kaku kaku mikakunin seibutsu kudamono? Ah, we paint some fruits! One of the creatures (or fruits?), whose cores are (un)identified,
それは即ち マロン マロン sore wa sunawachi maron maron is namely marron! Marron!
まぁ論理なんて知らないし maa ronri nante shiranai shi Well, I don’t care about any logic.
ロンリー ローリン 弄り Low鈴 ronrii roorin rouri Low rin Lonely, rolling, playing with the low bell,
ロリ ロリ ロリ ロリ rori rori rori rori loli, loli, loli, loli…

English translation by Tackmyn Y., with revisions by MeaningfulUsername

Translation Notes

  1. The song title 秋の未確認生物 (aki no mikakunin seibutsu) is a pun on 秋の味覚 (aki no mikaku; autumn food/delicacy) and 未確認生物 (mikakunin seibutsu; unidentified creature, cryptid). Also note that, for some reason, the long version never has any (未), the “(un)” part of “(un)identified” as the short version does. I left it on the translation, however, because it doesn’t mean the wordplay on mikaku is gone.
  2. Seibutsu (creature) and namamono (raw food) share the same kanji: 生物.
  3. The original lyrics never have parentheses around “raw food,” but I added ones to the translation because the part seemed like asking a rhetorical question to the singer herself. The same goes for (or fruits?)

Japanese Romaji English
秋 それはFall aki sore wa Fall Autumn. That is fall.
サツマイモを掘る satsumaimo o horu We dig up sweet potatoes.
病も山芋 yamai mo yamaimo We’re crazy about yams.
ヤンキーも焼き芋 yankii mo yakiimo Even delinquents are fond of baked sweet potatoes!
ああ 君と僕 aa kimi to boku Ah… you and me.

この先生き残る kono saki ikinokoru In order to survive,
ために良いキノコ売る tame ni ii kinoko uru we sell good mushrooms.
舞茸 参ったっけ maitake maitta kke Has maitake arrived yet?
松茸 待つだけ matsutake matsu dake We’re just waiting for matsutake.
息も凍る iki mo kooru Our breath freezes.

葡萄ひと粒どう?(おいしい!) budou hitotsubu dou? (oishii!) Would you like a grape? (Delicious!)

秋の味覚 獲 確認生物 生物? aki no mikaku e kakunin seibutsu namamono? We’ve harvested some autumn food! One of those (un)identified[1] creatures (or raw food?)[2][3]
それは即ち サーモン サーモン sore wa sunawachi saamon saamon is namely salmon! Salmon!
「さぁ問題」なんていらないし "saa mondai" nante iranai shi “Here’s a question,” oh, I don’t need that.
内心 な意思 ないし Nothing naishin na ishi nai shi Nothing I don’t have any real intention. There’s nothing!
梨 梨 梨 梨 nashi nashi nashi nashi Pears, pears, pears, pears…

あっ木の実 描く 核 確認生物 果物? a kinomi kaku kaku kakunin seibutsu kudamono? Ah, we paint some fruits! One of the creatures (or fruits?), whose cores are (un)identified,
それは即ち マロン マロン sore wa sunawachi maron maron is namely marron! Marron!
まぁ論理なんて知らないし maa ronri nante shiranai shi Well, I don’t care about any logic.
ロンリー ローリン 弄り Low鈴 ronrii roorin rouri Lowrin Lonely, rolling, playing with the low bell,
ロリ ロリ ロリ ロリ rori rori rori rori loli, loli, loli, loli…

夏期を越す kaki o kosu We pass the summer.
この渋柿を干す kono shibugaki o hosu I dry these astringent persimmons.
干し柿 欲しい課金 hoshigaki hoshii kakin For dried persimmons, I want you to pay!
生柿 何万換金? namagaki nanman kankin? For raw persimmons, how much will you cash?
書き起こす kakiokosu I write the prices down.

カツオのある生活を(食べて♡) katsuo no aru seikatsu o (tabete ♡) A life with bonito… (Eat it♡)

秋の味覚 獲 確認生物 生物? aki no mikaku e kakunin seibutsu namamono? We’ve harvested some autumn food! One of those (un)identified creatures (or raw food?)
それは即ち サンマ サンマ sore wa sunawachi sanma sanma is namely sauries! Sauries!
散漫しなきゃそれでいいね sanman shinakya sore de ii ne There’s no problem as long as you’re not scatterbrained.
言い値 因縁 韻ね 去ね iine innen in ne ine You quibble about the price asked. We rhyme. Get out!
稲 稲 稲 稲 ine ine ine ine Rice, rice, rice, rice…

あっ木の実 描く 核 確認生物 果物? a kinomi kaku kaku kakunin seibutsu kudamono? Ah, we paint some fruits! One of the creatures (or fruits?), whose cores are (un)identified,
それは即ち アップル アップル sore wa sunawachi appuru appuru is namely apples! Apples!
アンプを繋ぎ想い込め anpu o tsunagi omoi kome Connecting the amplifier, we put our feelings…
香芽 光瞳 コメント コメット koume koume komento kometto Nice-smelling shoots. Shining eyes. Comment. Comet.
米 米 米 米 kome kome kome kome Rice, rice, rice, rice…
(オンギター!) (on gitaa!) (On guitaaaaarrr!)

愛を知覚 架空 画して詠ずる片言 ai o chikaku kakuu kakushite eizuru katakoto I perceive your love, draw a fiction, and chant some halting words.
愛の近く 斯く 隠して 銘打つ 生音 ai no chikaku kaku kakushite meiutsu namaoto Near the love, I hide it like this and advertise my sounds as raw!
(めしあがれ!) (meshiagare!) (Bon appetit!)

秋の味覚 獲 確認生物 生物? aki no mikaku kaku kakunin seibutsu namamono? We’ve harvested some autumn food! One of those (un)identified creatures (or raw food?)
それは即ち サーモン サーモン sore wa sunawachi saamon saamon is namely salmon! Salmon!
「さぁ問題」なんていらないし "saa mondai" nante iranai shi “Here’s a question,” oh, I don’t need that.
内心 な意思 ないし Nothing naishin na ishi nai shi Nothing I don’t have any real intention. There’s nothing!
梨 梨 梨 梨 nashi nashi nashi nashi Pears, pears, pears, pears…

あっ木の実 描く 核 確認生物 果物? a kinomi kaku kaku kakunin seibutsu kudamono? Ah, we paint some fruits! One of the creatures (or fruits?), whose cores are (un)identified,
それは即ち マロン マロン sore wa sunawachi maron maron is namely marron! Marron!
まぁ論理なんて知らないし maa ronri nante shiranai shi Well, I don’t care about any logic.
ロンリー ローリン 弄り Low鈴 ronrii roorin rouri Lowrin Lonely, rolling, playing with the low bell,
ロリ ロリ ロリ ロリ rori rori rori rori loli, loli, loli, loli!

English translation by Tackmyn Y., with revisions by MeaningfulUsername

Translation Notes

  1. The song title 秋の未確認生物 (aki no mikakunin seibutsu) is a pun on 秋の味覚 (aki no mikaku; autumn food/delicacy) and 未確認生物 (mikakunin seibutsu; unidentified creature, cryptid). Also note that, for some reason, the long version never has any (未), the “(un)” part of “(un)identified” as the short version does. I left it on the translation, however, because it doesn’t mean the wordplay on mikaku is gone.
  2. Seibutsu (creature) and namamono (raw food) share the same kanji: 生物.
  3. The original lyrics never have parentheses around “raw food,” but I added ones to the translation because the part seemed like asking a rhetorical question to the singer herself. The same goes for (or fruits?)

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