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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Because i am clumsy
Song title
Romaji: Watashi Tottemo Bukiyou de
English: Because I am clumsy,
Original Upload Date
March 1, 2024
Aoki Lapis
Dennoko-P (music, lyrics, video)
1,700+ (NN), 53,000 (YT), 7,300+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / Bandcamp Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (autogenerated by YT)


Japanese Romaji Official English
思い出のあなたは omoide no anata wa In my memories,
無邪気に笑いかけてくれる mujaki ni waraikakete kureru you smile at me innocently.
でも今のあなたは demo ima no anata wa But now you're
すぐに不機嫌になってしまうの sugu ni fukigen ni natte shimau no easily put into a mood.

まだ・・・きっと戻れるよね mada...kitto modoreru yo ne Still... We can go back to the way we were, right?

私とっても不器用で watashi tottemo bukiyou de Because I'm clumsy,
あなたのこと怒らせてしまう anata no koto okorasete shimau I always make you angry.
喜ばせたいだけなのに yorokobasetai dake nano ni Though I just want to make you happy.
ごめんね ごめんね gomen ne gomen ne Sorry, sorry.

あなた・・・また呆れてるよね anata...mata akireteru yo ne You... You're irritated by me again, right?

私とっても不器用で watashi tottemo bukiyou de Because I'm clumsy,
あなたのこと飽きさせてしまう anata no koto akisasete shimau I always make you bored.
一緒にいたいだけなのに issho ni itai dake nano ni Though I just wanted to be with you.
ごめんね ごめんね gomen ne gomen ne Sorry, sorry.

ねえ 教えて どうして あなたは nee oshiete doushite anata wa Look, tell me why you turn
何かに変わってしまうのですか? nanika ni kawatte shimau no desu ka? into something you're not.

ねえ 壊して 苦しむくらいなら nee kowashite kurushimu kurai nara Look, destroy me rather than make me suffer.
ループする迷路を彷徨いたくない ruupu suru meiro o samayoitakunai I don't want to wander through a looping maze.

English translation from Dennoko-P


This song was featured in the following albums:

External Links[]

