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Song title | |||
"私が恋を知る日" Romaji: Watashi ga Koi o Shiru Hi English: The Day I Discovered Love | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
January 30, 2017 | |||
Singer | |||
GUMI | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Gom (music, lyrics) shito (lyrics) Oji (guitar, bass) cake (piano) AtsuyuK! (drum) Yamako (illustration, video) | |||
Views | |||
1,900,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast | |||
Parallel song to 僕が名前を呼ぶ日 (Boku ga Namae o Yobu Hi) from the girl's point of view. |
Alternative Version
Hanon version |
Featuring: Hanon |
YT |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
気のせいですか違ったらごめんね | ki no sei desu ka chigattara gomen ne | Is it my imagination? Sorry if I'm mistaken. |
目と目は合わないけれど君はいつも… | me to me wa awanai keredo kimi wa itsumo... | We never look each other in the eye but you're always … |
曖昧な告白の答え探して | aimai na kokuhaku no kotae sagashite | It might not look like it but I'm forcing myself |
無理してるんですこれでも | muri shiteru ndesu kore demo | to look for an answer to your ambiguous confession. |
紅く染まった教室に | akaku somatta kyoushitsu ni | In the classroom bathed in crimson |
ねぇどうしたの? | nee doushita no? | Hey, what's up? |
突然呼ばれた私の | totsuzen yobareta watashi no | Out of the blue, he called my |
-名前- | - namae - | - name - |
声が胸に響く静けさ | koe ga mune ni hibiku shizukesa | In the stillness, your voice echoes in my heart. |
「なんですか?」 | "nan desu ka?" | "What?" I ask. |
なんて取り繕ってみても ここは二人きり | nante toritsukurotte mite mo koko wa futarikiri | No matter how you try to gloss over it, it's just the two of us here. |
君が伸ばす指が頬に触れる | kimi ga nobasu yubi ga hoho ni fureru | Your outstretched fingers touch my cheek. |
ねぇ好きってなんですか…? | nee suki tte nan desu ka...? | What's it you say you like …? |
初めて買ったクリスマスプレゼント | hajimete katta kurisumasu purezento | The first time I bought a Christmas present |
鼻歌こぼれて足取りも軽く | hanauta koborete ashidori mo karuku | I found myself humming and my steps felt light, |
だけど彼女でもないのにね引かれちゃうかも | dakedo kanojo demo nai noni ne hikarechau kamo | but even if I wasn't your girlfriend, maybe I was charmed by you. |
自分勝手だけど許して | jibunkatte dakedo yurushite | It's being selfish. But forgive me. |
どこかで響く君の声を | dokoka de hibiku kimi no koe o | Hey, I'm searching |
ねぇ探してる | nee sagashiteru | for the sound of your voice somewhere, |
君のことを呼びたいから | kimi no koto o yobitai kara | because I want to call you. |
-見つけました- | - mitsukemashita - | - There you are - |
名前口にするだけでほら苦しいよ | namae kuchi ni suru dake de hora kurushii yo | Just you mentioning my name is a struggle to bear. |
同時に渡したマフラーに笑いこぼれ出す | douji ni watashita mafuraa ni warai koboredasu | When we hand over scarves at the same time we break out laughing. |
君に渡す指先が震える | kimi ni watasu yubisaki ga furueru | My fingers passing it to you tremble. |
ねぇ恋を教えて… | nee koi o oshiete... | Hey, explain to me about falling in love … |
静寂の中会話探す | seijaku no naka kaiwa sagasu | In the quietness we search for something to say. |
ねぇズルいよ潤んだ瞳で囁く | nee zurui yo urunda hitomi de sasayaku | Hey you're sneaky, I whisper, my eyes glistening. |
-ありがとう- | - arigatou - | - Thanks - |
声が胸に響く静けさ | koe ga mune ni hibiku shizukesa | In the stillness, your voice echoes in my heart. |
ときおり触れる肩が弾んで君と二人きり | tokiori fureru kata ga hazunde kimi to futarikiri | Excited when our shoulders sometimes touch, alone with you. |
空に吐いた白い息が消える | sora ni haita shiroi iki ga kieru | The white breath that left my mouth disappears into the sky. |
こんな気持ちは知らない… | konna kimochi wa shiranai... | I've never known these feelings before ... |
名前口にするだけでほら熱くなる | namae kuchi ni suru dake de hora atsuku naru | Just you mentioning my name makes me flushed. |
何度でも呼んでほしいからイジワルしてみる | nando demo yonde hoshii kara ijiwaru shite miru | I want you to call my name lots of times so I try teasing you. |
繋ぎたい君のぬくもり触れる | tsunagitai kimi no nukumori fureru | Wanting to be connected to you, I feel your warmth. |
ねぇ答えは… | nee kotae wa... | So the answer is … |
English translation by ElectricRaichu