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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Watashi, Idol Sengen
Song title
Romaji: Watashi, Aidoru Sengen
English: I, An Idol Declaration
Original Upload Date
March 5, 2018
Hatsune Miku
shito (music, lyrics, bass)
Gom (lyrics)
Nakanishi (guitar)
cake (piano, keyboard)
Higuchi Kousuke (drums)
Orebanana-P (tuning)
Mogelatte (video)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
可愛くね とびきりの愛よ届け! kawaiku ne tobikiri no ai yo todoke! I cutely ♥ want to convey my best love!
宜しければ名前だけでも yoroshikereba namae dake demo If you are going to do it too,
覚えてって下さいm(_ _)m(ハイ!) oboetette kudasai (hai!) Please remember my name m(_ _)m (Yeah!)

レッスン開始!意気込むけれど ressun kaishi! ikigomu keredo Starting a lesson! I’m excited but,
歌って踊ってヘトヘト utatte odotte hetoheto Singing, dancing, they happen to be very tiring
比較される事もあるけど hikaku sareru koto mo aru kedo I would also happen to compare myself to them
私は私でありたい watashi wa watashi de aritai But I still want to stay as who I am right now

本気出さなきゃ響かないんだ honki dasanakya hibikanain da If I don’t push hard, I won’t be able to shine
ファンの心を掴みたいんだ fan no kokoro o tsukamitain da I want to seize my fans in their heart
だからスタート全開飛ばしますよ dakara sutaato zenkai tobashimasu yo That’s why I will try my best go beyond high from where I began
(You’re my angel!!) (You’re my angel!!) (You’re my angel!!)

可愛くね とびきりの愛よ届け! kawaiku ne tobikiri no ai yo todoke! I cutely ♥ want to convey my best love!
宜しければ名前だけでも yoroshikereba namae dake demo If you are going to do it too,
覚えてって下さいm(_ _)m(ハイ!) oboetette kudasai (hai!) Please remember my name m(_ _)m (Yeah!)
あざとくね とびきりのスマイルで! azatoku ne tobikiri no sumairu de! Naughtily ♥ Here is my best grin!
宜しければ“推し”にしちゃって yoroshikereba “oshi” ni shichatte Is it okay for me to ask you
くれませんか?|д゚) kuremasen ka? To become my “fan”? |д゚)
なんてねっ!笑 nante ne! Just kidding! LOL
ちょっぴりマジなの choppiri maji nano Can I also have at least a little bit
期待していいですか?(ハイ!) kitai shite ii desu ka? (hai!) Of high expectations? (Yeah!)

人生変えるそんな一日 jinsei kaeru sonna ichinichi The day that will change my life
憧れ夢見たステージ akogare yumemita suteeji The stage I have been longing for in my dreams
オシャレ?流行り?追いつけなくて oshare? hayari? oitsuke nakute Being artistic? Extremely popular? I can’t catch up to them
言い訳弱音も出ちゃうよ iiwake yowane mo dechau yo And I won’t put up any pretexts

向いてないかな? muitenai kana? Could it be that I lack what it takes?
愛想悪いしこんなアイドル他にいないし aiso waruishi konna aidoru hoka ni inaishi I am not good enough to be any idol like this one
でもね絶対絶対見返すんだ demo ne zettai zettai mikaesun da But know for a fact, I will win victory over him
(You’re my angel!!) (You’re my angel!!) (You’re my angel!!)

愛してね “日本一”夢見てる aishite ne “nihonichi” yumemiteru Please love me ♥ I can see myself becoming Japan’s Number One in my dreams
宜しければ合いの手一つ yoroshikereba ai no te hitotsu If you are going to do it, please at least make one gesture
入れてやって下さいm(_ _)m(ハイ!) ireteyatte kudasai (hai!) Or say something m(_ _)m (Yeah!)
手を上げて 視線独り占めして! te o agete shisen hitorijime shite! Put your hands up ♥ I will grab your attention with my stare
宜しければ愛を恵んで yoroshikereba ai o megunde If you are going to do it,
くれませんか?|д゚) kuremasen ka? Can I bless you with love? |д゚)
なんてねっ!笑 nante ne! Just kidding! LOL
絶対後悔 zettai koukai Will you regret
させませんよ?マジでね!!(ハイ!) sasemasen yo? maji de ne!! (hai!) This moment? I promise you won’t!! (Yeah!)

今もステージは胸がギュッと熱くなる ima mo suteeji wa mune ga gyutto atsuku naru Even now, being on this stage gives my chest a very intense feeling
揺れる景色焼き付けて歌う声に愛を込める yureru keshiki yakitsukete utau koe ni ai o komeru The voguish scenery is filled with my love song

響く歓声気持ち高鳴る hibiku kansei kimochi takanaru This resounding cheering and thrilling feeling
これは証明私ここだよ kore wa shoumei watashi koko da yo That just gives proof that I’ve reached this point
いくよ!絶対絶対声出してね? iku yo! zettai zettai koe dashite ne? Here we go! Can you please keep making more noise?
(You’re my angel!!) (You’re my angel!!) (You’re my angel!!)

可愛くね とびきりの愛よ届け! kawaiku ne tobikiri no ai yo todoke! I cutely ♥ want to convey my best love!
宜しければ名前だけでも yoroshikereba namae dake demo If you are going to do it too,
覚えてって下さいm(_ _)m(ハイ!) oboetette kudasai (hai!) Please remember my name m(_ _)m (Yeah!)
あざとくね とびきりのスマイルで! azatoku ne tobikiri no sumairu de! Naughtily ♥ Here is my best grin!
宜しければ“推し”にしちゃって yoroshikereba “oshi” ni shichatte Is it okay for me to ask you
くれませんか?|д゚) kuremasen ka? To become my “fan”? |д゚)
なんてねっ!笑 nante ne! Just kidding! LOL

ちょっぴりマジなの choppiri maji nano Can I also have at least a little bit
期待していいですか?(ハイ!) kitai shite ii desu ka? (hai!) Of high expectations? (Yeah!)

English translation by RandomAir BGM, checked and approved by Damesukekun

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