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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Matsuri da Hey Come on
Song title
Romaji: Matsuri da Hei Kamon
Official English: It’s Matsuri, Hey Come On!
Original Upload Date
August 26, 2015
Hatsune Miku
PinocchioP and Yukkuri
PinocchioP (music, lyrics, illustration)
はっぴ太朗 (shooting, VJ)
810,000+ (NN), 920,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast

Alternate Version

姦し remix (Kashimashi remix)
Upload date: March 3, 2021
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
PinocchioP and Yukkuri
Producer(s): Nashimoto Ui (remix)
YT (auto-generated)


Japanese Romaji English
祭りだ 祭りだ ヘイカモン ハッハ matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon hahha It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on, hah-ha!
えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha Eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha
えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha Eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha[1]

ドンドンパラリラ ドンパラリ dondon pararira don parari Don don para rira don para ri
花火に隠されていたメッセージ hanabi ni kakusarete ita messeeji A message hidden within the fireworks-
都市伝説のような話 toshi densetsu no you na hanashi A rumor sounding like an urban legend
一歩引いて疑え 子供だまし ippo hiite utagae kodomodamashi Taking a step back with suspicion and realizing how foolish it is[2]

「熱狂を管理し 祭りを根絶やし "nekkyou o kanri shi matsuri o nedayashi "They can control the crazed enthusiasm, and even eradicate the festival
奴らの陰謀が渦巻いてる」 yatsura no inbou ga uzumaiteru" Their plot is swirling around"
奴らってなんだ ソースがずさんだ yatsura tte nanda soosu ga zusanda But just what are they? The source is full of mistakes...
真実はどうだ すべて被害妄想か shinjitsu wa douda subete higai mouzou ka What’s the truth? Is it all a persecution complex?

ハッハ 人ごみが怖い 夜空を金魚が泳いでるぞ hahha hitogomi ga kowai yozora o kingyo ga oyoideru zo Hah-ha! Crowds are scary, goldfish are swimming in the night sky
ハッハ 食いもんが高い たこ焼きの具が家出してるぞ hahha kui mon ga takai takoyaki no gu ga iede shiteru zo Hah-ha! The food’s so expensive, the takoyaki’s garnish is running away from home[3]
ねえ 馬鹿でもさ 馬鹿にも 種類はあるよな nee baka demo sa baka ni mo shurui wa aru yo na Hey- I’m an idiot but you know, even idiots have variety
ねえ わかるかな わかる人だけ寄っといで nee wakaru kana wakaru hito dake yottoi de Hey- do you understand? Only keeping people who understand close by

祭りだ 祭りだヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
人も猫も犬も ちゃんと持ち場につけ hito mo neko mo inu mo chanto mochiba ni tsuke The people, the cats, the dogs, all of us gotta properly stick to our positions
祭りだ 祭りだヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
寝ても覚めても ずっと問題抱えて nete mo samete mo zutto mondai kakaete Whether sleeping or awake, your problems stick with you

ハレとケとケとケとケと hare to ke to ke to ke to ke to A special occasion then mundane mundane mundane mundane mundane
ケとケとケとケとケじゃ ke to ke to ke to ke to ke ja Mundane mundane mundane mundane mundane mundane
足りん ハレの日 もっとくれ tarin hare no hi motto kure I just don’t have enough, gimme more special days
祭りだ 祭りだ ヘイカモン ハッハ matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon hahha It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on hah-ha!

今は踊るな 今は踊るな ima wa odoru na ima wa odoru na Don’t dance now, don’t dance now
ウワサの奴らがこっちみている uwasa no yatsura ga kocchi mite iru The rumored guys are looking over here…
今は踊るな 今は踊るな ima wa odoru na ima wa odoru na Don’t dance now, don’t dance now
その神輿はニセモノだ sono mikoshi wa nisemono da That Mikoshi’s a fake!![4]

欠点をほじくり 感動に水差し ketten o hojikuri kandou ni mizusashi Digging up faults, pouring passion into a water jug
次々 やぐらをぶっ壊してる tsugitsugi ya gura o bukkowashiteru Destroying graves one after another[5]
実行支配か 自愛の暴走か jikkou shihai ka jiai no bousou ka Is this effective control or a rampage of self-absorption?
やむを得ないと飲みこむのか yamu o enai to nomikomu no ka Will it be gulped down with a 'it just can’t be helped'?

ああ なんか疲れたな aa nanka tsukareta na Aah, I'm kinda tired
これは現実なのかな kore wa genjitsuna no kana I wonder if this is reality
ああ ほとぼり冷めたら aa hotobori sametara Aa once your remaining energy’s cooled down
ちょっと かき氷買ってきて chotto kakigoori katte kite Go buy some shaved ice-

祭りだ 祭りだヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
理不尽な監視を ひょいと潜り抜け rifujin na kanshi o hyoito kuguri nuke Swiftly slipping through the irrational surveillance
祭りだ 祭りだヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
生きづらい世界に ちょいと華添えて ikizurai sekai ni choi to hana soete Garnishing this tough-to-live world with a few flowers
あれ ボケボケボケボケ are boke boke boke boke Oh? Even though we're all idiots idiots idiots idiots
ボケボケボケボケボケなのに boke boke boke boke boke na noni Idiots idiots idiots idiots idiots
自称ツッコミばっかりで jishou tsukkomi bakkari de Seems like everyone's a self-proclaimed wise guy[6]
怖いな 怖いな 変だよ kowai na kowai na hen da yo How scary, how scary, there’s something fishy about this

好感度などデマでも崩れる ちょうちんのようにフラフラ koukando nado dema demo kuzureru chouchin no you ni furafura Favoritism and false rumors crumple, unsteady like a paper lantern
知能指数じゃ人徳測れず 綿菓子のようにフワフワ chinou shisuu ja jintoku hakarezu wata kashi no you ni fuwafuwa You can't measure EQ with IQ, fluffy like cotton candy...
さんざっぱら 忠告空回り ラリパッパじゃ 悲しみ遠回り sanzappara chuukoku karamawari raripappa ja kanashimi toomawari It's the worst- spinning your wheels ignoring warnings Getting high is nothing but a detour from your sadness
渡る世間は残酷ばかりで 簡単じゃない 狂っちまうよ もう wataru seken wa zankoku bakari de kantan janai kurucchimau yo mou The transient world is full of cruelty, it ain't simple I’m gonna lose it, jeez...

手足が縛られ 踊れなくとも teashi ga shibarare odorenaku tomo Legs and arms bound, even if you can’t dance
祭囃子は 鳴り響いている matsuribayashi wa narihibiite iru The festival band continues to resound...

祭りだ 祭りだヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
人も猫も犬も ちゃんと持ち場につけ hito mo neko mo inu mo chanto mochiba ni tsuke The people, the cats, the dogs, all of us gotta properly stick to our positions
祭りだ 祭りだヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
寝ても覚めても ずっと問題抱えて nete mo samete mo zutto mondai kakaete Whether sleeping or awake, your problems stick with you

祭りだ 祭りだ 祭りだ 祭りだ matsuri da matsuri da matsuri da matsuri da It’s a festival It’s a festival It’s a festival It’s a festival
祭りだ 祭りだ 踊れや 踊れ matsuri da matsuri da odore ya odore It’s a festival It’s a festival Now dance, dance!
祭りだ 祭りだ ヘイカモン matsuri da matsuri da hei kamon It’s a festival It’s a festival Hey come on!
生きづらい世界に ちょいと華添えて ikizurai sekai ni choi to hana soete Garnishing this tough-to-live world with a few flowers
ハレハレハレハレハレ hare hare hare hare hare If it turned into nothing but occasion after occasion occasion
ハレハレハレハレになったら hare hare hare hare ni nattara Occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion
それもしんどい どっちらけ sore mo shindoi docchirake That’d be a pain too, I guess you're screwed either way[7]
祭りだ 祭りだ 祭りだ 祭りだ 祭りだ 祭りだ matsuri da matsuri da matsuri da matsuri da matsuri da matsuri da It’s a festival It’s a festival It’s a festival It’s a festival It’s a festival
ヘイカモン ハッハ hei kamon hahha Hey come on! hah-ha!
えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha Eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha
えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ えらいこっちゃ eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha eraikoccha Eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha eraikocha

English translation by Forgetfulsubs, checked by AngelSubs

Translation Notes

  1. A mikoshi chant; the people carrying the mikoshi often shake it or chant to entertain the god within
  2. The phrase 子供だまし literally means "fooling children," but is often used as an idiom to mean "a fake so shoddily made that it would only fool children." -AngelSubs
  3. Takoyaki are octopus dumplings. The word for garnish '具' can also mean wife
  4. A mikoshi is a small portable shrine housing a god during a festival
  5. Grave is yagura- cave-tombs used in Kamakura times
  6. In Japan, there is a 2 man comedy routine called "tsukkomi and boke," where the boke makes a ridiculous/idiotic statement and the tsukkomi makes a wisecrack or other comeback: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manzai -AngelSubs
  7. ‘Hare’ and ‘Ke’ are two japanese terms- they refer to mundane days (ke), and special occasions/special exciting days (hare). That's an incredibly simple explanation- the hare-ke cycle is actually a pretty deep thing in Japanese culture so here's some reading material for anyone who's interested: https://web.uri.edu/iaics/files/05-Kazuya-Hara.pdf (Search ‘matsuri in a community’ for relevant info )


This song was featured on the following albums:

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