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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
God Song
Song title
Romaji: Kami Kyoku
Official English: God-Tier Tune
Original Upload Date
January 30, 2011
Hatsune Miku
OnyuuP (music, lyrics)
PinocchioP (arrangement, guitar mix, mastering)
Sui (video)
990,000+ (NN), 28,000+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated)


Japanese Romaji English
神曲だとか 神ゲームだとか kami kyoku da toka, kami geemu da toka An epic song? An epic game?
巷にあふれる 神のバーゲンセール chimata ni afureru kami no baagen seeru They're everywhere; must have been an epic garage sale

紙のように薄い中身かもしれないが kami no you ni usui nakami kamo shirenai ga Perhaps it's as thin a remark as the pages of an epic,
私はそんなもので救われるのですから watashi wa sonna mono de sukuwareru no desu kara But those things are what save me...

曲であったり 歌であったり kyoku de attari, uta de attari To a song, to a singer,
絵であったり 夢であったり e de attari, yume de attari To an artwork, to a dream
くだらない 森羅万象 kudaranai shinrabanshou I say "worthless" to all creation,
信じるものに救われる shinjiru mono ni sukuwareru And I'm saved by what I believe in...

神動画だとか 神番組だとか kami douga da toka, kami bangumi da toka An epic video? An epic show?
この世にあふれる 神の出血サービス kono yo ni afureru kami no shuuketsu saabisu All over the world, there's been an epic epidemic

髪のように 薄く散ってくかもしれないが kami no you ni usuku chitteku kamo shirenai ga Perhaps they're as numerous as the pages of an epic,
私はこんなもので救われるのですから watashi wa konna mono de sukuwareru no desu kara But these things are what save me...

草木だったり 砂漠だったり kusaki dattari, sabaku dattari To the plants, to the deserts,
大気だったり 水面だったり taiki dattari, minamo dattari To the air, to the water
ありふれた 森羅万象 arifureta shinrabanshou I say "commonplace" to all creation,
気がつくものに救われる ki ga tsuku mono ni sukuwareru And I'm saved by what I perceive...

神話のような英雄になれやしないけど shinwa no you na eiyuu ni nareyashinai kedo Though I may not be like the hero of an epic,
全智全能になんてなれやしないけど zenchizennou ni nante nareyashinai kedo And I may not have godly omniscience and omnipotence...

GOD じゃなくて GOOD と言われ GOD ja nakute GOOD to iware Don't say "epic," just say "good"!
誰かの救いになりたくて dareka no sukui ni naritakute Now, I want to save someone...

それは、それは―― sore wa, sore wa ―― And, so...

あなただったり 私だったり anata dattari, watashi dattari To you, to me;
君だったり 僕だったり kimi dattari, boku dattari To my dear, to myself
つまらない 奴らどうし tsumaranai yatsura doushi I say we're fellows in insignificance
救われたいし 救いたい sukuwaretai shi sukuitai I want to be saved, I want to save you...

曲つくり 歌うたい kyoku tsukuri, uta utai Write a song, sing a song,
絵を描き 夢をみて e o egaki, yume o mite Make art, have dreams
ちっぽけな 森羅万象 chippoke na shinrabanshou In our teeny little whole of creation,
今日も誰かに救われる kyou mo dareka ni sukuwareru Today, we'll be saved by someone...

English translation by vgperson


This song was featured on the following albums:

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