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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
The Snow White Princess is
Song title
Romaji: Shiroi Yuki no Purinsesu wa
English: The Snow White Princess is
Original Upload Date
February 21, 2010
Hatsune Miku
Noboru↑ (music, lyrics, video)
3,400,000+ (NN), 3,200,000+ (YT), 27,000+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast

Alternate Version

-Re:incarnation- ver
Upload date: April 20, 2024
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Noboru↑ (music, lyrics)
Noyu (illustration)
Aise Manami (video)
Funiya (special thanks)
Released on the original song's 14th anniversary.
Miku Symphony 2020 orchestral version
Upload date: 3.Feb.2021
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (instrumentalists)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
鏡よ鏡よ鏡さん kagami yo kagami yo kagami-san Mirror, mirror, Mr. Mirror,
世界で一番可愛がるのはやめてよ sekai de ichiban kawaigaru no wa yamete yo Stop this "fairest of them all".
(とげ)のような視線迫る toge no you na shisen semaru Stares like thorns come at me.

優しいフリした彼女が yasashii furi shita kanojo ga Pretending to act nice,
素敵な晩(さん)もてなさった suteki na bansan motenasatta she made a wonderful dinner.
そっと口に含むと [笑み] sotto kuchi ni fukumu to [emi] As soon as I took a bite— (she smirks)

薄れゆく意思の中で 夢を見てる usureyuku ishi no naka de yume o miteru As my will diminishes, I start having a dream.
いつかのおとぎ話 itsuka no otogibanashi A fairy tale I once read.
時が止まる toki ga tomaru Time stops.

お願い KISS で目を醒まして欲しいの onegai KISS de me o samashite hoshii no Please, I want you to wake me up with a kiss
白い棺から 連れ出すように shiroi hitsugi kara tsuredasu you ni so that you can take me out of this white casket.

突き刺さる憎しみは ドラマ的な事情 tsukisasaru nikushimi wa doramateki na jijou Piercing hatred is a dramatic state to be in.
祈っても 王子様(きみ)は まだ来ない inotte mo kimi wa mada konai Though I pray, you my prince still do not arrive.

鏡よ鏡よ鏡さん kagami yo kagami yo kagami-san Mirror, mirror, Mr. Mirror,
ネクタイ任せや 頬に挨拶するから nekutai makase ya hoho ni aisatsu suru kara by tying on your tie and giving you a peck on the cheek
(ねた)みを買われてしまった netami o kawarete shimatta I made her jealous of me.

7つの小人はいるけど nanatsu no kobito wa iru kedo There's a 7 year-old small person
助ける素振り、知らん振りね tasukeru soburi shiranpuri ne but he helps by pretending nothing's wrong.
そっと首を掴まれ [笑み] sotto kubi o tsukamare [emi] My neck is quietly being grabbed— (he smirks)

一粒の涙さえも拭えなくて hitotsubu no namida sae mo nuguenakute Unable even to wipe even a single tear,
呼吸もままならない 視界失せた kokyuu mo mamanaranai shikai useta I stopped breathing and blacked out.

消えそうだから 早く駆けて欲しいの kiesou da kara hayaku kakete hoshii no I'm about to fade away, so I want you to hurry over.
訳は聞かないで 応えられない wake wa kikanaide kotaerarenai Don't ask why, because I can't respond.

望まない憎まれは 深い愛の二乗(じじょう) nozomanai nikumare wa fukai ai no jijou The hatred I didn't want is the square of deep love.
もうすぐで いなくなるのかな mō sugu de inaku naru no kana I wonder if I soon will be gone from here.

途切れてく 命の音 togireteku inochi no oto My sounds of life are stopping.
毒リンゴを食した少女のように 眠りにつく dokuringo o shokushita shoujo no you ni nemuri ni tsuku Like the girl who ate the poison apple, I'm falling asleep.

お願い KISS で目を醒まして欲しいの onegai KISS de me o samashite hoshii no Please, I want you to wake me up with a kiss.
胸の中の声 届きますか mune no naka no koe todokimasu ka Does the voice of my heart reach you?

階段を上ったら ドアを開けるだけで kaidan o nobottara doa o akeru dake de With just going up the stairs, and opening the door,
見つかるよ mitsukaru yo you'll find me.

お願い KISS で目を醒まして欲しいの onegai KISS de me o samashite hoshii no Please, I want you to wake me up with a kiss
白い棺から 連れ出すように shiroi hitsugi kara tsuredasu you ni to bring me out of this white casket.

突き刺さる憎しみは ドラマ的な事情 tsukisasaru nikushimi wa doramateki na jijou Piercing hatred is a dramatic state to be in.
祈っても 王子様(きみ)は まだ来ない inotte mo kimi wa mada konai Though I pray, you my prince still do not arrive.

消えてしまうその前に・・・ kiete shimau sono mae ni … Before I end up fading away…

English translation by ElectricRaichu

Notable Derivatives

The Snow White Princess is
Mitani Nana's Cover
Featuring: Mitani Nana


This song was featured on the following albums:

The orchestral version of this song was featured in the following albums:

External Links

