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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Tsugai Kogarashi
Song title
(also written as つがゐこがらし)
Romaji: Tsugai Kogarashi
English: Pair of Wintry Winds
Original Upload Date
September 30, 2008
Shigotoshite-P (music, lyrics)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)

Alternate Versions

FILL e TUA arrange
Upload date: May 9, 2010
Featuring: MEIKO and KAITO
Producer(s): Shigotoshite-P (music, lyrics)
YT (auto-gen)
Tsugai kogarashi 2019
2019 version
Upload date: September 30, 2019
Featuring: MEIKO and KAITO
Producer(s): Shigotoshite-P (music, lyrics, illustration)
Tsugai Kogarashi -reboot ver-
Reboot version
Upload date: September 30, 2023
Featuring: MEIKO, KAITO, VY2, and Ken
Producer(s): Shigotoshite-P (music, lyrics, illustration)
Miku Symphony 2020 orchestral version
Upload date: 3.Feb.2021
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (instrumentalists)


Japanese Romaji English
かわいた木枯らし そよそよと kawaita kogarashi soyosoyo to A dry wintry wind is breezing gently
かわいた木の葉は ひらひらと kawaita konoha wa hirahira to and a dry withered leaf is falling lightly
相見える日を 待ちながら aimamieru hi o machi nagara Waiting for the day of reunion
刻を数え歩く toki o kazoe aruku I count time and walk along

綴る言の葉に 彩られ tsuzuru kotonoha ni irodorare Being coloured with the words they spell,
紅く色めき 刹那に踊る akaku iromeki setsuna ni odoru we turn crimson and step in a transient moment
紅葉一枚 手の平に滑り kureha ichimai tenohira ni suberi A red leaf glides down into my palm
語るは… kataru wa... and what told to us is only...

焼けた故郷に 別れを告げて yaketa kokyou ni wakare o tsugete I say goodbye to my burnt birthplace,
木の葉の手に引かれ 走り去る konoha no te ni hikare hashirisaru then I am pulled by the hand of a leaf and I run off
未だ見ぬ未来への 不安など mada minu mirai e no fuan nado No single moment allows me
感じる暇など ありもせず kanjiru itoma nado ari mo sezu to be in anxiety of the unseen future

かわいた木の葉は ひらひらと kawaita konoha wa hirahira to A dry withered leaf is falling lightly
かわいた木枯らし そよそよと kawaita kogarashi soyosoyo to and a dry wintry wind is breezing gently
繋いだ手と手を 離さずに tsunaida te to te o hanasazu ni Holding our hands lightly,
刻を数え翔ける toki o kazoe kakeru we count time and fly high

普くヒトの命 背負い amaneku hito no inochi seoi Burdening the life of many people
その小さき手で 何を紡ぐ sono chiisaki te de nani o tsumugu what does thou weave with thy small hand?
ほんの微かな 綻びに honno kasuka na hokorobi ni In this world
死ぬるこの世で shinuru kono se de where a mere frayed rip brings a doorn

信ずる道を  ただひたすらに shinzuru michi o tada hitasura ni I shall be a support for thee
歩むお前の 支えとならん ayumu omae no sasae to naran who followest the path thou believest straight
紅の剣を 携えて kurenai no tsurugi o tazusaete And bringing a crimson sword
この身 木の葉と 吹かれて行こう kono mi konoha to fukarete yukou I myself shall be taken away in winds like the leaves

戦ぐ風となりて 数多の癒しとなり soyogu kaze to narite amata no iyashi to nari I shall be a gentle wind, be a comfort for many
生きとし生ける この世の者への追い風とならん iki to shi ikeru kono se no mono e no oikaze to naran And be an aiding wind for all living in this world

紅、黄金に 彩られ kurenai ougon ni irodorare There the leaf taking along the withered leaves
揺れる樹々たち 横切りながら yureru kigitachi yokogiri nagara and the paired up windy winds
枯れ葉 共に 道連れに kareha tomo ni michizure ni Being embraced by the red and gold
翔け抜ける 木の葉と つがゐこがらし kakenukeru konoha to tsugai kogarashi and passing through the swaying trees, they are flying high

擦れさざめく 木の葉と共に kosure sazameku konoha to tomo ni There the rustling leaf
翔ける一陣の 風と共に kakeru ichijin no kaze to tomo ni and the gust of wind flying high
留まる事なく 直走る todomaru koto naku hitahashiru They are the dry songs and the paired up windy winds
かわいた唄と つがゐこがらし kawaita uta to tsugai kogarashi that are running straight without rest

English translation by Damesukekun


THis song was featured on the following albums:

The FILL e TUA arrangement was featured on the following album:

The orchestral version of this song was featured in the following albums:

External Links

