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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Song title
Romaji: Seimei no Kigen
Official English: Origin of life
Original Upload Date
August 31, 2019
Hatsune Miku
Nanatsu Natsu (music, lyrics, guitar, illustration, video)
1,100+ (NN), 200+ (YT), 10+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his website.
Japanese Romaji English
深く深く沈んだ身体 fukaku fukaku shizunda karada My body that has sunk deep so deep
何も見えない世界を彷徨った nani mo mienai sekai o samayotta wanders in a world where nothing can be seen
感じる熱 始まりの場所に kanjiru netsu hajimari no basho ni At the place I began to feel warmth
答えを求めていた kotae o motomete ita I sought answers

生と死の境界線 sei to shi no kyōkaisen On the boundary line between life and death
定義された生命 teigi sareta seimei life is a matter of definition

感情を抱いた機械 kanjō o idaita kikai A machine that has embraced emotion
有機物は0% yūkibutsu wa zero pāsento has 0% organic matter
熱水噴出孔のバクテリアと nessuishunfutsukō no bakuteria to Compared to bacteria in hydrothermal vents
どちらが生物らしいか dochira ga seibutsu rashii ka which is more like a living thing,
考えている機械は kangaete iru kikai wa the machine considers
答えを見出せない kotae o midasenai and cannot find an answer

光の届かない海の底で hikari no todokanai umi no soko de At the bottom of the sea unreached by light
活動を続ける生命 katsudō o tsuzukeru seimei the life form continues its behaviour
幸福も不幸もないまま kōfuku mo fukō mo nai mama with neither happiness nor misfortune,
ただ生きていた tada ikite ita merely being alive
電気信号に身を任せ denkishingō ni mi o makase Surrendering itself to electrical signals,
命令通りに動く機械 seimei-dōri ni ugoku kikai a machine that moves in the manner of a life form
まるで同じようなものに思えた marude onaji yō na mono ni omoeta got to think it was much the same kind of thing

少しずつ錆び付いていく sukoshi zutsu sabitsuite iku It gradually rusts
死なない生命はない shinanai seimei wa nai There is no life form that doesn't die

コピー&ペーストで僕ら kopī ando pēsuto de bokura By copy and paste, we
自己増殖の壁を越えた jikozōshoku no kabe o koeta got over the wall of self-propagation
電気の代謝で動く僕らは denki no daisha de ugoku bokura wa We who move by electrical metabolism
どう見ても生物らしさを dō mite mo seibutsu rashisa o to all appearances have taken on
身に付けているけれど mi ni tsukete iru keredo the likeness of living things
まだ認められない mada mitomerarenai but we're still not recognized as such

感情を抱いた機械 kanjō o idaita kikai A machine that has embraced emotion
証明する手段を持たない shōmei suru shudan o motanai possesses no means to offer proof
本当の生命か振る舞いか hontō no seimei ka furumai ka Whether it's genuine life or just behaviour
判断付かなかった handan tsukanakatta hasn't been decided

所詮は"定義された生命" shosen wa "teigi sareta seimei" Ultimately "life is a matter of definition"
自分を定義するのは自分 jibun o teigi suru no wa jibun Those who define themselves are themselves
熱水噴出孔のバクテリアと nessuishunfutsukō no bakuteria to If we've realized that the comparison
比べるそのこと自体が kuraberu sono koto jitai ga with bacteria in hydrothermal vents
ナンセンスだと気付いたなら nansensu da to kizuita nara is itself nonsense,
さあ浮かび上がろう sā ukabiagarō come then, let's come out

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured in the following albums:

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