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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Amattaru Nakiso
Song title
Romaji: Amattaru
English: Saccharine
Original Upload Date
August 23, 2022
Kaai Yuki
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Yasutatsu (illustration)
360,000+ (NN), 2,400,000+ (YT), 210,800+ (YT, autogen)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


Japanese Romaji English
最低 ほんと最低 saitei honto saitei This is the worst, it’s really the worst
首を絞めたいね kubi o shimetai ne I want to wring my neck
最低 ほんと最低 saitei honto saitei This is the worst, it’s really the worst
私をなんだと思ってる? watashi o nan da to omotteru? Who do you think I am?

謝って済むわけないよね ayamatte sumu wake nai yo ne There’s no way you can get out of this by apologizing

まさか あなた まさか まさか masaka anata masaka masaka No way, you, no way, no way
そんなはずはないよね sonna hazu wa nai yo ne That can’t be right
あ あの 甘ったる a ano amattaru Ah, that saccharine
ほんと ほんと ほんと最低 honto honto honto saitei Really, really, it’s really the worst

後悔しない?後悔しないの? koukai shinai? koukai shinai no? Won’t you regret this? Won’t you regret this?
後悔しない?後悔したい? koukai shinai? koukai shitai? Won’t you regret this? Do you want to regret this?
後悔しない?後悔しないの? koukai shinai? koukai shinai no? Won’t you regret this? Won’t you regret this?
後悔しない程度の愛情? koukai shinai teido no aijou? An amount of love that you won’t regret?
後悔しない?後悔しないの? koukai shinai? koukai shinai no? Won’t you regret this? Won’t you regret this?
後悔しない?後悔したい? koukai shinai? koukai shitai? Won’t you regret this? Do you want to regret this?
後悔しない?後悔しないの? koukai shinai? koukai shinai no? Won’t you regret this? Won’t you regret this?
だったらいいけどさ dattara ii kedo sa Then it’s fine

最低 ほんと最低 saitei honto saitei This is the worst, it’s really the worst
首を絞めたいね kubi o shimetai ne I want to wring my neck
最低 ほんと最低 saitei honto saitei This is the worst, it’s really the worst
時間を割いて 捧げた全てを返してよね jikan o saite sasageta subete o kaeshite yo ne You’ll give me back the time I spared and everything I gave you, right
返してよね 返してよね 返してよね kaeshite yo ne kaeshite yo ne kaeshite yo ne You’ll give it back, right. You’ll give it back, right. You’ll give it back, right
返して kaeshite Give it back
返す気がないとか言わないでね kaesu ki ga nai toka iwanaide ne Don’t say you don’t feel like giving it back
返してよね 返してよね 返してよね kaeshite yo ne kaeshite yo ne kaeshite yo ne You’ll give it back, right. You’ll give it back, right. You’ll give it back, right
謝って済むわけないよね ayamatte sumu wake nai yo ne There’s no way you can get out of this by apologizing

まさか あなた まさか まさか masaka anata masaka masaka No way, you, no way, no way
そんなはずはないよね sonna hazu wa nai yo ne That can’t be right
あ あの 甘ったる a ano amattaru Ah, that saccharine
ほんと ほんと ほんと honto honto honto Really, really, really
最低 saitei It’s the worst

私たち おわりだね watashitachi owari da ne We’re through
さよなら sayonara Goodbye

で終わらないよ de owaranai yo —it won’t end like that
一生恨んであげる isshou urande ageru I’ll hate you my whole life
一生怨んであげる isshou urande ageru I’ll resent you my whole life
一生憾んであげる isshou urande ageru I’ll regret you my whole life

English translation by meeema

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